Friday, October 29, 2010

deer flies Hunhunee freshman that year

 A deer flies Hunhunee freshman that year, a few test scores are not ideal, is not her goal is to get scholarships, is to let their transcripts prettier. So in order to achieve a little bit, the last month of freshman year, she soaked in the library and read every day, information search, meditation reviewed. attitude to spare everyone the same quarters exclaimed read. was in June The day was hot and air-conditioned library, for deer, it can not only homework, but also the summer, really serve two purposes, then went to a more diligent.

holding a pile of books, into the Library, will see his face in the mirror, she wore a white dress, her hair tied high in a ponytail, fair complexion, eyes calm, immediately for their own blush the idea, how it can be ashamed.

walk in the reading room, the deer will feel the eyes from all directions come together, mostly boys. She had some uncomfortable, secondary school, she wore dark makeup school uniform every day in the campus shuttle, the same as wearing a cloak, can not attract attention, but to the university, she will wear the clothes fit their temperament, she will get a clean and comfortable dress, actually there is no small second glance. have been proud of, but not habit, fear of embarrassing themselves in front of everyone, such as sneezing, the appearance of the appearance of dozing, eating ribs look like, If those boys were panoramic view, that the more embarrassing.

in the reading room, the deer have received to the paper delivery boys, but they pull back. because there is no love at first sight, she said. Moreover, she is not too fond of the library as a place of love occurs, frail man, she is not too fond of boys, she hoped that the time in sports or outing to meet the arrival of love.

day nine at night, away from the view room an hour before closing, the deer came out holding the laptop, want to go to late night. She went to the library parking lot entrance to take a bike, but found their bikes and other vehicles are a lock ring to lock together. God , while her hands get cold, how this can do, this car is by roommate, to intact is also back. school 丢车 a common occurrence. fawn not dare leave their cars to late night, I knew that do not ask her to lend the car, walk from the dorm to the library will be twenty minutes, the deer regret not cope.

no recourse but to wait for the sad sack came. one-half of her ass the back seat on the bike, holding a pile of books, watching the stars, the way to your heart, is also silently curse the careless ghost.

such a long time, the deer's leg a lot of mosquito bites block, uncomfortable itching, regardless of ladies had the image, leaned over, straining grasp, grasp the leg a lot more red marks section. fawn could not help but Xiang Maren, who had not too much social morality, the first car and the people their own lock in together, and then the delay does not appear. deer feel at this moment can be applied to a line on TV: Well, if you do not appear, it is dead. can really wait until then hacked in pieces of person appears, the deer but dared not speak hard words, is a thin but very energetic boys sports.

More importantly stomach gurgling whining and more! Moreover, this person looks Lianshu, it is estimated it is also a frequent visitor to libraries. To make the deer did not guard, he took out a library card to the deer to see the Mathematics Department of weeks, and a deer level.

sitting near the school that the new KFC open, deer, and he sat side by side in the window seat, you can see the scenery outside, even though outside it was dark, has no scenery to speak of, but They say nothing is better than sitting face to face much better. fawn carefully half the usual rate of nibbling hamburger. corner of my eye to see weeks, he is attentive gnawing giant, evidently hungry the.

He said his favorite chicken, deer heard these words, his eyes look strange flash exposed to such a sentence, lessen the distance. he most like to eat chicken, That night, she has been reading about in the heart.


without Xujia Ming SMS, life will calm water deer. He and smooth the feelings of weeks into the third year, the occasional fight, quarrel, but could not pass the day will be good again, they have set a rule: after a fight must be in good within 24 hours and not allowed the Cold War. Who would have thought, in that early summer evening, you will receive a strange number of sent to the message: I Xujia Ming. themselves do not like fat and short, like only the ball, the striking end of the world that her sentence is coming out! front seat of the boys asked her one day and carefully; is important because access to praise and keep them coming back is always the girl with the most skin care products. It is said that beautiful girls in the class often become the boys turn off the lights at night, the topic of lying, and handsome boys are girls are usually caused by large dB screaming goals, such as Xu Jiaming.

Xujia Ming is the only one on campus will cause noise wherever the boys. He took the Mathematical Olympiad Award, he won the International Invention Award, he received over the National Ten good good boy of the title, his name and photo on newspapers big and small. These are not surprising, most people blush, his last in high school sports took a 100-meter sprint champion, wind and running look captured the hearts of all men, since the more the but yet so true every day in the campus.

deer and unusual little girls were, naturally infatuated with him,UGGs, often tends to walk around in the corridor, looking forward, and his unexpected opportunities. In fact, you really want to meet, with an estimated Xu Jiaming not notice her, she is too common. be deer or wandering in the hallway every day, claiming
and Xu Jiaming intersect farmers in the High School days of school. that week, a day bus ride to the forest park big weeding. fawn weeding did not do this live, pick up the sickle to botch, and the side and chat with the girls beside her work, with one mind the consequences that her hand was accidentally cut his sickle, although only a very small wound, even the heart which can be fingers, pain and her tears cross-flow, body next to the screaming girls, teachers and students who heard about, including the work of Xu Jiaming in the vicinity. teachers there are not kits, Xu Jiaming deer stand took mineral water wash the wound, and then Band-Aid to help out Bondi She paste, soft and delicate. fawn looked at his sweaty face, of eyes looking at him and forget the pain, my heart thump violently. it is that moment so that the deer found it fascinating. Her fascination than the reasons a more ordinary girls, that is so so so good Xujia Ming had her fingers to safeguard them.

heard the mother had been asking them to think about Xu Jiaming family recipes, hope that their children could eat into a genius. Xujia Ming's mother, said Xu Jiaming most like to eat chicken, chicken wings, chicken feet, chicken thighs, salt and pepper, stewed, pickled, brine tank, the same kind of get over. deer and not the same as other students, they heard the chicken to suffer a great deal, but only she fell in love with the chicken.

injured in that incident, but it seems, the deer and Xu Jiaming her fate have been exhausted, and they never intersect, until graduation. Think Xu Jiaming after graduation is difficult to see, and deer to hurt terribly, Xu Jiaming to Beijing, and by the Q big early admission, and all the professional with his pick, he picked the car, that is like. deer after the end of brewing in the college entrance examination All the emotions, wrote a letter of wind up to 8 pages can last a thick pad of paper again from the envelope and took out only in a long line of small cards written word, to the post office to send a registered letter. graduation day, see the guard at the blackboard read,
However, Xu Jiaming not keep the appointment.


and Xu Jiaming of the meeting so that deer sleep all night.

Xu Jiaming the message he had received only half a day after the stunned reply : OK, time to set your location. She never asked him in the end is not that man of Xu Jiaming school, she did not ask him why he would suddenly come up. These are not important. It is important, what you see Xu Jiaming it ? she had not then that Xiao Panmei, and body symmetry, a good face Jiao Zhou often called her little beauty. can think of is to see the young girl's idol Xu Jiaming, deer do not become super self-confidence up. the sky was later, the mall should be almost closed the door, it was too late to buy new clothes, home, the first thing that all the clothes out from the closet, take a piece on the body gestures, and behold pieces more suitable. finally determine the hook wearing a pale pink flower dress, flower Trojan brand of clothing has always been a favorite deer, especially girls wore gas. She does not like the dress too mature, and his mind because of inconsistent , may be too dim own girlhood, and she wanted to have those days again.

to 12 o'clock toss asleep, tossing and turning, could not sleep. do not know what has now become a Xujia Ming , how he found me on it, he would talk with me, and what? deer close your eyes and begin to think these problems. stumbled over a long time before sleep, wake up, a mirror, his face frighteningly poor, God, how to see people? So do a Water mask and eye mask, makeup of the point, it looks better.

Xu Jiaming about the deer living in the Griddle is a chicken's good place, Xu Jiaming taste has not changed. deer out of school, when Xu Jiaming send text messages to her said to have arrived, but told her not to worry,bailey UGG boots, his first look at the menu. fawn with Ben run with five minutes of the appointed time finally to She knows the boys engage in technology hate the concept of no time, she did not want to leave him a bad impression.

met on the street if it is, the path will not recognize Xu Jiaming. He has faded Little boys look like, the people long opened, is a big boy, and black, also lost a very clear outline of the face, the skin of some rough than before, the climate is estimated that the north is bad, but still handsome, and very a gentleman will take the initiative for the deer kicked a chair, pour drinks, soup, deer like the boy at heart, and his eyes met the eyes, the deer still blush feeling.

know my phone number? It will come to contact her.

and overweight children are single so far, because the girls Tsinghua meager. He also told a joke with great interest, he said one day, he and his little fat man queuing to buy the casserole in the cafeteria, eating a lot of people during the peak, the team very long, suddenly there was a girl ran up to ask to buy the casserole is not to separate queues of men and women. Xujia Ming and overweight children Dangshi almost Xiaocha Qi, looking back, line up are boys, girls will wonder misunderstanding. enough to be seen, Q large the boys are so great that girls is too tight.

deer Puchi laughed.

pursuit of you. less, so I would miss high school. That summer after the college entrance examination, it be nice?


week signed a foreign company, not a formal graduation, he was the boss called to work, and more recently was sent to Japan on business two weeks. weeks of long-distance call each night promptly at nine, and Xu Jiaming see things, the deer did not tell weeks.

the past, the deer are always unavoidably to report daily to weekly life, such as the morning get up, what to eat lunch, how about doing a nightmare and so on. This time, deliberately concealed.

Xu Jiaming stay with her for dinner every day. He said his father Mom went to Hong Kong travel, leaving behind him a man, nobody did not care for a person to eat too boring, too many people have the appetite. He knew the deer had been locked himself in the eat or sleep in the Internet, reading books, hungry to those days, the lessons of her, how could you abuse your own body do?

their grievances, this way, the week is automatically defeated, he was distressed deer's body. He said that if the two were married in the future, the deer's body is one of his property, he allowed the deer ahead of overdrafts. Listen up some high-handed, can be overbearing like deer.

Xu Jiaming every day after work, riding to the deer from the company school, then take her out to dinner, after dinner walk will go to Amoy some discs. because the two people became familiar, and will no longer headache where to eat, where can eat, even in the shabby little shop will be happy to eat 麻辣烫. Xujia Ming and the deer are not picky eaters, so eat very readily, hot pot, Sichuan, Hunan, Hangzhou cuisine, chicken, Mala Tang, rice, noodles, they are eaten together. Xujia Ming insisted he asked, can the deer would not, after all, he is also not working, no income, so the two AA system .

Where you take note of the good, and then call me so I'm back soon. fumes, so in this life are not allowed to her under the kitchen. Whenever the girls hear the words, will the envy of the deer, the deer have been coursing through my boyfriend and competent and considerate. But why, in the Xujia Ming before, she does not want to mention Week do?


day, Xu Jiaming about the door she met in high school campus,UGG boots cheap, things that are very special.

After high school, the deer have not come back alma mater, seems to have no reason to send her away, and that the guard is very strict control, simply do not allow outsiders to enter. Xujia Ming will be about the deer did not expect to meet her here.

student card, get in the. , what you buy off him? sent his female admirers, enough for him to eat a few months, and said he brought the whole class hospitality.

Xujia Ming and the deer walk around freely in the campus, good night, very quiet, this When his classmates were on the night self-study. the school changed little, but very good green, artificial lakes have dug even wider, the road is more spacious. went to the playground, Xu Jiaming recommendations to the flag on stage to sit for a while. Xujia Ming When many times the glorious flag in hand, when the deer is the vanguard of the ranks Guangbo Cao, one can see Xu Jiaming, a respected but also admired.

My high school years have been a desire, that is, when a return to the glorious flag raisers. the two small square cakes, blueberry and chocolate flavors.

napkins and a bag, nothing to give as gifts, and then look at your phone, Tintin Dangdang hung above the small things,UGG boots, bought a few days before the new joint will be moving pink bear is her favorite, she to work it down, and then asked to discuss Xu Jiaming phone hung.

'Deer embarrassed.

taste. Sitting on the playground, eating cake, watching the people around the deer with emotion, time flies so fast, blink of an eye has been four years out of high school. Age of innocence long gone, but why at the moment of the year found himself feeling a trace of it?

out of the campus, Xu Jiaming homeopathic hand pull the deer, the deer did not break free, let him hold, if not the night heavy, Xu Jiaming should be able to see the deer red in the face looks like.

deer back to the hostel, have been ten points, while the week has been nine long-distance telephone calling. She look at their phones, as set mute, did not hear a lot of phone is definitely calling week, he must hurry bad. She opened the computer and the Internet prepared to receive, see the week's MAIL, he said today is the third anniversary of their understanding, and hope every year can stand by her side today.

the night, deer and sleep.


deer prefer overweight children did not tell her Xujia Ming's girlfriend has been looking for him.

overweight children met online by chance, in fact, did not speak before, but because Xu Jiaming reason, the deer approached him in a word, would like to inquire about the situation in some Xujia Ming in Beijing, this know, the original Xujia Ming to Shanghai , used another SIM card, his girlfriend found him, and he has never taken the initiative to contact other people, people almost frantic. Overweight children take care of the deer again, if met Xu Jiaming, be sure to let him make a phone call to the girlfriend.

and overweight children do not know how to say goodbye, like a deer's heart was torn last words were, pain is pain. Xu Jiaming the same along a girlfriend for three years, feeling very stable, good to discuss with the finished masters abroad. But why would he deliberately conceal it? Moreover, overweight children, said Xu Jiaming deer cell phone number is going to take the initiative, and do not know why.

deer Xujia Ming sent a message to let him contact his girlfriend, then she attached a few days off the phone, the organization participated in the squad graduation trip. Very full itinerary, the deer did not have time during the day and cranky, but one night of insomnia, and she can not hear the nostalgic songs, one is to weep. Because graduate and all have sad feelings, their emotions more intense that some of the deer, he did not care. Only the deer know that her emotions come from.

back from Nanjing, open the phone and found text messages after another has been Xujia Ming. He said he wrote a MAIL to her, please be sure to contact him after reading MAIL. He is to explain? Deer like a long time, tap the mouse, point to open a letter from Xu Jiaming. He said that the old order a few days ago and found a card addressed to him is the deer, about the day after graduation he went to KFC to eat lunch. He added that after the card was received in a folder in Classmates, originally thought to be punctual for appointments, but that night, the most loved childhood death of his grandmother, and they arrived at the outskirts of a night grandma. He had done it, because the deer did not leave any contact details, he could not tell her. Later, he became forgotten, after all, before he had received the invitation of many girls, it is not so pay attention. Later, he went to college, talked about his girlfriend, this card is thrown behind the. If not for the grown up, learned to nostalgia, and not finishing the old thing, if not finishing the old objects, he does not turn this card, but since the turn, and my heart is hard to avoid volatility, he went to high school alumni records, a class to find a class, write the card finally found the deer. See photos of deer Minzui smile, he upset them, and this is the girl he likes, but he missed the appointment. He met the deer is to make the hearts of regret. If the clock back, even missed the appointment, he would find the deer through various channels. End of the letter, he asked the deer, he also qualified to like her?

deer asked myself, she still eligible to receive him like that?


deer promised Xu Jiaming, she must be punctual for appointments. Dating four years ago, because Xujia Ming missed the sudden death of my grandmother, four years after the date postponed to this day, the time is still five pm near the school site is still Kentucky.

deer home, rummaging through to find high school uniform, white shirt, navy blue skirt, black doll shoes, some wore loose, then a small Pangniu have ever stayed in in the past. She dressed to go out, the mother looked at her strangely, she said, reunions squad leader asked us to wear so she lied, she had her mother not to lie.

point, the deer had been to school, the porter making up the old man to leave the deer as a student, put her into it. Deer is very timid, although wearing the same uniforms, but she has no smooth forehead, has no clear eyes, and she in the end is not high school students had.

she walked inside the school, thought the total was like to watch Xu Jiaming running, the appearance of hair thrown up and looks beautiful, I think of secretly mail the card into the moment, as if the heartbeat can clearly hear the sound, think and Xu Jiaming stands in the playground with the cake, the sweet lips taste seems to leave.

four points coming when the weather suddenly overcast, and crashed it began to rain. Fortunately, with a beach umbrella, or else the storm raging, no one will be all wet bar. Remember one time, and weeks of arguing, the two people standing on the street, just looking for a star of the problem is, now think of it is really boring, but for this, but had an argument, could not come. A sudden rain, rain go weeks dragging the deer, but deer have to make him the first to apologize, Zhou refused, so he continued stalemate in the rain. Rain harder and harder, finally just-week carry the deer away. Pedestrians on the road at their ceremony with eyes, deer die of shame was real. But this moment to think of it, very warm inside.

weeks. Only love. Before long.

deer out of the campus, stopped a taxi, the driver said: gadgets, including her favorite HELLO KITTY doll.

car radio sounded a song, the deer could not help but want to shed tears listening to, is Chiang, Mei Chi, Xu good

phase are flashing yellow stationery that is youthful verse


No wonder, then read the heart if you will jump

also remember that it may be a wonderful

earlier letters to you so that we go throw away

you have less you have elsewhere have been
< br> five points, Xu Jiaming time in the KFC near the school, he was wearing high school uniforms, white shirts, navy pants, and black sandals. Clothes seem small, long after his college high a lot. He stood in the doorway, to find the deer in the crowd. But this time, the deer stood me.

time can not turn the clock back, even if the back, Xu Jiaming must also recognize the deer, when the queen wearing her school uniform, hair a mess, makeup, the heart has little sense of inferiority. Unfortunately, it is deer, not that is Xujia Ming regret.

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