Sunday, October 17, 2010

Child emotion regulation ability

 Any teacher education and hope that their objects of study to become healthy subjects. What is a Health is not simply more equipped physically, mentally, to should have a good state of mind. The signs are positive emotions of students, reflecting the modest mood. Psychological research shows that: accumulation will lead to a person's mental disorder, a serious cause disease. Especially in the current, accelerate the pace of people's lives, the only child parents often attend due to work or other reasons the child's psychological and emotional changes, some families in education, there are many problems, and so worrying phenomenon, which will affect the children's psychological and emotional. The recent research also shows that: In recent years there in the psychological and emotional development of children in the deviation of the phenomenon, a considerable part of the emotional self-control ability children is declining, leading to the child's birth and development of mental illness. Emotion regulation ability is one of the important qualities of emotional intelligence, this ability can promptly get rid of negative emotions, maintain a positive state of mind. Early childhood is the golden period of emotional education, help children to form an initial capacity of emotion regulation is one of the goals of education early childhood emotional, but also an important part of emotional education children. Therefore, we must attach great importance to develop children's mental and emotional self-regulatory capacity.

initial emotion regulation ability of young children mainly in two aspects: one for the children to show their emotions on the part of people may have adverse effects on emotional impulses properly regulated, such as the child's willfulness , aggression and other emotions in the proper regulation and control; the other hand, the performance of the children properly regulate emotions, and often encouraged to keep their happy pleasant state of mind. The emotional control in a range of age appropriate, to promote the healthy emotional development. In recent years, according to my educational experience and practice, I think the following aspects of the strategy adopted to develop children's self-regulatory capacity.

First, the creation of scenarios to develop children's emotional regulatory capacity

(a), to love and educating people, creating a good emotional control scenarios

Generally speaking, children are access to care in school, respect and a safe environment of psychological needs, and only when these needs are satisfied, they will produce a good psychological feeling, to form a positive emotional experience. This is the conscious regulation of child care can be the psychological basis of emotional self. When child care is the kind of frustration, discrimination, the environment, they will have a negative state of mind and emotions. Every child is eager to love and be loved, this is the psychological needs of their growing is the basic point of their initial formation of personality, therefore, in kindergarten, we have to create conditions so that every child all have a great love, was accepted psychological feelings. To this end, teachers should first concern, understanding, respect, equality, impartiality contacts with all children, so that all children have such a feeling: things: one, I organized the children playing he actually cried. At this time, I did not immediately criticized him, but picked up the child, put him in the dust a clean shot, then he gradually calmed down. Only said loudly: The child's mood quickly calm because he's behavior is the teacher's wide

tolerance and compassion, especially those especially naughty children, teachers need to understand. Therefore, in our dealings with children, teachers use the affective interaction to carry out activities to avoid mandatory interaction. For example, when children want to tell something to the teacher, the teacher should hold up the child, or yourself to squat down, with the affinity of the eye, watched children, and language support by encouraging children to tell, this makes them feel their received attention to tell the teacher. Mentioned above, after the child in the afternoon, I asked him, he was shooting the ball, I play with him for a while, then knelt down, touched his head and asked with concern: not happy ah? concerned about the lonely hearts out of balance. So I put the other boys called up and said to them: up: As a teacher should do a heart, in every interaction between teachers and students, should care for the psychological needs of each child, the child's psychological understanding of feelings, as far as possible for each child to create a good psychological environment for the cultivation of a sense of their emotions regulatory capacity.

child psychology tells us: experience the joy of success, so that the child will have a lasting pleasant emotions, such as the layout angle class life, was originally arranged by the teachers, one person, then we gradually developed to let the children involved in the deployment, the last corner trying to get children to become life master, and now, before each arrangement, the children brought a lot of crops, and made many recommendations, in accordance with their wishes, the layout of the surrounding environment very beautiful. Children achieve self-worth from feeling and experience the joy of self-creation.

(b) to the situation and moving, emotional self-control training children

emotional infectious and migration functions, the laws it has spread, only demands that we learn to love educating people with passion and moving, so as to foster children to play emotional self-control goals.

Psychological research shows that: when a person is able to detect, identify their emotions, to understand the source of emotion, when will it be possible to appropriate strategies to regulate their bad moods. So how to help children perceive their own emotions change? I mainly to help the children aware of their emotions as a breakthrough, the child familiar with the emotions from everyday language, facial expressions, body movements start. For example: In carrying out activities, help children wind blows, through the observation of different facial expressions, body posture, let the children talk about what this expression, movement, reflecting the mood, think about what the scenario will appear himself or others this expression. We also according to the teaching content or emergency events, use or create certain scenarios, so that children perceive it in such a scenario the emotional state and thinking accordingly. For example: In some children do wrong, what kind of future? Feelings of why they have such feelings and so on.

order to improve children's ability to correctly understand their own emotions, we should also help children understand some not yet revealed, but he is currently unhappy feelings and other emotions, in order to improve their ability to perceive their own emotions. For example: One time, ready to organize the students in our class outing, there was a child because the parents will be going to Shanghai to work along with his parents to transfer him to come along, we are about to start when the children come to me with regret I squatted down and asked him: I said: outing together, okay? Children happy. Normally, when the child unhappy, always like to find an excuse to provoke the other students, but on this day he met such an unpleasant thing, because of our ease, he quickly resolve the unpleasant emotions, his attitude great changes.

Second, the situation known interaction, improve children's emotional regulation capacity

emotions and people just mutual restraint, mutual promotion, on the one hand, the emergence of cognitive and emotional development to provide a rational basis for , the more profound cognitive, emotional, and the more profound, whereas the more superficial emotions, cognitive errors reflect on the emotions can lead to errors. On the other hand emotion regulation on cognitive and catalytic role. Therefore, teachers should be based on conditions known laws of interaction, the emotional stability of students, young children can gradually learn to control their emotions.

(a), to help children better reflect the situation trigger emotional understanding of their emotions to improve the regulatory capacity of

we all know, children reflect the strength and lasting emotional level, often depends on reflect the situation can trigger emotional understanding. Thus, emotional self-regulation in the training capacity of children, we need to guide children to a correct understanding of the situation,UGG boots cheap, this will effectively help children learn to adjust their emotions. For example, a family divorce child, to realize that this child is raised by the court awarded the man, therefore, the child followed his father into the field, and later, his mother found the former husband of the kids do not care, do not care and, therefore, Children from the field to the back, nearly a year since the child is not kindergarten. Therefore, in many ways he can not keep up the other children, a relatively strong inferiority complex, often seems preoccupied, and the other students seemed very strange, do not play with other students. We chat with him, called for example, pointing to a small pine tree said to him: adapt to the environment, he moved back, you say, a small pine tree chase the other two small pine tree, he is not tough? You say a small pine tree has always been bad? : Through this conversation, the children learn in the classroom and other activities become particularly active, I continue to use the eyes and words of encouragement on him, so he quickly from setbacks came out of the shadows, all aspects have achieved very good results, but also cheerful personality, and personal emotions are in good condition.

Similarly, for those large classes of children, to teach them to learn to care learn to get along, be empathetic,UGG boots clearance, to adjust their thinking to match the mood. One parent told me this one thing: the parents of the students was invited to participate in the gathering, but his children because his mother did not accompany him to play and to get angry, and used to threaten not to eat. The parents of the children, said: Ye Hao friends not seen for a long time, and now they come, you say the mother should not go ah? Go, I also big. Of course, reflects the emotional triggers of the child's understanding of the scene can be achieved through multi-channel, multi-channel to achieve. Such as imitation, trial and launch conditions, and other methods.

(b), to help children learn appropriate ways to express their negative emotions

all children will encounter in life learning things do not go well and negative emotions, which is actually is part of growing children. As teachers, our task is not blind repression requires children to control their negative emotions, but to help them learn on their own and others did not choose the ways and means to ease the hurt and give vent to such negative emotions.

If a person to maintain good mental health status, then he put his own emotions through a variety of ways to express, vent it is very important. In educational practice, we said that by having children out of the way to ease the psychological pressure on children provided the opportunity for children to teachers, students tell their own feelings as a way to guide children to express their feelings of depression. Such as: early childhood because of a dispute arising companions anger, sadness and other negative emotions, the teacher should support and encourage their full time to express their feelings, patience to listen to their explanation of the dispute and allow them to vent their grievances, sadness rather than to criticize and blame the children's emotional repression, which is conducive to children Jishi emotional catharsis, a calm state of mind to face the conflicts and the reality, and teachers to actively seek solutions to the problem.

ease children's negative emotions is diverse, through sports, art, games, singing and other forms of child care to ease, relieve negative emotions, or transfer them more, their attention to learning up.

(c) to help children develop positive emotions and encourage them to negative emotions into positive emotions consciously

in early childhood education, teachers have a sense of optimism to guide children to treat themselves and others, to find the strengths of others, a positive way of looking at, evaluating others, and made things, to discover their own inadequacies. Contradictions in the children's daily found that children often are not self-evaluation, both think the other is wrong, and that they are once a week a good selection of baby activities, teachers give each child the opportunity to give advice, tell their own reasons, to guide students to objectively evaluate their own and others, from others who find a defect, When children are feeling relatively low general articles, the teacher can carry out the Remember For this phenomenon we carried out a Through this event we all know a little knowledge about SARS, to understand if we take active preventive measures, SARS, in fact, nothing to fear. In this way the children resumed the usual emotions, without talking about Confidence against the child's emotional response, we will use in a positive way to encourage children to face the difficulties, with an optimistic attitude towards the problems encountered in learning, so children who will always maintain a positive mood upward trend.

three homes simultaneously, foster children's emotional regulatory capacity

is a bond between families as a link in the form of a special form of social composition. Between parents and children have a special emotional relationship, the family is the child's first school, one of life's emotions acquisition Head Start is the most beautiful of human emotions the most abundant resource is located. Occurs from the individual emotional point of view, children of parents caress emotions originated in a warm atmosphere and the influence of family, good family emotional atmosphere is the child's emotion regulation ability of the initial formation of an important condition. In general, children in the family, especially in front of their parents more apt to express their emotions and feelings, whether joyful or sad, happy or gloomy, will be shown at any time. This shows that to some extent children in families whose emotions are not suppressed, is free-spirited, and the reason is that special family feeling atmosphere. Between parents and children so that blood affection between parents and children have a higher affinity, the child's emotional expression (mainly negative emotions) generally will not incur penalties or other serious consequences. Children in the social atmosphere in emotional expression will be inhibited to some extent, no reason to vent their emotions are vulnerable to punishment or negative evaluations, such as teachers, critics, partners left him. Next, the child interacting with others in the process will inevitably produce some negative sentiment, sometimes because of fear of punishment or for authority figures such as teachers in front of the control, children are often the mood back home to the backlog, to vent their parents, so he (her) some sort of delicate emotional balance. Some people often encounter situations in which children often because of some trivial little things and trying to find fault with their parents, and wailed, I am afraid there are reasons for this. That is why we should give full play to emotion regulation ability of the family in the child's special role in the formation, the creation of good family emotional atmosphere, let the children in the nurture of the practice and experience the natural feelings of emotional regulation in the formation of the initial capacity.

(a), to create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere of the family feeling is to help children form an important guarantee for emotion regulation ability

kinship family is linked to the emotional bonds of community, each family has its particular emotional atmosphere, showing a stable within the family, typically, the dominant emotional state. Parents are important subjects of the family emotional atmosphere and creators in the process of creating an environment, we must first properly handle the relationship between the parents. If the parents can be mutual respect and love, harmony, good at handling their emotions and behave as much as possible happy, joy, optimism, not only makes a child living in a warm family atmosphere, have concern and care, access to love and respect experience, a good mood, positive emotions produce active and progressive, but also provides for children to handle negative emotions example, children with learning, emotional, understanding emotions and deal with the subtle influence mood, which is to train child care capacity of the initial premise of emotional control. If you frequent quarrels between the parents, family tensions, children can easily produce anxiety, inferiority, fear and other negative emotions. This is not conducive to children's emotional regulation capacity of the initial formation of the passage of time will also affect the child's mental health. Emotional atmosphere of the family is the parent-child relationship is another form, namely the relationship between parents and children. Children exposed to parent-child relationship is the first relationship. Parent-child relationship may give children with learning, emotional discord caused unexpected difficulties, and even lead to their grown up poor emotional control. In the majority of family life, parent-child relationship has obvious inequality, it is clear parents will always be in a dominant position, in real life, parent-child relationship discord mainly as father, mother love distortion. Parents love this easy to extremes: one doting parents to their children over to accommodate the child is easy to form with parents, regardless of children's interests, hobbies, asked the children to obey blindly the wishes of the parents. This family dictatorship could have serious consequences, emotional performance as the child emotional repression, over time, the child's emotional well-being of potential obstacles to development. Normal parental love should be an understanding, respect, love of reason. Children are masters of their own emotions and feelings, parents should understand and respect the child's own emotional needs and emotional experience, between parents and children in need of emotional exchange, communication and response, rather than means to control and hinder the child's emotional expression. When the disgruntled children, parents only the first control and manage their own emotions, to fully respect and understand the need for children to express their emotions in order to soothe the child's emotions. Atmosphere in the family, parents have to overcome their negative emotional expressions, such as hot-tempered, arbitrary, authoritarian and frequently subjected to threats or punishment, parent-child relationship should be sought out by parents and children the power generated by the unequal nature of the trap, and understand the real motives behind the child emotional, sensible way to win the trust of children, succeeded in opening the door to parent-child communication.

real life, unhappy children vent their discontent when, but the child may be blocked vent, because he (she) is often the emotional catharsis without parental understanding and tolerance; in family life, Children may be more frequent feelings of anger, parents unbearable, creating feelings of conflict, the result may be the parents emotional upper hand, and the child does not vent out emotions, depression and tangled, the gradual accumulation and wait for another more violent outbreaks. Go on like this is dangerous, children not only get Xuanxie emotional, but piled up, emotional development may go negative aspects. Therefore, the development of children's emotional intelligence, with particular emphasis on the family's role and influence of karma, to establish the basis of blood kinship understanding, tolerance and harmonious family atmosphere, there are destinations to help children achieve their emotional catharsis.

(b), positive educational aspect is the ability to help children to form emotional control key

First of all, parents should help children learn appropriate ways to express their emotions. Of course, children will not have any understanding of their emotions, mood is good or bad, is not their own children to explore, and parents to educate children and their perception of the various emotional characteristics and consequences, especially young children to make some radical preliminary understanding of emotions and views. This is the first step in winning mood regulation. On the basis of understanding the emotions and then teach them some ways and means of emotional expression, such as verbal expression. At any time through specific language to express emotion. Another example is talk of expression. Whenever I feel unstable, should parents,Discount UGG boots, teachers and peers, In this regard, parents should make a demonstration, the child should take the initiative to talk about their emotions and feelings, and often discussed together with the children each other's emotions, which both give their children an example of communication with peers, but also provide children with emotional learning language opportunities, and dare to express their emotions, not suppress emotions. Movement pattern is also a good way to emotional adjustment. By strenuous exercise, to vent the child's negative emotions, through playful movement, control of children's emotional impulses. Parents should let children do some of their favorite sports, such as play in the water, play sand, play in the movement to promote children to express their feelings, if nothing else, cry it would have a natural emotional expression. In fact, for those children crying, crying is a good to express their emotions, always useful. Second, parents should create conditions for children, children in the training practical experience in emotional self-control ability. Children's understanding of emotion and emotional expression are often inconsistent, reflecting the lag of the development of emotional expression, so let the children practice in self-experience of training to achieve emotional control is particularly important. Although from the perspective of the child's emotional health of our children should be made to maintain a positive emotional state, but in order to promote children's emotional development,cheap UGG boots, to cultivate children's emotional regulatory capacity initially, we should let the children fully experience the emotions, in order to enrich the child's emotional world, we must have a positive emotional experience, but also have a negative emotional experience, and only when the children face some negative negative emotion, emotion regulation is possible to learn practices.

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