Monday, January 3, 2011

Outdoor Travel Summary

 Travel information
2006   03  28 day simple life
first part of the clothing:
field road, rest, camping and other activities on the clothing is far different from the city. not to say that the city can not wear clothes, but recommended to wear clothes more suitable for outdoor activities.
1, summer is hot, plain shirt and shorts to wear, cotton can be. Though after sweating wet easily, but high temperatures will not feel cold. quick-drying underwear is also good, even if the rain was great and thoroughly dried in the sun can quickly dry up even with body temperature. These are from daily life, do not specifically Buy.
2, Spring, autumn is the best there is sweat underwear, fleece and Jackets. because the weather is slightly cool, sweating after exercise, rest is cold winds, and shortly it will blow right through all your clothes. sweaty underwear, windproof coat does not make you feel a fever to 40 degrees and, indeed, prone to colds and other illnesses. wicking underwear is more expensive; fleece cheap, I set of only 100 pieces. sleeved recommended clothing zipper, set head wear, off convenient.
3, often walking in the mountains in the jungle, the plants branch, spikes will cause a very large obstruction and destruction. ordinary cotton clothing spikes easily penetrate, or hang clothes on the spikes, especially fleece. this time the EU has a good scratch performance underwear to show the superiority. Of course, there are other alternatives, For example, I have a normal coat, not bad. trouser pants are recommended two parts, that is, the kind of legs can be split zipper. when you put on thick branches, so scratch the legs and feet; who are able to remove, cool. benefit both men and women have direct entry, do not have to find a place to avoid people. and cheap, two sections of my pants to buy the gold star, ¥ 35, scratch the do not feel bad. Of course, two sections thin pants, no wind, cold can not be used alone.
4, water-resistant ability is another important quality, difficult to meet the requirements of ordinary clothes, although everywhere can buy a raincoat. rain, air pressure is low, people will feel boring. If the coat permeability poor, will be exceptionally painful; if a heavy coat and then compare, the more punished. Therefore, one raincoat with warm clothes, although common can handle it, but it will greatly affect your play. If the physical strength, the road is not difficult, so to will. If the physical is not good or the road is difficult, or not this is better.
5, should try to wear socks, stockings just do not like. blended cotton and chemical fiber that good, pure cotton can be. socks should be higher than a piece of your hiking shoes, but not too long.
6, more than talk so much, does not seem Jackets just could not cope. In fact, I do not charge for underwear, but the wind and rain I am not being slower than others. The poor have to the poor: Yingkang! windbreaker with the ordinary, ordinary two parts to wear pants on the outside, but more than a backpack with a spare underwear. wear disposable raincoats when it rains, keep warm. rain immediately after putting on dry clothes, very good. of course, that you have to have good physical strength and physique, and this earth way too much bad situation can not cope.
7, another, again emphasis is not recommended jeans, thick, powerful friction, wet weight doubled after, it is difficult to dry.
8, backpack rain cover is recommended to prevent the bag was dry. And, clothing, sleeping bags must use plastic bags, this should be a habit.
Part II: Diet
are iron, steel, rice is timely to add enough energy to have stamina. Most of the activities around Beijing Starting Saturday morning, close to noon to reach across the place to start, complete the crossing on Sunday afternoon and drove back to Beijing. In other words, most of the time we need to eat out four tons of rice, plus departure meal, five meals:
1, Saturday breakfast: eat at home before the car can, but mostly I'm afraid green in Lan Mao, Snooze's hard to do. Well, a good way to prepare some easy-to-carry food to eat in the car. My own solution is usually like this: a bag of milk or yogurt, a loaf of bread, put a plastic bag hanging in the backpack outside. code package on the front of the car took off after the opening drive to eat , Oh.
2, Saturday lunch: when should take a long way, and it should enter the state, right? moving probably not much time to waste, so lunch is a good chance to rest. physical well The novice may not adapt, will show no appetite, or simply too tired, no energy to eat, huh, huh. then should not force themselves to eat the captain ordered that rest, immediately began to eat, with or without appetite, when the As for the task to complete. Food should be light, easily digestible, high-calorie, easy to carry, such as bread, milk, eggs, meat. the kind of very well. Also, pay attention to add some salt to eat pickles. mustard film is a good choice, you can also a small bottle of specially prepared water, which add some salt. eat slowly, such as my own and should not be delayed, the captain said, eat fruit, cucumber, these two things is a very popular field of food.
3, Saturday dinner: It should be to the camp, and began to feast, cool! major food should be noodles, Longxumian , instant noodles and so on. a small oven shelves with small pot, small pot with fragrant face, and what a seductive ah! this meal for the restoration of physical strength is more important. This meal If deployed properly, can make you feel better than the poor in Beijing to dinner. In this one thing to be especially recommended: effervescent! this little piece of something, bigger than the nail, will immediately dissolve into the water, emit a lot of bubbles, become soda water will look like. This is the vitamin supplements, let your muscles of lactic acid in the clear as soon as possible broken down, so next morning leg pain of lumbar acid. imported effervescent expensive, very cheap made in China. I bought is the domestic products, combined gross of about 8 per tablet. as long as have fun and spend a few cents which is still very cost-effective, is not it? many supermarkets have to sell, pay attention to what can be found. In addition, the more popular foods delicious vegetables, pickles, salad, salad of spicy meat, cucumber, chili sauce, etc..
4, Sunday breakfast: In most cases this time are still in camps, they still could start a fire. instant noodles, instant porridge, milk, coffee, together with bread, ham, etc., with the last night that Washington is not than you? However, think back then about to sink the package, and then bite it severely heart!
5, Sunday lunch: If you could not see any error, it may be completed through, or not far from the target. do not begrudge, and do not need to keep, what good to eat something! If you eat then back to Beijing, they have to be depressed dead! However, if you left the road a lot, it is still appropriate to retain a bit, just in case.
6, on the way snack food: young people still like to eat snacks, activities, this is not a bad thing. at least I often eat a big meal two hours after the start was hungry. at any time to add that stuff was necessary. small package of cookies, candy, chocolate can add calories, fruit, cucumber, tomatoes, you can add a lot of water also to the top of a little hungry. These things should be placed in easy reach of, because there is no time to turn you out from the pack at the bottom. Moreover, what should be eaten raw and pre-washed bag with a clean installed.
7, water: drinking water to emphasize the correct way, should take a sip every time there are about a Coke bottle caps so much. First Run about the mouth and tongue, then slowly swallowed one third of the rest in the mouth with years. goods products taste after the second one-third of the pharynx, then the rest of the third. This method should be a habit to save water can be the best. Your mouth and throat can be most easily alleviate the feeling of thirst, while the body is not a lot of sweating immediately, reducing waste. how precious the water when the long walk, you're thirsty, want to burn yourself when the ignition know. Remember this method, you will thank the previous It summed up a life to rescue you.
said above these, and perhaps a bit complicated. In fact, everyone with enough to eat on it own, corruption, material must be within our capabilities. If you are not very cattle people, do not charge anything strong. steadfast as a native, like me, actually very happy. for the natives is simple: a few large Coke bottles are used every time, on Friday night to boil water to cool filling inside. stay out of any one or two small bottles to drink. eat is two large bread, a large root Sausage, mustard, two packets of instant noodles, a effervescent. OK, need anything else? needs? need to do ? need you need you need to do?
Part III: the main road
This is part of the activities. has been walking non-stop walking, up and then down, down then up. If you only knew quite gone, it will themselves to death, but do not see any scenery, equivalent to white out the trip.
the most important thing is the road to maintain their rhythm, in your most comfortable walking pace and frequency, and have a certain speed . do not have to hurry to catch up in front of people, other people do not have to fall far. is important for you to maintain a certain speed, adhere to such a long time to go.
the physical state of human activities can be divided into the following phases :
1, the initial stage: usually after a long break has just started on the package open. At this time very exciting, fast, good state of mind. clever leader should make the most difficult sections (such as a large increase in slope) arrangements at this stage.
2, pseudo-fatigue period: the initial stage in about half an hour to an hour or so (with the personal difficulties related to physical and road, this is probably the value), will be the first time I felt tired. strong sense of place mainly in the calf, the characteristics of this stage. At this time should continue to go, do not stop. even if slightly slower pace, if we continue to live, about 10 minutes to get through this period of difficulties.
3, in good time: pseudo-fatigue once in the past, the body used to this intensity, it will ease up. This is their way the best of times, most of the road should be in this state has completed. If your physical not bad, this phase should last for a long time (I have about 2 ~ 3 hours). the way of appropriate short break at this stage can be extended to obtain better results. The so-called short rest is 2,3 minutes less than package, do not take the rest. is to stand a drink water, take a look at the surrounding scenery, take a picture and then to keep going.
4, total consumption point: iron when people get tired. in the After the stage, you should be a pretty good idea: and shoulders. If you sit down, will feel sore waist, but do not want to stand up. Sometimes, I would feel particularly sleepy, so good in front of all 打不起精神 to view. then a break should be good, time longer, the next package, Zuodao, eat, drink plenty of water. if Huanguo Lai, and that even good. it is best to reach this threshold before the day's task, otherwise bitter, because you immediately To access the
5, burnout period: As the name suggests, you have to die, and now all rely on spiritual strength and indomitable supported, Yao Yating with. The main leg muscles have become numb, machinery moving forward, Da mouth breathing but did not say a word. A lot of people actually rely mainly on this state do most of the journey, I really admire his perseverance. But I strongly do not recommend this approach, too self-flagellation is too unsafe. This kinds of state control of people's physical activity is very poor, very coordinated action, and even their feet are standing on their own! If comparators insurance, your life will be more dangerous a. less than a last resort, do not easily advance strength. early break to be a lot better. Once overdrawn, you need a long rest to relieve fatigue, the progress is absolutely worth the candle. Moreover, the limits of exhaustion is very unstable and could collapse at any time, it may no longer go on. to recover at least a few days.
6, above the state from 1 to 4 is a loop of the 4 after a good rest can go back to 1. If you enter 5 to break the cycle the. from debt and return to the initial state is almost impossible to complete in the short term, at least I personally like this. So, once again stressed that do not easily let their overdraft!
about the way the rest, now more so by the recommended : When you are obviously feeling a bit tired legs have been sore, but if you can still insists on continuing to keep away the time, is the best time to rest. then your speed in the best condition, physical strength also played out, take a break to quickly relieve fatigue. If you break too early into the state would be delayed; if off too late, too early to make physical advances, relieve fatigue will be very difficult. adjust their mentality, do not envy the people in front, he may not be able longer than you insist, you may be over for a while; people who do not have to get back to comfort himself, maybe others lagging behind on purpose to accompany you. stick to your own rhythm, is the winner.
activities always team, the team leader to worry about formations, their own thing, as long as enough care of their location. In general, the strength of poor people should try to maintain a higher position in the ranks, the team leader should also be arranged so as to adjust. go should be the guide in front of people, those of us Benniao should tightly follow them. This will be easier on the heart. On the contrary, if left behind, after all, the objective is to recover people, there will be pressure. Actual on, anyway, we go the same distance, why not walk in front of that? interlinked this point to try to catch a rush forward.
want to go in front and that was not hard to remember, enough: captain shouted, walk a few steps, stood a little later when the starting position of the front, longer follow up is still in front of you, of course; dinner hurry, big mouth Mengchi drank as much as possible additional consumption; keep living if it is have time to tidy up, such as pour some water out of small bottles filled, so the road but also a waste of time to do these little things; If there is time to massage your own legs, and better recovery. make these estimates have much time , the captain of the call (What are you doing out?), can not say that place must Wage Keng buried himself. then be greeted with the captain, asked people to help you reduce burdens. This is not a shameful thing, you are also considered responsible for all of us After all, this will ensure the team's speed. believe that every leader and every team member is responsible not refuse you. ranks will also be responsible for ending the general people, to keep with them, do not place orders. Do not say around with you if there is a person, do to win over the living him (the expense of hue can not, despite the use of other means), and let the leader know that you have a problem, so help you get active.
Part IV:
Beijing camp activities are just around the Saturday night camping, wilderness remote places Mutianxide, some risk is also very romantic. Beijing where the edge of danger in fact too much, too complicated and I do not understand. The following are some basic issues:
1, camp sites is the manager responsible for the choice, usually near water. or you'll be saving water.
2, the camp should try to smooth, or sleep quality is not high.
3, the camp in the valley as far as possible do not choose, so that the formation of torrential rain at night. It should also be forced to have a certain distance away from the river, and should be higher than the bed high enough.
4, the camp should be all agreed, after selecting a closed internal.
6, near the river's tent must take away from the river toward the direction of the door. so if the night suddenly flash, heard the sound straight forward, after running out of the tent, out of danger zone as soon as possible.
7 , marked as conditions permit, and nailed the tent. mountain weather changes quickly, if the night wind, it is no longer busy.
8, after the next pack should pack the place on the seldom walked, so get in the way, also to avoid it being accidentally stepped on. One of my pocket is the main camp was broken foot buckle, was destroyed.
9, to bed not too late, especially into the tent after. A to disrupt their sleep late biological clock, easy to sleep; secondly you do not sleep can also affect the others, the activities have seen this trouble unpleasant situations.
10, before going to sleep at night should try to backpack on a tent, or 225 which kinds of tents behind places special collection bag. This is not the rain that will not be wet with dew. is no place, it must be put on rain cover on the outside.
11, veterans generally like Health and fire, to try to use to dry their clothes and footwear. be careful not to burn, and not a joke, and seen the burning Neither shoe (forget the order, huh, huh).
12, the Great Wall Another approach can be used on dry underwear: The Great Wall is generally built along the ridge, usually relatively higher, the tower at night in the wind is not small. the underwear on the window, press and hold the stone, as long as it does not rain generally be dry.
13, the wild night, the temperature generally lower than the city, the weather is not very easy to get over it. if there are a harbinger of cold, cold medicine is best to eat to prevent it. cold granules and the like The pretty good.
14, must take the next morning before the camp, strike camp clean, all refuse all away. including the ability to drop things and degradation of food debris, but also back in town as far as possible, so that the natural increase burden.
lunch boxes aluminum lunch boxes rescue both light and durable, is a good cooker, but also various types of life-saving items in full bloom.
carry the kind of fuel is best installed in the folding stove freezing in the fuel block. the use of wood to make fire should only be inconvenient for emergency use. they make fire is very useful. just Bankai form a compact stove can be a small shell cookstoves, inside the combustion of the fuel can.
will only take a mini-flashlight flashlight small space. barrel put a battery, but the head and tail reversed, so that even if the switch is accidentally touch the open, it will not consume battery. lithium battery power, long life, is the natural choice .
flash lights flash to attract the attention of rescuers, especially in isolated areas. bring the lights flash red and green mini and a discharge head and body. can choose the fountain pen the size of the discharge body. These items are explosive materials , need to be carefully protected. using discharge when the body can easily be connected to the flashing lights on the spin. usually not be used lightly, so as not to waste electricity.
marker board each member should bring a piece of the fluorescent material of the plate, about 2 meters long, 0.3 meters wide, can be used to attract rescuers attention (see enough to place interesting signals. roll it in the box can be fixed and separated by other items, so as not to collide with each other audible.
waterproof matches in a small bottle fitted with as many matches. emergency situations where you appreciate the benefits. If placed well to ignite the friction with each other, especially non-safety matches. in place to pay attention.
tea bag for a cup of fragrant tea rich God is raising INTENSIVE is nothing can match. Remember to bring tea powder, milk powder and sugar small package.
food from the land of fat is a rare food food. fat stored in the great heat, so it has enough eligible to occupy your place in life-saving box. tube butter, lard or ghee are applied. dehydrating slabs of meat taste much better though, but nutritious and easy to store. Chocolate is undoubtedly a good thing, but not long put should be regularly replacement. must bring salt! simple salt block can carry, or use better containing vitamins and other minerals needed by the body powder, salt electrolysis.
rescue bags under cold conditions, a long 200 cm, width 60 cm polyethylene film bags can be great help. unexpected situations can be drilled on the inside, so to prevent heat dissipation, even if the film condensation of water vapor will bag your clothes a little wet. If there is not only breathable but also warm the thin bags of course better, so that water vapor can solve the problem.
outdoor lightning Ten ways
2006 年 03 月 17 日
outdoor lightning usually hits the highest spire of objects, So isolated tall trees or buildings are often the most vulnerable to lightning, thunder and lightning when the people in the outdoors should observe the following rules to ensure safety.
1, during a lightning storm do not stay in high-rise platform, open at the Outdoor should not enter isolated hut, booth, etc..
2, away from buildings exposed water pipes, gas pipes and other metal objects and electrical equipment.
3, should not escape the storm in the large trees, such as a last resort, the shall be 3 meters away from the trunk to keep squatting and legs to move closer.
4, if the thunder and lightning, the head, neck, hand at the ants crawling away feeling, hair put up, that lightning will occur, should be quickly lie on the ground, thus reducing the risk of being struck by lightning, and take it and who wear metal jewelry necklaces, hairpins.
5, if the storm hit in the outdoors, too late to leave the tall object, they should immediately find some dry insulation on the ground and your feet together and sat on it, not to put his feet on the ground outside the insulation, because the water conductive.
6, to avoid the outdoors during a thunderstorm, should be careful not to hand stays, At the same time tuck your hands, chest close to the knees, bowed his head as far as possible, because the head than other parts of the body most vulnerable to lightning.
7, saw lightning when outdoors to hear the thunder a few seconds, the description is risk of thunderstorms in the near environment, and you should stop walking, feet close together and immediately squat, do not pull together with others, it is best to use plastic rain gear, raincoat.
8, during an electrical storm, not in the wilderness the umbrella, or holding badminton rackets, golf clubs, hoes, etc.; is not suitable for outdoor ball games, thunderstorms, weather for golf, football and other sports is very dangerous; not stay in the water and the waterside; not wash in the river clothes, fishing, swimming, playing.
9, during an electrical storm, not fast motorbike, fast cycling and run through the rain, because the greater the step the body, the greater the voltage, the more easily hurt .
10, to see if the outdoor high-voltage lightning break, this time should be vigilant, because there is the step voltage power lines near the break, the people living in the vicinity at this time do not run, but should be feet together, jumped off the site.
easy walk farther and the United States twenty
2005 年 11 月 09 the beginning of the Sichuan Online
foot, when everything has a gradual process, and if you are just walking in to the outdoors camp in the past, must not be anxious. that the following on foot for the beginning of the outdoor enthusiasts have a certain significance.
1, be sure to go at their own speed: Do not try to be brave to go hard at Meng, This will consume a lot of physical strength, the result is haste makes waste. If and a lot of people walking together, it is best to find a companion about the same rate and their own peers.
2, scientifically measure their physical fitness: the first few times out on foot the best time to adhere to several hours, and do not plan to have to go far, through this several times thoroughly, and for their ability to understand, the longer trek through appropriate increase in the intensity.
3, do not just walk down, but missed the surrounding landscape: in the outdoors hiking, physical fitness is only one purpose, not for the so-called When on foot, the most appropriate speed is able to maintain their speed of walking all day.
4, Institute of rest step: For the walk, everyone has an own way, in the foot, it should use a she was more comfortable way to walk, so you can get the physical scientific and effective use.
5, when the foot to too much, it is estimated road might have able to get away. here eat drink is the frequency of eating and drinking, walking, when a large loss of body heat, in order to add strength, you need to replenish water and food. In climbing steep slopes properly before you can drink some water. If the weather is hot, sweat more, you can add some salt in the drinking water right.
6, the process in the foot rest to pay attention to science: the general need a break every 50 minutes walk 10 minutes, different people can be measured by subtraction according to their own.
When can I get a multiplier effect. For outdoor enthusiasts, the time in the foot if there are two trekking pole with you, can bring you a lot of convenience.
1, preferably two free scalable, portable, professional trekking pole with shock. If you do not, of course, can make the best of land with tree branches, wooden sticks instead of.
2, when you advance in the rugged mountain road when the trekking pole can keep your body balanced, to avoid the occurrence of falls or stumbles.
3, across the river when the trekking pole is equal to your body and increase the fulcrum, and is conducive to the rapid, slippery river to maintain a balance .
4, uphill, when trekking pole can help boost your feet, downhill knee can help reduce vibration and reduce damage to the body.
5, take the mountain road in a bush snakes may be, then you can use the Pathfinder in front of trekking pole, role play to arouse his suspicions.
6, although not beggars, but with alpenstock, it means you have a Da Goubang, Every village had Walled, you can use it to deal with stray dogs.
7, rest mats can be supported with trekking pole to get up and do a simple awning to cover to avoid the sun.
8, winter When, after the low trees and snow, you can use alpenstock to play down the snow on the branches, so the snow does not fall upon the.
9, some trekking pole camera horn can also be used as frame used in the foot at the same time, if you have photography hobby, this trekking pole is a good choice.
know their position and orientation
safety first is easy to walk outside the premise. In the wild, If you accidentally get lost, is not a trivial matter. In order to avoid getting lost, except with the experienced team leader, guide activities. As a participant in the foot every time, but also more carefully, aware of their position and direction. If This team carefully , lake, rock, the shape of the mountain and so have more features, so that once lost can come back to these when the road clearly marked.
2, we hiked the region, a large local activities have, according to the size of the path or whether the traces of regular walking to the judge. If you walk the line was hot line, take the first walk on the road have some fans left the road signs.
3, if not carrying a compass, in the sun When combined with time, you can see their shadow, to know about the way forward.
4, on foot, the best band watches, so the time to have a clear idea of how many know way to go.
5, each region of the time the sun sets there are certain rules. You can consult the local people to local sun time, according to the time or preparation time to find the camp to rest, time to walk avoided through the night.
how to choose the right socks
2005 年 10 月 21 日 Sohu Outdoor
socks worn by the road in your backpack on the life of great significance. like, like shoes, socks must be have been carefully selected with a variety of situations you can expect.
consider the journey you think socks
backpackers in a variety of different environments in order to guarantee the warm, soft, wearable and design. to according to your plan in a variety of road conditions and weather conditions expected to prepare in the right socks. You can follow the following broad categories to choose them:
liner socks (liners): very thin liner socks, thin hair that socks made of fine material is used to stick the foot wear. liner socks foot surface by capillary action to drain the sweat to keep feet dry and comfortable. liner wear socks so the fear of wearing out socks and feet only between Remember they are designed to wear socks in the other foot inside the
lightweight socks: the warm weather and a leisurely trip design, lightweight hiking socks is the emphasis on perspiration and the warm climate of comfort, they are thicker than the liner socks, warm and durable. In addition they are very soft. but they are limited thickness can only travel on a hot day to keep comfortable. Most of the lightweight hiking socks are made with wicking materials, wear these socks When to wear do not wear liner socks do not care.
middleweight foot socks: These socks are to provide reliable cold weather comfort and thermal insulation design. They lightweight hiking socks than the thicker warm. Most of the heels and soles of the feet such as wear and tear to the regional special thickening maximum comfort. The socks should be worn with socks and lining.
Socks: Socks is the most thick socks most of these warm the softest. they are for a long march, dangerous terrain and cold temperatures and design. Generally warm weather hiking socks on and a low degree of difficulty when the thick too hot for hiking.
consider optional Materials
wool mm is a very popular wool socks made of natural materials. it warm and soft, the Boomers can be maintained even after the heat. Unfortunately, not easy to dry wool socks to wear in the feet can easily send itch (Note: new materials such as wool, mohair no such problems). If they do not join some other materials is still very easy to be worn out. blend of wool (wool and synthetic materials with the composition) is very popular because they address these problem.
-mmREI synthetic insulation provides some amount of artificial material offers the same warmth, as wool is also a number of wool without the drawbacks of the above. These materials (Hollofil (R), Thermax (R), Thermastat (R)) though less warm to wear wool, but very soft in the feet. They also wear very easy to do. This material can be used in a variety of different types and thickness of the socks.
a wire mm Natural insulation materials, it is comfortable, lightweight wear-resistant than other materials. Sometimes it do as a reliable wicking material liner socks.
mm synthetic materials, synthetic wicking perspiration materials (such as polypropylene and Coolmax) with to do system ...

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