Friday, July 8, 2011

Beggars word awakened 1

Beggars word awakened 1.3 billion Chinese people have

friends love to eat barbecue, often pulling the streets looking for my Wenshang house to house maintenance people try to eat barbecue. Later, he found one he, in the Village street facade is not, health conditions people boast about, but actually do very authentic barbecue. Period of time, we often go there some gluttonous.

That one afternoon last fall, the two of us sat in Tuibeihuanzhan that Kodate, not lunch time, only two of us old repeat customers store, restaurants, small business owners also carry beer to sit The two of us next to cackle, this is a very lazy afternoon.

the second time in our barbecue, when an old beggar comes into the room.

Hotel is located in the downtown area, often abjection and disguised sorehead to seek help, and we all got used to this small restaurant's small business owners Tingyou human touch, whenever there is such a thing, He should be given more or less two, and today is no exception, no other old open, he handed out a dollar in the past. The elderly do not sound very vague to say do not do, not money, there are leftovers to a become.

We are surprised that this is a real I could not help but carefully looked old, he had 80 more, physique pretty tough, very very straight back, the most unusual is an old clothes though, but basically considered clean, which is absolutely beggars were rarely seen.

say begging to go to a restaurant is the right place, can in fact completely not the case. Small restaurant to do is repeat business, customers something leftover drained directly face to face, their home is a dim sum staple, is now going to present package. Small business owners simply do not leftovers to the elderly, it is clear he does not give the old man to now be present on such a package, not the natural one small thing you so uneasy.

our table with a drawer dim sum, we will have to come on every one so I did not eat one, my buddy is kick the tires, the reason it is a habit. This restaurant staff very set in your point of a meal, she would casually ask:

friends became interested in this for the elderly, call attendant small business owners to be proud of this drawer dumplings to the elderly to get past, and old people sitting next to our table to eat. No outsiders, small business owners are not stopping for the elderly to sit down, and said table with vinegar, with mustard, want to use casually.

old man murmured thanks, the burden from the player where you want to point out an enamel mug of water to drink, the mug surprised us, mottled red line on the cylinder can also be identified - dedicated to the most beautiful people!

my buddy is out and out the door, his grandfather was when 55-year endowed Major General.

see this mug in the hands of such an old beggar so that we wondered, friends hesitate to ask for the elderly this bowl come from?

old man murmured: ride, we three going on God. Said the old man do not need.

I got up to help elderly people to our table, so there is a kind of conversation

Hua Ye six vertical. unclear talking together, my friend and I were silent - and a farmer from the countryside, apparently not aware of these have gradually been forgotten in history, this is the heroic history of supporting our military forces on Menglianggu , Zhang Lingfu killed by the force, so that the column made her famous.

we take their food to the elderly, pouring on to our topic, Yeah, I was wounded in Korea after the demobilization, ah! cadres. arms to work out a small cloth bag open very carefully, the two small red plastic skin, a certificate of demobilized soldiers, disabled veterans another second-class certificate. Slowly rolled up his pants and left the elderly, I saw a wooden leg.
friends in the bag and picked up a stack of white paper very carefully open the view, after reading it gave me, silent.

village that is a letter of introduction to the effect that those who hold that the letter of recommendation for my disability village demobilized soldiers, no children, unable to work due to financial difficulties the village, unable to support, special permission to go out on the water, hope to assist local governments and so on.

village seal red glare. We are all shocked by this fact, the hotel boss stunned, long before he stumbled on the old man said: ....

I wonder why the old man asked where in the process of begging Why not money? The old man suddenly looked at me, said: br>
After reading a heavy heart! Do not know what to say, we can only hope that this post is full across the forum post! Let more people know that we have with China is now so some people! I have no words, one can do is forward, nothing more.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Forward to teach you to swim , do not travel read the packet you learn !

! ! teach you to swim, do not travel read the packet you learn! ! ! -
breaststroke -
breaststroke with a jingle, in explaining the action breaststroke before introduced to the essentials: see the hand of the action is the first in the leg movements. Must be in hand before closing the legs, hand and then kick. '-
arm movement: -
1, outside the program. Reach with both hands, palms tilted about 45 degrees (little finger up). Out both hands, draw back, then bent back to the bottom draw. -
2, within the program. Palm turned from the outside, the hand-arm acceleration to drive within the program, hands and chest from the bottom up together (hands high low elbow, elbow under the shoulder), protrusion. -
3, protrusion. Hands stretched forward (elbow extension). To draw attention to is this: outside the plan is to relax, within the program is hard, and accelerate the completion of, the protrusion is positive. -
1, breaststroke complete with action: the rise of ventilation with both hands outside the designated time, his hands inside the legs bow slightly when planning hold your breath, exhale hands reach too far when the kick. '-
leg movements: -
1. the legs: the legs bent, feet closer to the buttocks, thigh, calf hide behind to slow the leg, thus reducing the resistance. The end of the legs, knees and shoulder width, leg and vertical surface, feet in the water nearby. -
2, turned feet: the distance is greater than two feet from the knees, feet turned outward, toes outward, feet overturned, align the inside of the leg and foot of water, like the English letter -
3. folder tread water: the process is actually a straight leg (hip flexion, knee extension), by the waist and thighs at the same time force to the inside of the lower leg and foot while frog in water, first out, to After down, then inward, to the top tread water, just like painting half a circle. Outward and inward tread water the water is continuous complete folder, which is even tread belt clip. Frog legs together straight completion of the water, feet in turn, toe relative. Tread water, not excessive speed, to accelerate from slow to fast tread water, two legs nearly straight and close together when kicking the water the fastest. -
4. stop: the legs together straight after a short slide (1-2 seconds). -
Freestyle -
swimming is body movement, any part of the activities are inseparable from the whole body coordination. On the surface, relying on the water and the freestyle kick propulsion, in fact, the role of the trunk can not be ignored. First, the body should maintain a certain tension, the waist if the soft, like a pool of mud as the whole person. Secondly, the body's rotation can effectively play trunk large muscle groups, reduce resistance, improve work results. -
freestyle complete with a variety of forms. General common is the water every 2, fetch water six times, breathing 1. '-
1, the hand into the water point in the extension of the shoulder line and the midline of the body between the thumb leading ramp into the water. -
2, into the water, hands, elbows, shoulders to reach, to stretch the arm. As the body's rotation, wrist flexion, elbow, arm out, caught behind the water; men designated to the lowest point, rotate the arm inward, on the back of the water, maintain a high elbow bent posture of the water. -
3, perpendicular to the horizontal arm, handling the lead, pushing the water to accelerate the arm to the outside, up and behind the water until the thighs, elbow to mention water. -
4, the water, the arm naturally, relax by the air arm to move forward, to maintain a high elbow position. Then hand in the shoulder before leading into the water, start the next action. '-
1, the arm into the curve of the water in the water line, from the side, congratulating each other for the body of the water path for the -
2, freestyle arms with a first cross-tie, the cross-tie, and after the cross with the three basic forms. This picture shows the front cross form, easy for beginners to grasp way. -
kick arm stroke arm action for beginners should focus on the practice of action. This figure, the water left arm, then his right arm supporting the board. Generally produced 10 times per leg kick, arm stroke once. Master to a certain extent can be added when the breathing exercises. Specific number of groups and practice methods, we will detail in teaching. -
leg whip kick: -
1, kick started the action force from the hip, thigh, leg drive, do the whip kick motion. -
2, to the leg kick from straight to curved. Straight leg up to start playing, feet close to the surface when the knees, leg elevation, feet above the surface so that after the kick down. Can begin straight leg kick, but the legs slightly relaxed, not stiff, the legs under the pressure of the water will naturally bend. Kick down before the knee bending angle of about 130-160 degrees, access to water by about 30-40 cm. Stretched when the foot kick (ballet feet), do not hook the foot. -
Backstroke -
1, arm stroke, the water leading to the thumb, move arm in arm with the water perpendicular to the upper arm close to the ear. Move the arm during the arm rotation, when the little finger into the water leading into the water. -
2, if the first position to watch 12 points, two hands into the water point at 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock position. After the first hand-arm into the water under the plan. -
3, arms and body should turn the water coordination, poor shoulders evolving position. -
4, with the use of arms to cross the water way, that his arms always in the opposite position, arm stroke, the other arm transfer arm. -
5, the head is not stable from side to side. '-
1, although breathing is not restricted, but the best way of using rhythmic breathing, or a fixed shift in the arm when the suction arm. After all the water and moving the body in the water there will be waves and spray. Free to breathe easily choked water. -
2, to maintain the level of body posture, trunk and shoulder movements around the longitudinal axis of rotation with the arm, a shoulder is not always above water. -
3, generally two times each stroke, kick down 6 times, breathing 1. -
4, legs alternately up and down the whip kick. Up to be fast and powerful kick, foot pronation and slightly pointed, kick down the legs and feet relaxed. -
1, move arm in arm close to the body can not be too wide. -
2, when the shift arm is easy if you bend the arm, you can temporarily use the little finger leading the water, the water is used to develop arm and then the thumb leading after the water. -
3, always stretching the body, upright, supine on the water almost horizontally, as if lying in bed, the first under a low pillow. '-
suggestions: backstroke legs, thighs hard to understand, under the pressure elevation and must have experience the feeling of thigh leg drive. -
Butterfly '-
1, butterfly hand into the water line extension point in the shoulders, leading to the thumb, ramp into the water. -
2, into the water, shoulder, elbow, reach, his hands along the curve outward, back, grasping the bottom of the water. Hands to shoulder width apart, the elbow, to accelerate the water. -
3, hands separately to the maximum width, the arm turned inward, upward and backward stroke, arm elevation to maintain a high elbow bent. Hands in the chest or belly, the hand between the nearest. -
4, breathe and the water co-ordination is the key to butterfly technique. Arm end of the inward stroke, the suction head above water, when the first shift arm into the water restored. Remember the two '-
1, butterfly hands close to the water from his hands recently, the arm of the water to change direction once again, turned out, up and back the water until the water. -
2, the water after the water, arms at the shoulder, driven forward by the arm to the air, ready to enter the water, move arm generally low, flat, relaxed position forward from both sides. -
3, butterfly body position is more difficult to master, but whip kick is not easy to master. In the butterfly study, we have a special decomposition exercises allow you to gradually master the operation. -
1, butterfly the water line is generally -
2, note that the action is the butterfly's limbs arms, legs and coordinate the development effort. -
article image may be due to anti-theft chain or non-existent relationship can not be displayed properly -

Friday, June 24, 2011


product tag: a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  0-9

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Earthquake ~~~~~ 5

5 15, white wooden fish school students parents Man Yu (former ) in his daughter 's body before the deeply grieved . Earthquake in Wenchuan , Sichuan Province 275 secondary school students Qingchuan wooden fish were killed and 30 students were missing.
5 15, Hanwang a parent see the child 's body after the cry.
5 13 May, the earthquake hit Beichuan County, Sichuan Province, a mother and daughter burst into tears . Student families who lost loved ones
5 to 14, Zhang Rong Tan ages in her husband 's body next to the crying .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Memorize these words , you can to the next level , not only in literature

A: Ten sentence summary of Chinese history
1, the world matters, the division and alternate, long period of division together, together for a long time to divide:

dominate the summer, and ours of Commerce, the Spring and Autumn chaos; Qin unification, following the Han Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Wei chaos; Sui unification, Tang followed the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Song, Liao and Jin chaos; element unification, Ming and Qing dynasties followed, the Republic of chaos.

2, the roots of troubles, Empress Dowager:

death in the sister-hi summer; business is overrun by Daji; death in the Western Zhou Dynasty concubine; Wu died in beauty; Qin Lu and easy to win, Zhao Ji of the power; Jin cattle following the horse of the power of light Ji; Tang decline in the Yang Yuhuan; the Ming Dynasty to Chen Yuanyuan; Qing Empress Dowager Ci Xi defeated.

3, history, numerous options, choose someone hands:

Qin Li Si, do evil, Burning of the Books; Han Wang Mang, the student running the country, a complete mess; Tang Lushan , Rebellion, from the gloom and doom; Song Wang and political reform, the governance of chaos; Ming Wu Sangui, selfish, asking for trouble; clear of Yuan Shikai, their friends Qiurong and capricious.

4, internal troubles villain interference in domestic affairs, wife's family, eunuchs, harem; in fear of official corruption, anti-government force the inevitable public; external worries ethnic conflicts, mixed lining:

the demise of dynasties , all three from this.

5, winner of the nobility losers thieves, history is: the winner praises, losers false statements adding insult to injury:

victory is Liu Bang, Xiang Yu defeated that is; wins that is Li Shimin, defeat is Dou Jiande; wins that is the emperor, that is, defeat Zhang Shicheng; win the king of a country, lost a Liuzei bandits.

6, righting a wrong always been positive, in fact, going too far:

Qin Shang French and Chinese that is still Confucianism; Tang Wu light weight paper, heavy paper or light weapons Song; Song is still poetry, which is still the Ming and Qing stereotyped.

7, the more divided, political chaos, ideological and more brilliant; more Unity, political stability, the more stagnant thinking:

former, such as the Spring and Autumn of contending, Wei The three religions co-financing; the latter, such as Burning of the Books of Qin, Han Only Confucianism, stereotyped Ming and Qing literary inquisition.

8, about the fate of regional environment:

east China since ancient times, the Pacific Ocean, north deserted Siberia, Northwest is the Taklimakan Desert, southwest of the Himalayas, in such a closed environment the survival of people develop a reserved style, conservative moderate, negative patient farming character. Therefore, the Government dynasties were Restraining Commerce, heavy ethical literary grace, light and practical technology; such as the summer regime in Shaanxi, Henan, commercial regime; Western Zhou government in Shaanxi, Henan, Zhou regime; Qin, Western Han Dynasty in Shaanxi, Henan Han regime; Sui, Tang government in Shaanxi, Henan, Northern Song regime. Five thousand years of civilization, four thousand years of history are the most developed in the Central Plains farming staged, we can see, China has been dominated by farming yellow civilization. Central Plains of Mongolia until the alien, its capital Beijing, the Ming and Qing regime was subsequently located here, China's agricultural position gradually whom shaken.

when the regime when the East-West confrontation, the West strong and weak East; North-South confrontation, the North strong and weak South. Reasons is that much closer to the West and North nomads, a blend of two cultures, Southeast pure natural farming culture than some more powerful. However, according to * every alien invasion force, but also will be the rapid assimilation of Han culture.

9, dynasties at the beginning, Jun Qiang Chen Qiang; dynasty among the Chen Jun strong weak, the end of dynasties, weak monarchs:

such as the beginning of the Tang, Jun has Taizong , Chen has room, DU; Tang among a reign Jun, Chen was Li Linfu, Guozhong flow; Tang monarch is also insignificant, but for the tigers Robinson Robinson, such as Zhu Wen bidding. Dynasties, has been true, Hath he indeed!

10, a single rule by force, just and easy to break; alone, sandwiches, a sign of weakness; civil and military combination of rigid-flexible and economic, can only long-term stability:

such as Qin, Yuan invincible, but rapid Huifeiyanmie, Song cultural peak, but have been repeatedly bullied by aliens. However, Han and Tang heavy military strategy, stretching three or four hundred square set, called Spirit, exercises had been no longer carry on.

1, I know who I am heart sick that I do not know who I am, that I want anything else. (Book of Songs from the King of wind millet)

2, people without instruments, what immortality. (Book of the wind relative to mouse)

3, the speaker of innocence, their fates warning. (Big Book of Order)

4, stone hills, can learn. (Book Xiaoya Heming)

5, vote for me to peach, quoted by Li. (Book Daya suppression)

6, days of sin, still be illegal, human actions, not live. (Book)

7, full of hurts, modesty. (Book of Yu-mo)

8, such as from a good board, such as the collapse from the evil. (Mandarin)

9, is unjust is doomed to destruction. (Tso)

10, prepared and thought is well prepared, prepared. (Tso)

11, were non-err is human too? Never too late to mend. (Tso)

12, Appreciating a wise, knowing those out. (I)

13, the letter made not beautiful, kind words do not believe. (I)

14, the Forest of Misfortune Fu, Fu Xi misfortune underlies. (I)

15, encircle the wood, was born in Haomo; nine of the units, from the tired soil; a thousand miles begins with one step. (I)

16, sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field. (The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang)

17, had behaved, do not impose on others. (Analects, XII)

18, we must first of its profits. (Analects Duke Ling of Wei)

19, gentleman is open and pessimistic. (VII,)

20, of Winter, and then after a withered pine is also known. (Analects Zi Han)

21, Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous. (Analects)

22, were perplexed to know, the virtuous from anxiety, fear the brave. (Analects Zi Han)

23, one who has not been? Never too late to mend. (The Analects of Confucius)

24, know know it, I do not know as I do not know, that is knowledge. (Analects)

25, and those who know better than the good, good of the person not the music. (The Analects of Confucius Yong)

26, the body is not made of; its body is not correct, although that is not from. (Analects, XIII)

27, three rows, must be my teacher: choosing the good from it, instead of their bad. (VII,)

28, road trip, Things for the People. (Book of Rites)

29, forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. (Book of Doctrine of the Mean)

30, learn and then know enough to teach and know the difficulties. (Book of Rites Record of Learning)

31, Jade is not cut, not a device; people do not learn, do not know. (Book of Rites Record of Learning)

32, road is long Come, happiness of the search up and down. (Qu Yuan's Li Sao)

33, has a short foot, inch a director. (Chu Buju)

34, do believe the book is better than no book. (Mencius under)

35, was born of hardship for the worst. (Mencius, under)

36, moral support from many, scant support. (Mencius Gongsun Chou)

37, people are expensive, boat followed, the king of light. (Mencius, Vila)

38, the poor are spared to reach and the world economy. (Mencius, Vila)

39, days as location, location not as good as people. (Mencius Gongsun Chou)

40, can not be obscene wealth, and rank can not be moved, incorruptible. (Mencius, Teng Wengong)

41, persistence wears away the stone. (Zi Quan Xue)

42, My life is limited, while knowledge is infinite. (Zhuangzi Ch.)

43, civil use, the villain is as sweet as sweet wine. (Zhuangzi)

44, learned of, interrogation of, the deliberative, discernment, Atsuyuki it. (Mean)

45, Pro Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs. (Huainanzi said Lin training)

46, winds blow Xi Yi Shuihan, a warrior to Come Nevermore. (Warring Emperor and the Assassin)

47, peaches and plums without saying, has taught. (Records of the Historian General Li Chuan)

48, sparrow know that the swan zai. (Historical Records Chenshe family)

49, devised strategies, winning thousands of miles away. (Records of emperor of the century)

50, lost than won easily, good medicine tastes bitter. (Historical Records Liuhou family)

51, were inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. (Historical Records reported Ren Shaoqing book)

52, wise man, there must be a loss; fool thousands into account, there must be counsel. (Records of the Historian Huaiyin Hou Biography)

53, wire sawing off, dropping water. (Han Mei Cheng Chuan)

54, to people I do not know, is done by night. (Han Mei Sheng petition remonstrance king)

55, young idler, an old beggar. (Han Dynasty Long Song)

56, of the wind Supergrass, cold of winter, see below withered. (Later Han hegemony Chuan)

57, Losing Gains. (Later Han Feng Yi Chuan)

58, Faith will move mountains. (Later Han Guang Ling Wang Jing Chuan thinking)

59, know not forget the poor and lowly, no less than Zaokangzhiqi Church. (Spreading the Later Han Song)

60, the Patriots do not drink the water thief, who is not inexpensive handout. (Later Han)

61, Laojifuli high aspirations; martyrs old age, Zhuangxinbuyi. (Three Cao Cao, although turtle life)

62, tire of the high mountains, deep sea tire; Duke spit-feeding, the world's hearts. (Three Cao Cao Duan Gexing)

63, did not learn without the broad, non-chi no to school. (Geliang Commandment child book)

64, no non-indifferent to Ming-chih, non-quiet no to Zhiyuan. (Three sub-Liang Commandment book)

65, small and whom not to be evil, do good deeds, but not as small. (Three Liu Bei)

66, the country serving the people is business. (Western Jin Chenshou of the Three Kingdoms)

67, the prime of life is not heavy, the day can no longer morning. (Jin Tao Miscellaneous Poems)

68, is not empty sack can not stand upright. (Jin Tao Drifting)

69, the spring and your day is the morning. (Southern Xiao Duo)

70, better to die than a whole tile. (An Jing Chuan Qi Shu-yuan)

71, father, like son. (New Tang Yuan Chong Chuan line)

72, of the wind Supergrass, board finishes know Cheng Chen. (Xiao Yu Emperor gifts)

73, bosom friend, everyone your neighbor. (Tang and Wang Bo to send any of the House of Du Shu Chuan)

74, want to become integrated. (Tang Wang Zhihuan Deng Guanquelou)

75, sand battle-wear shining armor, not the end of Loulan not yet broken. (Wang Changling Joining the Army)

76, Natural beauty carving. (Li Bai of Tang poetry)

77, Dapeng with the wind, moved nine miles. (On Li Bai Li Yong Tang)

78, Yi Xing Zhuang think all pregnant fly, want to embrace the moon on the sky. (Tang Li Baixuan state school books farewell thank Uncle cloud)

79, his back to go out laughing, my generation of people How can it be basil. (Tang Li Bai Nanling other children into Beijing)

80, I'm Born with, daughter cleared up again. (Tang Li Bai cursive)

81, winds and waves there, Ji Yun-Fan economic sea. (Tang Li Bai difficulties in traveling)

82, Wu Yue Hing intoxicated put pen to paper roll, and poetry into a windy sea Ling. (Tang Yin Li Baijiang on)

83, elite security Nengcui eyebrows bow down things that I not happy Yan. (Tang Yin Tian Mu Bai sleepwalking do to stay)

84, school break rolls, getting a god. (Tandoori Fu Feng Yun presented Wei Zuo Cheng twenty-two)

85, would be extremely Ling, list of small hills. (Tandoori Fu Wang Yue)

86, pen off the wind and rain scared, and poetry into ZZZZZZZZZ. (Tandoori just send the second white twenty)

87, the new song Henbu thousand feet high, and the evil should be cut million bamboo pole. (Tandoori Fu)

88, Ercao body and were all destroyed, do not waste eternal flow of rivers. (Tandoori just play Quatrain)

89, hope to do tonight Ming month, I do not know which family feeling of anxiety. (Tang Wang fifth night of full moon)

90, who is the inch of grass, reported in the apartments. (Tangmeng Country Song of a Wanderer)

91, Generally, no matter their level is Ming. (Tang and Han Yu Meng Higashino send sequence)

92, 蚍蜉撼大树 ridiculously overrate their own strength. (Adjusted Zhang Ji Han Yu Tang)

93, founded on diligence and neglected in play, with the line into YU Si and destroyed. (Tang and Han Yu Jin School Solutions)

94, clear sky Yihe row of the cloud, they lead to the Bi Xiao poetry. (Tang Liu Yuxi Qiu words)

95, thousands of junks sunk boat sails into the trees ahead of million trees in spring. (Tang and Liu Yuxi paid early every Lotte Yangzhou)

96, although thousands of Amoy million Luk hard Chuijin Until this beginning to the gold. (Tang Liu Yuxi Langtaosha)

97, Hill is not high, but the immortal name; water is not deep, Zeling. (Lou Shi Ming Tang Liu Yuxi)

98, talk and laugh with ru, demand no Ding Bai. (Lou Shi Ming Tang Liu Yuxi)

99, the same world people meet, why have known each other. (Tang Bai Pipa)

100, would like to make pair of lovebirds in the day, in the way trees with branches. (Tang Bai Everlasting Regret)

101, forever and sometimes do, sorrow was everlasting period. (Tang Bai Everlasting Regret)

102, try to burn three days full of jade, wood is subject to the seven-identified. (Tang Bai boasted)

103, sailed the seven seas make life difficult for the water Gorges cloud. (Tang Yuan Zhen from thinking)

104, One year spent similar, are different from year to year. (Tang Liu Xi Yi)

105, Jun Mo battle Zuiwo laugh a few people since ancient times fought back! (Tang Wanghan Liangzhou words)

106, black hair and do not know Diligence early, the first white square regret later reading. (Tang Yen Chen-ching)

107, picked flowers into honey, the sweet for whom for whom hard work. (Tangluo hidden bee)

108, ten years of sword, frost edge did not try. (Tanggu Island swordsman)

109, who knows the chopping block 粒粒皆辛苦. (Benjamin Tang Li Shen Agriculture)

110, why not with a man named Wu hook, receive Guanshan fifty states. (Tang Li Henan States)

111, silkworms to make silk square die, wax dry before the torch ashes tears. (Tang Poems without title)

112, the body no phoenix Flying wing minds think alike. (Tang Poems without title)

113, is difficult when you meet Bie Yinan, Dongfeng flowers residual weakness. (Tang Poems without title)

114, Zhuang Shengxiao fans dream of butterflies, Emperor Wang heart care cuckoo in spring. (Tang yin Zither)

115, Li Kam former country and family, as the thrift failure by the extravagance. (Tang yin)

116, Blossom Hill Road, Dan Miles, young and old Fung Fung Ching in sound. (Tang yin)

117, wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly. (Monk cloud sheet)

118, cut, and chaotic, is sadness, do not be a different feeling in their hearts. (Five Li Yu Wu Yeti)

119, withered Bishu west last night, the tower alone, overlooked the endless distance. (Five Yan Dielianhua)

120, the first and worry about the world, after the world to enjoy. (Song Fan Zhongyan Yueyang Tower)

121, worse than orange snow sticks pressure, cold shock Shoot For budding mine. (A Song Yuan Zhen Xiu play)

122, worries workers can rejuvenate, Yi Yu to death itself. (Ouyang Xiu Song biography of the actors sequence)

123, often the scourge of the neglected micro-plot, and Zhi-Yong and more trapped in the female. (Ouyang Xiu Song biography of the actors sequence)

124, the first month on the Liu Shao, Renyuehuanghun later. (Song Shuzhen Health check sub)

125, belt she does not regret becoming wide-end, to eliminate the Iraqi people were emaciated. (Songliu Yong Feng Xiwu)

126, and is a wise letter of the dark side. (Song Sima Guang Mirror)

127, by the extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy. (Song Kang said Sima Guang Jian Xun)

128, Kam past lives of the rise and fall, consider the pros and cons of today. (Song Sima Guang Mirror)

129, sequential and progressive, familiar with the fine thinking. (Song book of Zhu Xi to)

130, asked him what so clear, as there is water flowing. (View the book Song Xi felt)

131, fear clouds block our sight, just because at the highest level. (Song Wangan Dan Dengfei to peak)

132, seems unusual is the most strange, as hard as it is easy. (Song Wang)

133, rain cover charge engine is no longer possible, even worse Aoshuang Chi Ju residues. (Su Song Frost)

134, do not know the truth, just because in this mountain. Song of Sushi West Wall)

135, hundred back tire of reading books, knowing children familiar with food for thought. (Sung Su Shi)

136, Bo Concept, and about to take, thick and thin of plot. (Sung Su Shi)

137, Nung, Trinidad new moon. (Sung Su Thinking of You)

138, people have sorrow and joy, month also wanes. (Sung Su Thinking of You)

139, Health as a greater odds, death is also a ghost hero. (Summer Song Qingzhao quatrains)

140, have changed everything off, the first tears flow like language. (Song Qingzhao Wuling Spring)

141, Murdoch is not ecstasy, curtain westerly, thinner than yellow. (Song Qingzhao Zuihua Yin)

142, Huazipiaoling artesian water, an Acacia, Xianchou. (Like a Dream Song Qingzhao)

143, a long long time if the two conditions, a blessing in the day and night. (Song Guan Magpie Fairies)

144, Mountain darkly, vista. (Song Lu Yu Shanxi Village)

145, lying on Gucun not from sorrow, still thinking Shu round table for the country. (Song Lu November 4 big wind and rain)

146, dared the country, things still need to be given whole family coffin. (Song Lu pregnant patients from the book)

147, paper come Zhongjue, knowledge from this practice is essential. (Song Lu Yu-winter study shows children)

148, ancient knowledge exhaustive force, beginning as young and old kung fu. (Song Lu)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Time : 2008.11.5
children have trouble two nights , and all eleven , two o'clock . She stuffed nose, certainly choke The uncomfortable! really anxious person !
have eaten a day of drugs , and if not effective ah. perfusion too suffers with her ​​, watching children cry really hurts .

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I like

I love to sing, I love to drink , but I love my family and friends and sing and drink . If drunk and singing that is the best ! but I'm afraid I was drunk after the song she did not understand ! ! So I want to sing when I wake ! !

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


so many years , never like the Internet, only occasionally , and video chat with friends far away ,,, , or enumeration information, ,,, sometimes six months or a year, not hing with QQ,,,, is Hate the hypocrisy of the world on the network ,,,, recently, I do not know why, last month , that is, starting March 2 ,, ,, learn to do the space , learn to write diaries, ,,, occasionally , and better Friends talk , Tingting Ge ,,, or to see friends in the space of the message ,,,,, heart is still very quiet, very quiet, ,,,

I am very happy

I am very happy

I Miss You! I am very happy

I Miss You! I am very happy

I Miss You! I am very happy

I Miss You! I am very happy

At least I still - alive ~ !

Xiao B pen

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It turned out that I really care about you

long time no news of you, and you? In this quiet night, you are not the same like I miss you miss me? Freezing night in the air, his thoughts wandering in the night, jittery mood swing monotonously wall clock, the boundless solitude and melancholy swept over me as if coldest heart. Looking at your computer screen is always black on the head, my thoughts as the clock's ticking time through the years.

network in the vast ocean, we know each other inadvertently. Your honesty, your humor, your wisdom, and your pure sweet voice, such as the trickling rain moistens dry my heart, awaken my sleeping passion. Brief Encounter's feeling that, hit it off in a friendly, had a long absence, the time and space to tell their infinitely shorter distance. We are happy to talk like that, that kind of understanding. Cold at the moment into a happy text notes, tap the keyboard sound of the rapid jumping, passing our joy and happiness to each other.

Meet our quiet night in the network, without the hustle and bustle during the day, not the hypocrisy of preparedness, we mutual concern and mutual trust. Sentiments are telling each and every time the care of pity, my heart filled with unhappiness and trouble of petty **** was evaporated. I remember you said, a man loves you, but do not know what they are waiting for. You said I was a kind man, if you can find people like me the happiness of your life.

evening after the rain, raindrops falling from the roof of the ground water, splashes a flower spray, and instantly disappeared without a trace, see the gorgeous rainbow, only remain in the street in the middle of the evening, which the city of golden dust has been tarnished. Many times you ask me I had a moment's hesitation, you can always stir my miss

you say, You say You say You say, Too many grievances, too much bitterness, too much help, I must pour embankment carved into tears, could not stop falling from my face. At this point, I want to have to rely on your generous shoulders, more like to have your warm arms embracing, more like holding your hand into the palace of happiness ... ... but, I can not, I can not ... ...
< br>

love the way you said though do not know what the wait, but I can feel your expectations. Your head is constantly flashing, At that moment, my mind went blank, front of the computer kept saying I love you! But I have the courage, the courage to fight Jianpanshangqiao three words. I am against their refuse into the desert you ... ...

no sleep tonight, Tonight speechless. Sitting in front of the computer, without you familiar with the head, not your warm words, not your immediate concern. That's the ticking clock, relentlessly cold night pieces. ****, Thoughts scattered instant instant pain, tears fall instantly.

deep in my heart, calling you, you there? How are you? An invasion of cold and lost my heart, a tear has never been concerned about my pain.

while waiting for a pain, when love has become the past, You carry the heart-breaking disappointment disappear in the vast sea, I suddenly found that the original, without you I'm so lonely without you I'm so driven to distraction. It turned out that I really care about you.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Love hindsight

Love you because you get me really happy:

Perhaps God is blessing me right there?

me her into the world.

This is only just entering it, my life is still business as usual trajectory

still have to hold on to love and in life, breathing, breathing with

still have promise for their own struggle with

still not solved for a channel geometry and think hard with

still have time to worry about a bad mood, she will not

still has to work for her have been doing himself a smile and do not understand why the move

still remains

Perhaps my life is that they are still around and continue to go on I always think this,

only partners in and enjoy the sweat on the court when

will have a strange sense of relief

All in all, everything is still, you can temporarily thrown into the back of the head

and then I do not know, an angel, is slowly near my world is full of a depression

and she is trying to use her own strength pulled me out of escape

recall long after the original, I thought I saw a pair of beautiful hand extended to me to

love you because you, let me know how to miss the taste:

stumbling, rough Ke Hum, skelter. This relationship will eventually die, like the silent darkness, suddenly lit a pile of fire, and numerous
moths to the flame but still threw sprang, everything will perish perish is so silent

division and many times, it makes my heart heavy bear, the results can not be progress, but also made me more confused about their future, can not be happy

lot of the time I was thinking, I should stay quiet one, too many River of Sorrow, I can only sigh in this world there are too many
of frustration, too much crying, too much frustration, too much trouble, too many regrets, but all in all, are intertwined in the summer rush, endless, these will not fall my world

optimistic attitude towards life, received her first letter from the beginning, I have a feeling she will not lose my life to become a part of

got used to communicate with her life

got used to spend with her the days of text messages

only with those who had the most intimate friends say things, but also every one of them to talk to her

dear, I have identified, you are my love for Fuji:

I often laugh at her dark skin is a girl, but in fact she was the only one I have to set the words to me like a baby

every time she went out to play with us when a group of people, would choose to stay in one corner of a quiet, very quiet, very quiet

said to me long after her when she told me, with us, she will be more willing to choose quiet, although she will usually noisy
What a special girl

after the period of time with us after the original recall, really no matter how thought, I can not imagine the two of us have deep contacts today

often unconsciously thought of her loneliness is her face when surfaced in my mind

lonely heart who will always remember his life appeared in every person, so I always try to think of you benefit still unknown

stars falling in each night, over and over again, a few of my loneliness

I never thought we would start the interaction is so

It was so fast and almost made me by surprise

but with her words, that this happiness to so sudden

less than ten times a pair of lovers meet

basically a pair of lovers have not spoken face to face

the development of relations between us are so fast

contacts less than one month has been hard to break away to the point where, at least, I think so

distant geographical, but also so that we can only use mobile phones to being linked with each other's hearts



and romantic with a touch of naive discourse
I laughed

relieved smile

I think she can do it, step by step I was out of the depression of the world, to break through those troubled beam pump

her, got hold of my hand

happiness, sometimes it is really very simple, as long as loyal to their hearts to each other

PS: When you really love someone, you will find that the language is so pale and weak

gap forever words and feelings

Too funny , must ,,

One day, Jay Chou JJ broke the
So Jay Chou in People my heart ,
go , Jay , JAY also used from the
Jay whereabouts of This tea,
JJ into the
JJ wanted to go Scared , had become a

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Financial forum around the corner

short-term analysis
ready to make the bottom of the characteristics of the financial forum was
300 plate is still the research focus
non-US currencies and gold short-term correction to give investors the opportunity to bargain Jiancang
still continuing concern GBP / JPY long term opportunities for near -band operation 143

Monday, May 2, 2011

Night night ghost stories Ching Ming Yu 2, 52

outside in the mountains, always absent-minded, as if what people expect the same.
do not know how long, just remember was getting dark, the rain is also growing outside, but from the wind, mountain wind and the wind in the different weekday, like a knife, heavy and heavy, I thought we would tear to pieces in general, I just know more and want to sleep, although she is looking forward to the appearance of his father, but feel that this hope that more and smaller.
was suddenly a kind of idea, if I die in this grave hill, it is in could be considered a worthy death.
girls face looked at me with sorrow, shook hands and took my shoulder hard, and I recovered much more sanity. However, heavy head, weak neck, as if not support, at any time break out the same.
increasing the temperature around the cold, empty valley can actually hear the faint cry. I can not tell who Shangfen worship or those who refused to leave this world the spirit of nostalgia. Overall my body has never been as comfortable as that, as if the people are buoyant up. The girl seems to be anxious, with your fingers gently across my face, like a faint wind blowing the same feeling.
'Wake up, sleeping will be frozen to death, and the mountains temperatures drop quickly. 'But her voice sounded to me more and more distant, instantly engulfed by rain.
'who you are, ah, still so small, this world there should be something you'll have to nostalgia ah. 'She suddenly said, so a.
'you is not it? 'Then I asked her. See I am willing to answer the girls questioning her, and laughed, both anxious or smile, her face seemed to do the same with water, are so transparent honesty, any impurities mixed in no way contrived, Like newborn babies, happy to laugh mad cry. But often the case, the more grown up, the more inner tube accession to the contrary, the birth of throw things out, and said that a person born in the first, when in fact can swim, and excellent water, which is why some parents in their children soon after birth are often placed in their water exercise pool. And some people will gradually forget their nature. Do not know what it regarded as human evolution, or degradation. Spartak
child is just born in them to take a bath with the spirits, if a child's body is not strong enough, it will die on the spot ventilation, and everyone will cry for the sorrow his death, including their parents, Because the person is not robust enough, on the battlefield will be eliminated sooner or later.
So then I suddenly understood the truth that most of the time, or rely on their own, because, when you want to rely on anything, you put behind the sell, you can not go head, you can not predict What is behind a wall or a piece of paper.
I eventually regained consciousness over, looked at the girl, though weak, but has far better, because I do not feel as cold as the previous.
girl's clothes has never been mountain rolled the slightest, as if she and I do not live in the same space. I saw her hands had bursts of white mist, white mist hanging over me, is that the fog had separated the cold mountain air and strong.
'Thank you. 'I did not talk too much, because every word say it will cost more physical, to thank, those words are enough. But the girl did not answer me, her face grew white, even in this near-dark of the night can see very clearly, she is like the dark of the moon, silver exudes a warm light, but this light has been more and more gloomy.
she has always maintained the same action, but her body slowly began to become transparent, I want to reach out and grabbed her childhood, I think is very simple, because I had sensed that she was leaving, the child's idea is straightforward, of course, to seize things go, to stay.
but I caught only air. The moment in my hand, she has completely disappeared. I only know what was gone with the wind, the girl if they had never been to the same, or that I seem only in this old wooden house had a dream.
When I can not distinguish if they are still in a dream, when actually in the rain to hear the father's cry, cry full of frustration remorse and despair. I immediately ran out, but also the direction of this voice shouting.
Finally, my father and I meet again, he did not scold me, but clung at first sight, I can feel his body trembling, then a mixture of fear and excitement, I have never seen outsiders always calm and gentle face of the father would tremble.
'nothing like. 'Father also said only four words, then hold me up. I insist that will not go away, put the girl told her father, the end, but also one to ask him, is not to do their own dreams. After listening to his father, looking down in silence, long before the photos shine a flashlight on the ground.
a pool of water on the ground, very ordinary rain.
'when the rain spirits. They can only live in the tomb of mountains, they are in heaven with the rain flow through the grave dedicated students read the monster dead. And they can never become enlightened, can not leave, as long as it rains, the rain spirit appears to help those people who get lost in the mountains, prevent them from being frozen to death or get lost. 'His father with a magnetic low with the use of the voice explained.
I am curious to ask where the rain spirits in the end. Father not to speak.
'back to the heaven of it, she just helped the people would return to heaven, wait for the next rains come back, will re-turned into a girl's appearance, wandering in the mountains, to help those who need help people. In fact, the rain spirit might also have your grandfather's wish. 'The father smiled and held me up, wrapped my clothes, my father, large thick attached to the warm bosom fell asleep. So I woke up again, has been at home.
after that his father took me to the grave no longer, no matter how I begged, he did not agree. I would like to see rain again, the Spirit did not wish to achieve over again, even to the later, his father died, I went to grave, but only the sidelines of the population have heard the legend that white girl, Qingming rain every year, the But I have not seen her. out the window, the rain is still under the Ching Ming, although the look is not clear, and even puddles on the ground can only be read by the judge, held out his hand, falling into the hands of the rain confused some palms itch.
her, the rain spirit appears only in the eyes of people in need, as she called, the rain spirits without any impurities, simply make us feel ashamed. know. faded, I can see some sunshine in escaping from the shadow of the clouds.
Ching Ming is over, the long rainy season is over hate it, everyone says that, over the clear, the weather will really get better, I have a long hiss of breath, the air is fresh. behind the door open and the silver bell sounded like the laughter, I know who it was. (Ching Ming Yu End)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mianyang - looked not to the other place

these days spend a lot of time to search out the beauty of Mianyang , with my best friends to share ! hope you love this beautiful city ~ ~ ~ Mianyang.


Mianyang night

Sin Hai Baishuihu

Autumn < br> tractor square

three Jiangmei Jing

Changhong Group
sinus Seoul Seremban Mission Hill

Taibai Beilin < br> The Four Fab Five will with Shu Huang Jiguang Memorial

Jacky Cheung Song of God ~ ~ November 4 concert in Mianyang

Monday, April 25, 2011

1907 reprint it up good things in Shaanxi

Following is the 1907 Shaanxi, is said to be a Frenchman in the shot . Difficult to get good things at once is not reproduced , and if deleted , to see friends. Share of : Dongguan has been shared 391 times The following is the 1907 Shaanxi, is said to be a Frenchman in the shot .
look at these pictures , I feel like being an infinite stretch of time , change the world for a whole ****, wonder people did not dare ! Today, now look at the history of those of us not familiar with , like looking at someone else's story.

Xi'an was Fuya
Xi'an government Fantai Yamen (1907-8-31)
Big Wild Goose Pagoda

Xi'an Great Jionji government (then part of Big Wild Goose Pagoda ) 1907-09-4

Simon 1907

Gates and agricultural land (1907-8-31)

Small Wild Goose Pagoda

River bridges (1907-8-30)

Bahe River bridges ( 1907-8-29 )

The city 's shops (190708-30)

Hua Yue Miao (1907-8-28)

Temple House of Xi'an (1907-8-30)

House Temple in Xi'an ( 1907-9-1 )

House church in Xi'an ( 1907-8-30 )

Kim Seung Temple of Xi'an Prefecture (1907-9-4)

Xi'an government tombstone (1907-9-3)

Bed and according to the monument (1907-8-30)

Xi'an House : Bed and Box Car

Xianyang 's main street

Weihe River Ferry

Weihe old ferry

Coal carrier on the Weihe River
Zhou Ling Xianyang
Zhaoling picture
At that time the remaining six Chun Zhaolingliujun one
Shun Shun Ling Ling
and photographed

Dry state Temple

Dry hills headless figurines
Fan makes a headless figurines

Qianling stone
express their point of view of interaction ( 74 released )

Monday, April 11, 2011

With a strong faith to embrace your life

 Faith is the life of a sun, which took us from the confusion in the rescue; give us strength, so that we can experience the joy of life and thus increase the survival of the faith!
We live in this world always have to meet these and other difficulties, so for healthy people, for the suffering of patients in pain even more so! From the previous year's At first I was sick of their own, without a correct understanding of, and thus have lost faith in life ... ... but by the rescue again and again, so that the meaning of life again I have a deep understanding, but also the correct view of their disease , again calmly accept the intolerable treatment. Sometimes tolerate the pain of torture, but also a normal posture in the size of the family activities, in order to care for their loved ones, in order to extend life, to his sweet smile. I will be strong to survive.

many times have we inspired in faith, life, one solid board level, the fate of mountain climbing a seat;
many times have we dominated in the faith, abandoned the idea of ​​one of pessimism, evil life again and again refused the temptation;
how many times, under the guidance of our faith, to a lofty goal, muddy trail in life long and difficult journey ... ...
I have a case of friends and I like her ... ... she and I were talking yesterday, I wish her happy forever! She ask me to: Because I am also so over, yes, maybe some healthy individuals at any time for those who are threatened by the disease, they are lucky! But although its lucky we only own happiness, by extension, I hope the world of good health, happiness, give us the full enjoyment of life, love. Perhaps the comparison itself is always illusory terms, just like some people say that the Internet is as illusory. Why every network but also addicted to this it? That is because the people behind the network is real. When you open the computer, noticed that the sound of blessing, and that understanding the message, which blossoming bright flowers, can you remain unmoved?
She said: You can choose to leave. Would you like to send your loved ones do not return it? I think the difficulty, and even between husband and wife should be unity and cooperation, hard times, with two people the strength to overcome any difficulties encountered. To avoid any problem is not solved, we should face life, face the disease, even is the bell has gone off the countdown of life, but also with a smile to the face of the threat of death! only way we can do no regrets. a lot of friends, after reading some of my articles have moved to tears left, They all have a message for my body prayers! to people who never met a blessing to me, this is how innocent friendship ah! this alone you should not 'destroy the Great Wall to face a serious illness it! to East Eats West, to the blessings of good people, you should be brave to live! you say, my confidante!
long journey in life, faith is our best partner. It is like a mentor, pain, give spiritual comfort; difficulties, give enthusiastic support; fails, do not give back the support. Faith is the life of the rations
. It is always fed our hearts, nourish our spirit. Because they have faith, our hearts full of sunshine; because they have the faith, our spirit is always optimistic.
belief is a cardiac stimulant, it makes the mind the weak become strong, it makes life the dying light radiation was again!
turn over the pages, we see numerous people with lofty ideals embrace of the conviction, veering to save the masses; countless revolutionary martyrs climb up the banner of faith, the birth of the Republic through fire and water, unafraid of death!
hero's becoming a hero, because heroes are active in a noble mind and firm convictions.
Where faith does not fall, our blood full of power; as long as the conviction does not fall, we can step by step from the failure of the brilliant success.
embrace life with faith, is the desire of the brave.
friend, let us glory shining in the faith, against the sun go!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Best in the world of men in China, Yulin China's best man

 Living in southern China, a group of brave and gentle and kind man --- Yulin handsome man.

Yulin that handsome men with their appearance, gentle heart, has conquered the north and south of women ,

more and more girls will be bowed in Yulin Men's jeans , our goal is : out of Asia to the world!

People have often said that men in central character delicate care of the woman is a plus , but the figure then the point man seems to lack the courage ;

Northern men The tall and mighty, manly full , do not know how to listen to the voice of a woman .

which is located in southern China, Yulin men to its dregs, its essence , a perfect image of man reflected most vividly .

If you do not have a boyfriend , then you have to pay close attention to find a boyfriend Yulin . Missed, when not to . Yulin

the many men will have a total for you !

If you have a boyfriend but not Yulin men, then you can not hesitate to break with his request .

Yulin if you boyfriend is a man , then you are fortunate to be a hot demand at the same time , is not it should also be alert

accidentally persists in the form ah! Best in the world of men in China, Yulin China's best man !

holiday this year, do not marry, marry marry Yulin people!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mei , poetry , snow, painting, song , intoxicating , hard to forget !

 Tips: Turn off the top players enjoy
Qingping Le Qingzhao Snow every year, often inserted plum drunk. Plum no intentions to do to win over clothing Qinglei. This year Haijiaotianya, the rustling temples of Health of China. Taking night to watch the wind, it should be ugly plum. Bo Suanzi. Yongmei Lu Station outside the bridge side, lonely to open without the Lord. Worry is the evening alone, more wind and rain. No intention of bitter struggle between the term of Qunfang jealous. Remaining Desolated as dust, and only incense before. Yi Mei Yin Be long term resident of the World, Yiyi Wu Hua Ho. Samuume most worthy of hate, long for the last flower. Jiang Mei Wang appropriate to find that Samuume trees, flowers Han Bin. I do not know early Spring, who suspected Alley beads. Bo Suanzi. Yongmei Mao Zedong Send Chungui rain, snow spring to. Baizhang is a cliff of ice, worse than pretty flowers. Qiao not Zhengchun, only the spring report. Until the time when flowers are blooming, she leaves laughing. Lu Wen Road, Plum Plum quatrains a crack Xiaofeng, fill the four mountains in the snow. Where can be the embodiment of billions, a plum tree, a Fangweng. Plum quatrains II Lu Valley nakan further north branch, flower every year since the late sub. High standard Yi Yun Jun aware, is the layer of ice drifts. Three quatrains Plum No more snow Lu child stern wind, solar terms flowers top strong. Falling from the will go out of date, even beg Jun east shame. Hill Park Mei Lin Bu Fang Xuan shaking off all the independent research, the best style to the small garden. Sparse crosswise water clean and shallow, subtle fragrance floating on the evening. To steal a bird under the first frost, butterflies such as the known co-Lethal. Fortunately, there are micro-phase sex Yin can not be good at board were gold statue. Plum flower Wang The number of branches corner Mei, Ling Han alone open. Away that this is not snow, is a subtle fragrance to. Singapore MEI Xue Xue Mei Lumei Zhengchun reluctant to drop, man of sign off fee assessment chapter. One-third of white plum snow, snow was the plum's fragrance. Jiang Mei Fu Mei Rui wax before the break, Plum years more. Must know that spring is good, the Chennai-off worry that? Snow tree element of the same color, Jiang Feng grouped waves. Hometown is not visible, Wu Xiu Yu Saga. Plum Qiu Jin Meet once was thought, the most loving of the most Qingchi. Gushan thousand forest trees have frost resistance of this May. Yu Louchun Qingzhao Red Plum Crisp client was incensed Joan broken shell, explore the Nanzhi open end times? I do not know how many brew by the time, the whole harbor infinite meaning. Taoist gaunt windows the end of the spring, nausea or loss does not lean on railings worry. They want to come to look down to take a break and not smoke the Ming Dynasty. Cui Road, a few plum calyx beginning with snow melt, solitary standard picture of the difficult. Do not have incense in rhyme, very clear I do not know cold. Fife and worry hearing, inclined to see technology by disease. Wind, such as interpret and easy to Mo destroyed.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

18 species into the effectiveness of indoor

 Dripping Guanyin: the effect of dust has cleared the air. (Tips: Guanyin stems dripping poisonous white sap, drops of water is also toxic, touching or eating the wrong juice, throat and mouth can cause discomfort, a burning stomach flu. Should pay special attention to prevent young children eating. but are not part of carcinogenic plant drip Guanyin.)

2: African Jasmine: The volatile oils produced significant bactericidal effect. Enable people to relax, is conducive to sleep, but also improve efficiency.

3: white palm: Inhibition of human exhaled gases, such as ammonia and acetone. but it also can filter benzene, TCE, and formaldehyde. Its high evaporation rate can prevent nasal drying, so that greatly reduces the possibility of illness.

4: Silver Queen: The unique air purification ability of its known: the higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can play its cleaning ability! So it is ideal for dark rooms with poor ventilation.

5: maidenhair fern: about 20 micrograms per hour, can absorb formaldehyde, it is considered the most effective biological All day and paint, paint to deal with those, or around there like smoking, should at least put a pot in the workplace ferns. In addition, it can inhibit the release of computer monitors and printers in the xylene and toluene.

6: Wood duck feet: to bring fresh air in smoking households. Leaves can be absorbed from the smoke-filled air nicotine and other harmful substances, and through photosynthesis and convert them into harmless substances in the plant's own. In addition, it is about an hour can reduce the concentration of 9 mg of formaldehyde.

7: spider plants: 95% of the air can absorb carbon monoxide and 85% formaldehyde.
Chlorophytum faint light in photosynthesis, spider plants can absorb toxic gases in the air , a pot of Chlorophytum in the 8 to 10 square meters room on the equivalent of an air purifier. usually in the room raised 1 to 2 pots Chlorophytum release in 24 hours of oxygen, while absorbing the air of formaldehyde, styrene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other carcinogens. Chlorophytum the absorption of certain hazardous substances particularly strong, such as air, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde were mixed to achieve 95% and 85%. Chlorophytum can decompose benzene, the absorption of nicotine in cigarette smoke and other relatively stable harmful substances. so Chlorophytum also known as the green indoor air purifier.

8: Aloe: Aloe is equivalent to nine bowl of biological air cleaner air purifier
potted aloe experts in the world. a pot of aloe to equal to nine biological air cleaners, can absorb formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide. monoxide and other harmful substances. In particular, particularly strong absorption of formaldehyde. In 4 hours .. a pot of aloe lighting conditions, remove the air of one square meter 90% formaldehyde, can kill harmful microorganisms in the air and can absorb the dust on the clean room environment plays a significant role. when the room is too hazardous air Aloe leaf will appear when the spot. This is the signal for help. as long as additional pots of aloe in the room. indoor air quality will become normal.

9: Monstera: Night absorb carbon dioxide, improving air quality and air purification function
Monstera slightly weak number, It is not like Chlorophytum. Aloe is a versatile clean up the air. But Monstera on the clear effect of formaldehyde in the air more obvious. In addition, Monstera a night to absorb carbon dioxide effect. for improving indoor air quality, increase the oxygen content has great help. with Monstera plants generally large, elegant. Lichtung leaves and relatively attractive. it is a very good indoor plants. Monstera can cook the fruit is ripe. smell like pineapple or bananas.

10: Ivy League: Champions absorb formaldehyde.
ivy is the most effective absorption of formaldehyde in indoor plants per square meter of the ivy leaves can absorb formaldehyde, 1.48 mg. and 2 pots of adult ivy leaf total area of ​​approximately 0.78 square meters. Meanwhile ivy can also be toxic and harmful substances absorb benzene, 24-hour indoor lighting conditions, can absorb 90% of the benzene. Supposedly, 10 square meters room, just put 2-3 pots of ivy can purify the air. It can also adsorption of particles of dust.

11: rubber tree: the elimination of harmful substances in the rubber tree is a versatile
eliminate harmful versatile plant . on the air of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen fluoride and other harmful gases have a certain resistance. rubber trees but also to eliminate pollution of respirable particulate matter, dust on indoor dust can play an effective role.

12: asparagus : destroy bacteria and viruses containing the protective umbrella
bears aromatic plants have antibacterial ingredients, you can clear the air of bacteria and viruses, with health protection. So the smell of asparagus to release the power of beneficial bacteria to kill germs. In addition, bears have strong medicinal value. digging its fleshy root wash away the dust and dirt above. spare or fresh or dried use. leafy branch as used with the mining. have the effect of cooling blood detoxification lungs cough .

13: Zongzhu: the elimination of heavy metal pollution and carbon dioxide is similar in function Monstera
Zongzhu. with big leaves of ornamental plants are able to absorb more than 80% Zongzhu a variety of harmful gas, clean air. Zongzhu can also remove heavy metals and sulfur dioxide pollution to a certain extent resistant. Of course, the huge leaf foliage plants, they have a common feature of most plants can not reach the digestive function of carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

14: Lucky Bamboo: the health of plants suitable for the bedroom
Lucky Bamboo is not always open the window can help to improve air quality and ventilation in the room with disinfectant function, especially the bedroom, Lucky Bamboo can effectively absorb the emissions, so that the privacy of the bedroom environment to be improved.

15: Pachira: Confrontation emissions from burning tobacco.
Pachira evergreen, the release of toxic gases through the absorption of oxygen in photosynthesis. can be more effective absorption carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide pollution, the emissions generated by burning tobacco resistance to a certain role.

16: Green Carrot: elimination of hazardous substances to improve air quality. Green radish lot of vitality, the ability to absorb harmful substances is also very strong, not always open the window can help to improve air quality ventilated room. Green radish is also the elimination of formaldehyde and other harmful substances, its function as much as ivy, spider plants.

17: Cactus: the best plants to reduce electromagnetic radiation has a strong anti-inflammatory
sterilization cactus role in the fight against pollution, the cactus is the best plants to reduce electromagnetic radiation. In addition cactus to absorb carbon dioxide at night release oxygen. Bedroom at night putting up a cactus to be added oxygen, and conducive to sleep.

18: Clivia: the release of oxygen. Freshener absorbs smoke Clivia
an adult, can absorb a 1 night stand liters of air, the release of 80% of the oxygen in the extremely faint light can also occur photosynthesis. It does not distribute carbon dioxide in the night. In two or three dozen square meters of indoor potted Clivia to indoor smoke can be absorbed. Especially in the north the cold winter, the doors and windows closed, indoor air circulation, will play a very Clivia good regulation air. keep indoor air clean.

I want to get married ( well written , failed to copy from a reprint )

 I want to get married,
I want to marry a man as I like baby, he will have patience with me a small problem, I do not considerate and thoughtful, he can take care of me, as if I was his little sister. he can spoil me. as if I was his little pet. he can come up off my occasional bad mood, he can hold me to sleep, gave me a pillow. I'm never too cold in winter, summer is never too me heat.

I want to get married,
I want to marry a man older than me, he has not had the experience I have I have not had the story. he can help me, he to discipline me, he can tell me how good I should control myself. encountered unhappy things, he, I would not be endless crying as he can be like my father stroked my hair, love me gently. and never leave me.

I want to get married,
stable temperament I want to marry a man, we each work to work, had nine to five life. join us in the paychecks of the day, eat a big meal treat yourself a little. We go to the bank hand in hand, keep the love that we save each month to give our future little Baby. open our small displacement big flute flute, looking at books on the decimal point, to meet in our little accomplishments.

I want to get married,
I want to marry a hard working man, he would do well to eat meals, washing machines will be used laundry, cleaning the house with bright will. I want to be lazy in that month, a few days, all the whole household, let me Mei Mei's holiday. wait I eat, and serve me to wear. Although good for me I want to serve my great master double. I still admire the beauty of life is so!

I want to get married,
delicate mind I want to marry a man, do not forget my birthday, our wedding anniversary, and know my preferences.'ll occasionally have good performance in my time to give me some encouragement. buy my favorite little thing has been a long time, send me reward. let my family and friends to enjoy his super strong powers of observation.'ll laugh silly, shy, without a word, are actually quite shenanigans. at any time to take out new ghost note.

I want to get married,
know how motivated I am to marry a man, even if wages pitiful, we can use the remaining time to develop a sideline. as long as we both individuals together, even if the sea fishing will feel very romantic.

I want to get married,
I want to marry a man who like to travel. so we have time to go to places you want to go see, we left our footprints in every place look like film Funny pictures. so old after We sat on the balcony, I turned over the photos scolded him: Do you think you ah, you are a smelly old man, no respectable young man. photo also stare tongue na!

I would like to married,
I want to marry a man of ingenuity. what if what is broken at home. out of the small problems that he could easily repair. does not make me anxious and went to buy a new use. back then himself Prodigal blame themselves, but also spend money to make money is not easy!

I want to get married,
I like to marry a child, like animals, man. I give birth to a super handsome son , a daughter, I do not mind more, and we take care of me like a small pet. One day the dog saw the baby crawling on him said: dog, dogs, I love you. I want to be gentle and beautiful Mummy, etc. son will grow up proud of her arm around my shoulder out. proud to show off, said: count man. I want him to supervise me on time, abide by the rules. more in control of himself. I want him so I do not, ah, ah, wait no more patience. I want to be sincere he made a mistake, do not escape . I want him to not lie to me, do not play with me mysterious. I want him to know that we do. What time do. where to go what to do. the same as navigation, control, I did not assertive body.

I want to get married,
I want to marry a man to appreciate, we do not have a big house, to the sun can shine in many large windows or French windows. I want to string a row after row of shiny beads, made curtains, smiled and said it was my Yilianyoumeng, told her husband, where each bead has one of my wishes, about, us. I do not want the old white walls. I want to powder blue bedroom, the kitchen is the water green, white sofa, corner chair and transparent. I want the walls covered with pictures of us. I want to live in is full of colors, warm and sweet. If the husband on a business trip, stay in their own home will not be lonely, do not be afraid and fear.

I want to get married,
long I do not want to marry a handsome man who is very approachable, he is not a big beer belly, not like the Mediterranean big bald head. he did not care about the petty trifles are, but also not strange to the outbreak of bad temper, he has to like sports, full of masculinity. he likes to sing, even if transferred to scared to go I cry. he held my the face and said, marry you, is really a blessing for me ...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Scattered in the text ( b)

 Profound fatigue, mentioned more than once , I do not know why there is always such a bad feeling, is always sudden , people keep track of. Friends say , do not lock yourself in the mind , relax a little , happy is the subject of this age . I was just a touch of laughter , do not know what laughing is the fact that these dark , or the blue of their own, let go of the past that period of my heart , I still pressed together by their own , looked like a big joke .
night, the rain , listening to People usually some good memories of the past, I was no exception , but can think of , in addition to that period of childhood and grandmother had lived with the rest , almost all of their own , and my love , we always Separation. Now, I have long been bearish , and the love is really a shelf-life . Long and short the efforts of two people is needed , WXD that the reason why the power of love so much , maybe that 1 +1 = 2 it so simple truth .
miss a lot of people hurried through my life , countless people have said I was too out of the text and age , people can not imagine life in such a short course of my years, will occur So many stories, sad , happy, happy, sad . Anyway, I still leave my life too many traces of WXD that I was not already ahead of the many things to be a long time to experience the feeling again in advance , even if time is too short , but a lot of stories , Moment will be unforgettable .
Road, see the end , a love of your gloom.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The four legal wife of Mao Zedong and his ten children , said that Hua Guofeng was Mao's children are too outrageous, fabricated , can not believe it.

 Mao Zedong - December 26, 1893 was born in a peasant family, September 9, 1976, passed away in Beijing.

four legal wife of Mao Zedong:
1, Roche - home to marry, the nominal marriage, about 20 died; but Luo Mao always maintained a family relationship.

2, Yang Kaihui

Yang Kaihui and son Anying, Anqing
Yang Kaihui, No. Xia, word brocade, was born in Changsha in 1901, the famous scholar Professor Yang Changji only child. Young girl met and fell in love with Mao Zedong, in 1920 married. One of the first women members, Department of the CPC, from 1923 to 1927 with her husband in Shanghai, Hunan, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other work. Mao Zedong launched the Autumn Harvest Uprising, his wife and children goodbye before, Yang Kaihui the parental household has been in Changsha, and help contact Comrade Mao Zedong, gather information, organize the article. Mao's early writings embodied Yang Kaihui efforts. After her arrest in 1930, multi-rescue is not valid, and soon killed the age of 29. Birth to three sons: Anying, Mao Anqing, Mao Anqing dragon.
3, He Zizhen
(note the time and the death of Yang Kaihui He Zizhen become Madame Mao's time)

He Zizhen, Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province Yunshan people, a great proletarian revolutionary. The great leader Comrade Mao Zedong's most lovely wife! Mao Zedong in 1928 and married in Jinggangshan. At that time, He is only 16 years old. She accompanied Mao Zedong spent five anti-encirclement, the Long March through the twenty-five thousand years. To Yan'an, the one hand, as He Zizhen felt he did not read the books, want to study the Soviet Union; the other hand, he and Mao's personality is very strong, often a little frivolous to fight, American journalist Agnes Smedley to to meet with Mao Zedong in Yan'an and embraced each other flowers, very common in the West, but He Zizhen difficult to accept. Her flowers, hugging as Quarrel after they refused to apologize to each other. Combined with physical condition, and later on in 1938, He went to Moscow by the treatment of Xinjiang and learning. Later, eager to son, was hit by the Soviet Union as a mental health care, jail for several years. In 1946, Wang Jiaxiang He Zizhen to Moscow to pick up. At this point, with Jiang Qing, Mao's early married 8 years, can not be changed. Department of Finance in 1948 was appointed Director in Shenyang. The autumn term of 1949 in Zhejiang Province Women's Federation President, October adjust the work of the Organization Department of CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee. Elected in 1979, the Fifth CPPCC National Committee. At 17:17 on April 19, 1984 died, was buried in cemetery. Students with three sons and three daughters of Mao Zedong, Li Min He Zizhen and Mao is the only living child

4, Jiang
Jiang Qing, Mao Zedong and Jiang Qing

(1914 ~ 1991), formerly known as Li Yunhe, Shandong Zhucheng people. Into the spring of 1929 in Jinan, Shandong Experimental Theatre. In Shanghai in 1934 to do the stage name Lan Ping for the actor. Lan Ping and the end of the relationship between film actor Donald autumn to Yan'an in 1937, renamed Jiang Qing. Married in 1938 and Mao Zedong. (Central Jiang made on the marriage of the three constraints: only the affairs of life to take care of hair, not as party posts, the party may not intervene and say in personnel and participate in political activities) Jiang has done a few years by treaty wife and mother after trying to gradually involve the government.
Jiang met with Kim Il Sung

Jiang and Zhang Yufeng
(confidential secretary to Mao Zedong's secretary and life) After the founding of the People's Republic
, a former member of the Steering Committee of the National Film, Film Director of the Central Propaganda Department and other staff. After the Cultural Revolution, she appointed the first deputy head of the Central Cultural Revolution Group, the PLA during the Cultural Revolution Group consultant. Actively planning for a large number of framed down the party and state leaders, and with Chang Chun-chiao, Yao Wenyuan, Wang Hongwen formed a

the Special Court for trial on the Jiang
1976 年 10 月 被 Central Committee for review. July 1977, Jiang Qing was never expelled from the party. 1981, was sentenced to death, suspended for 2 years the implementation, after the law was reduced to life imprisonment. May 14, 1991, for medical treatment in Beijing, Jiang, committed suicide at his residence. Jiang committed suicide before leaving the last sentence is written in the People's Daily front page of a position, first scrawled wrote: your students and soldiers to see you here.

ten children the eldest son of Mao Zedong: Anying

1922 年 10 月 24 born in Changsha, Hunan, is the eldest son of Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui. 8 years old the mother's imprisonment, Yang Kaihui die a martyr before being released. Went to the Soviet Union to study, and in January 1943 joined the Union (Bolshevik) Party. Participate in the Korean War in 1950, in the Korean War killed. Anying's wife Liu Siqi, also known as Songlin, and Liu Qian Zhang Wenqiu early is the daughter of the couple in 1962, and Yang Mao, and then after marriage, to the Military Academy of the work. She tasted of life's ups and sweet and sour, and the general organs, like workers in the work and life.

second son: Mao Anqing

Mao Anqing Mao Anqing and Shao plum

the former residence of Mao's relatives to pay tribute to memory of Fengzeyuan. From left: Ling-Mei, Wang Jingqing, Shao Hua, Li Na, Mao Anqing, Mao Xinyu; right: Ling-hua; right: Mao Yuanzhi.

whole family of Mao Anqing Mao Anqing

(November 2, 1923 -2007 on March 23) joined the Communist Party in 1947. July 1949 Lieutenant Colonel arrived in Beijing hanging bands, doing research in the Academy of Military Sciences. 1960, Mao Anqing and Mao Shao match married in 1970 gave birth to a son Mao Xinyu. Mao Anqing, the General Staff later years living in nursing homes at Beidaihe, 23 March 2007 of a heart attack early Mao Anqing, Beijing 301 Hospital in the death. Shao Hua Chen Anyun

formerly known, was born in October 1938 revolution in Yan'an, the father Chen Zhenya, Hunan Shihmen people to participate in Pingjiang 1927 uprising of the old Red Army; mother Zhang Wenqiu, Hubei Jingshan County, joined in 1926 CPC is the creation of Jingshan County, one of the party. Half-sister Songlin Shao Hua (Liu Siqi) is the eldest son of Mao Zedong's wife Anying. PLA Academy of Military Science Shao Huasheng former Deputy Minister of Wikipedia (positive military), major general, seventh, eight, nine, of the Tenth CPPCC National Committee member, he served as Deputy Secretary-General of Military Science Society, President of the Chinese Photographers Association, the Chinese women photography Association President, Deputy Secretary-General Society of Military Encyclopedia, Guangzhou Vocational College Dean Matsuda, honorary vice president of the China Flower Association. 2004 was named Chinese Writers Association. June 24, 2008 evening, Miss Shao Hua due to breast cancer spread in the Beijing 301 Hospital, died aged 71.

youngest: Long hair shore. February 1927 in Wuchang was born in Shanghai in 1931 missing.

fourth eldest: Mao Xiaomin, also known as Golden hair, He Zizhen children. March 1929 when the Red Army was born in Longyan second lay the child not the full moon, He Zizhen it by the introduction of western Fujian Zihui Special Secretary, personally gave her tears Longyan Weng Qinghe town cobbler, but later the family missing until after the liberation did not find (it is said in the seventies and eighties of last century have found Mao Xiaomin, now known as Yang Yuehua, living in Fujian Longyan, but not confirmed);

Five: 11, 1932 month, He Zizhen Changting in Fujian second child was born, named Mao Anqing Red, nickname fluff. After the start of the Long March, Mao Zedong Mao Zedong couples give the child to raise Yi Qin and He, Qin Mao Zedong after the sacrifice, Mao Anqing Red whereabouts are unknown.

youngest: In 1933, He Zizhen too close since birth, with very difficult living conditions at that time, the third child died deficiencies.

Seven said: In late February 1935, He Zizhen gave birth to a girl in Guizhou, which is the seventh child of Mao Zedong, the baby was given to local people, after trying to check, to no avail.

老八: Min

Li Min Li Min Li Na

winter, Mao Zedong's eighth child born in the northern security, he personally named Mao Jiaojiao for the children. Returned from the Soviet Union in 1947, takes pride of place in the school around Mao Zedong, Mao Zedong had named her Min. , Surnamed Li, is that Mao was victorious with the pseudonym Li, Min a single name, taken from He Zizhen and Mao Li Min is the only surviving child, Li Min from the Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, National Defense Science and Technology Commission after graduation worked in the PLA General Political Department and working until retirement. Now her husband Ling Wah National Defense work. Hua Ling husband (his father was in the army will, Shenyang Artillery School in holes from the High Island) is the son of Li Min Kong Jining, born in 1962, graduated from Nanjing Institute of International Relations People's Liberation Army after graduation, entered the General Staff, has been Pakistan and the British Embassy based in China, he served as assistant military attache, the current national spirit with the Chinese Development Research Center, China Youth Development Foundation, He Zizhen living with the grandmother, in 1996, Kong Dongmei English from the Beijing Aerospace University graduate, after which went to the University of Pennsylvania study in graduate school, after returning home in 2002, Kong Dongmei founder of the Beijing Dongrun Juxiangshuwu Co., Ltd., is committed to spread red

old Nine: He Zizhen arrived in October 1938 near Moscow, also one son, Mao Anqing new. This is Mao Zedong's ninth child, the child in months, because unfortunately died of pneumonia.

old X: Line

Lee attended the birth of Mao Zedong
Annual Conference
Line 114 is the tenth child of Mao Zedong, born in August 1940 in Yan'an, born as Jiang Qing. Li Na and Li Min in the name of the same from Line in 1959 into the Department of History, Peking University, graduated in 1965. Communist Party of China in 1973 the Tenth National Congress. 1974 to 1975 served successively as secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee of Beijing Pinggu County deputy secretary. 2003, Ren Quanguo CPPCC members. Pre-retirement work in the Beijing Municipal Committee. First marriage (1970) married to a husband, Xu Xing (Central Office of Beidaihe Management Office within the guest house attendants belong), Selected Works of Mao Zedong, Marxism-Leninism to a phase He. Xu Xiaoning have one son, divorced and eventually died; Li Yinqiao chief bodyguard of Mao Zedong in 1984, with the help of his wife and Wangjing Qing (1929, Shaanxi Shenmu people, Yan'an Guards Regiment soldiers, former Military Chief of Staff of the Nu River, Kunming Military Region) married, had the freedom of the people quiet life. Renamed his son Xu Xiaoning Wang Hsiao-Chi, by wage and business.

the only grandson of Mao Zedong: Mao Xinyu
Mao Xinyu (left), Zhu Peace Committee (De grandson)

Mao Xinyu and his second wife, Mao Xinyu Liu Bin
: Mao Anqing and Shao's son, January 17, 1970 was born. September 1992 to July 1995 the Central Party School in the Department of Theory, master's degree; joined the CPC in 1993 and 2000, into the Academy of Military Sciences PhD, also a soldier and received his Ph.D. in July 2003; July 2008, Academy of Military Sciences, was appointed vice minister of strategy and embarked on senior leadership positions, as deputy army level, China's youngest general, and was the first Standing Committee of China Youth Federation, the CPPCC National Committee members.
Mao Xinyu, Hao Mingli: at 16:00 on December 7, 1997, and his first wife Haoming Li (when he was 25 years old) to get married. Hotels in Tai'an throne marriage Haoming Li waitress, marriage was to transfer to from Shandong Mining Institute, Department of International Business, Peking University.
Mao Xinyu, Liu Bin: Mao Xinyu Liu Bin and Zhenjiang girl by the man in the 2000 (In fact, was the flight attendants Liu Bin, Mao on the plane to its Named Mao Dongdong. August 2008, Mao Xinyu Liu Bin and gave birth to second child, a daughter, named Mao Yi sweet.

attached: Hua Guofeng

Hua Guofeng, b. 1921, Shanxi Jiaocheng people. Formerly known as the Soviet Union cast, due to the revolutionary work requirements, changed its name to Hua Guofeng. Outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, tried and tested loyal communist fighter, proletarian revolutionary, has served as an important party and state leadership positions Comrade Hua Guofeng, illness treatment failed in at 12:50 on August 20, 2008 died in Beijing at the age of 87 years.
1975, he served as Vice Premier

Chairman of the CPC Central Committee (October 1976 -1981 in June)
Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission (October 1976 -1981 in June)
Acting Prime Minister of the State Council (February 1976 -1976 in April)
Premier (April 1976 -1980 in September)
the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Vice Chairman (June 1981 -1982 in October)
of the CPC Central Committee (October 1982 -2002 in November)
together with Comrade Mao Xinyu Hua Guofeng

magazine, according to the latest issue of open disclosure, the early years of Mao Zedong Hua Guofeng was originally born out of wedlock son. Shi Liuda the eve of the CPC Central Committee sent a letter to Hua Guofeng, to use his life experience, surname hair, was rejected. Soon after Mao's death, Hua Guofeng on the straight decline in the political arena, the Chinese Communists in order to maintain the party's image, long concealed the secret of life experience Hua Guofeng. Hua Guofeng life experience last year, sent a letter demanding the reinstatement of the CPC Central Shiliu Da on the eve of coming to an end in the title of the party Central Committee members in name only restore the status of ordinary party members Hua Guofeng, sent a letter to the central authorities put forward to restore his personal life, with the biological father or mother's surname. Hua Guofeng was the Central Organization Department of the request letter to the reply: The Central After serious consideration, to maintain the reputation of Mao Zedong, from the party and social impact, but also the impact on your own, no need to change and restore his father or mother's surname. But permission for him to return to place of birth endowment of Xiangtan in Hunan Province. Two years on December 26 OO, the daughter of Mao Zedong, Hua Guofeng and Li Min Zeng, Lina, and Zhang Yufeng, Mao's confidential secretary during his lifetime, along with the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, to make offerings in the life of Mao Zedong. Hua Guofeng lay a wreath at the pull of the belt, but also with on a However, the afternoon, the memorial wreath was the staff withdrew.

great man Mao Zedong (a)

great man Mao Zedong (b)

Reprinted women have to look at !

 Chinese girls to write a school maintenance Dafa ! ! ~ ~Chinese girls to write a school maintenance Dafa! ! ~ ~ Teach you how to solve hair oil, pores, whitening, teeth, fine lines, too full, and, we would have looked good,,, it is very nice,,, fear of lost,,, to come in here,,,,

If you ask in the gut can not digest fat, so put it routed to the face and head, bubbles are not so good effect,,,,

my opinion, the best foam to sweat, and in fact, if his head is full of sisters face out of the oil, then, to pass through the liver conditioning this method, the oil will be less slowly.

friends because of the reasons for the oil pores very thick, I would give him a massage with salt face, the oil of the skin texture is rough and hard, so do not worry too coarse salt. If salt is too bad, you can add essential oils with salt. particularly careful around the nose massage, clean, the pores is not particularly small ah? Note: The salt can be mentioned here is salt, because if you buy bath salts are not good enough, but also stimulate the skin, but not as cheap and easy to use salt.

oil squeeze and pull the ball must not be used massage methods best. to the oil while reducing pores and exfoliating Finally, wash your face, it is best to wash with hot and cold water alternately, in fact, I strongly recommend that all women are so wash your face! hot water to wash your face is certainly not alone, and also warm water and cold water lines, alternating hot and cold water best.

I installed with hot water basin, wash basin with cold water directly against the faucet, turn on the way to wash, very convenient, But the rosy little face wash out, Fenfen tender, not only washed very clean, and the pores can not be reduced to small!

< br> Also, alternating hot and cold water is also very effective on dark circles. because the cold water wash though very good, but to stimulate the face, dark circles will increase!

(Note: Many younger sister said, hot and cold water wash will produce red blood, I have hot water with the above mentioned here that water used to soak the foot is completely different concepts here as long as the warm wash of hot water can, oh, so avoid the production of red blood slightly,,,,)

colleagues bought a half-carat diamond ring, when she showed me the ring My feeling is, >

on the hands and feet, skin care, the most practical DIY hand film is mixed with brown sugar and honey, stop the massage, the general recommendations are to carry Gloves cream, as long as necessary to coat the hand away from water. This method is really a lot of trouble!

fact, as long as we make good use of the night, during the day do not need to bother.

for a loose gloves, before going to sleep every night, to mix with olive oil MAXAM, thick applied to the hands, wear gloves to bed, persist for some time, the hands will become soft, fine lines are also downplayed.

If the finger joints thick, to be sure to massage. one by one with the thumb and index finger to massage each finger, the key is to massage the fingers of both sides, from the roots to the fingertips, one by one, the massage, the massage method can make joint coarse problem is solved, the finger will slowly a uniform thickness.

soles of the feet of dead skin that must be grinding. Big S of so I do not recommend grinding planer like feet, because their feet after a long artist maintenance, has tender, planer for easy bleeding. and the beginning of their legs, planer can quickly wore off dead skin, water feet first and grinding, grinding after completing a thick coating of olive oil MAXAM, wear thick cotton socks. grinding feet once a week, and is painted cream and wear socks to every day. your feet will become soft! true is very tender and smooth, there will not be flawless.

some girls will crack the heel, then first with plaster paste, paste Three days after the foot, and then apply a thick olive oil MAXAM, until the crack of the hole and then began to grind feet disappeared.

I recommend the United States and Canada Tremella Pearl Cream net, supermarkets have sold, nine cents a pack, a good moisturizing effect. It is Jahwa the old products, this plant also produces Baicao set, for his family's oil and hair Care series, you really want to like this one! As for face care, then the eyes of the beholder.

Jiaye Ban the body is injured, even if sleep all day, can not guarantee, but also how about maintenance of it. you can get up early morning to work? you are not in a foreign company? can go to work early in the evening to leave early? because Qianban Ye sleep very important, relatively late at night to be wasted. fifty-six point you can get up, go to work, go home early at night to sleep.

If not , then it is really pathetic! then you eat every day donkey-hide gelatin, red dates and longan liver blood instead of it. these three products is the holy blood, longan eat, day three, dates of 10-20 tablets, gelatin sooner or later have to eat twice a day.

computer has a radiation, so samantha must use your Cream, half-day fill time, not once even painted the morning, noon meeting, the evening before the fix to work overtime and can not be afraid to waste. There are green tea every day for water, foreign companies like to drink coffee, you drink green tea, add a little angelica and astragalus, blood and qi , must be a lot of water. eyes will be uncomfortable, right? coupled with wolfberry and white chrysanthemums, remember that white is not yellow. Do not worry about mixing tea that does not react, hee hee, to assure you, will not drip !

in front of the computer support twelve cactus, for you to absorb radiation. way to stand up event activities, take a deep breath, do not remain seated. away from the company printer farther away, the more powerful radiation! If the company is carpeted, it should be ruined lungs. buy some almonds or almond drink can do, raise Yangfeihuoxue.


long front of the computer, the liver is also very tired, so we must try to feel comfortable. I will teach you a little way, is squeezed hard before going to bed every day armpits, ribs and two large arm there side, straining the pinch, this is by dredging channels to prevent breast diseases and make you feel comfortable, and my heart do not feel pressure fast enough.

< br> Almost all women face this field of special attention, in fact, who are white, with a number of whitening products can have even skin tone. but still have to use less whitening products, whitening set it apart from home is Angelica Herbs , Poria, etc. Chinese herbal formula, are bound to lead, there are injuries to the skin. the use of whitening products and wash your face with the right after the white back soon.'ll be changing once the white moisturizing cream. ;

whitening the same time with the milk and barley flour, drink lemonade all day can speed up the whitening.

White also has a little secret, that is, shots of water with white vinegar, add one-fifth of glycerol, such as olive oil or, if too exciting, you can add pure water in it. painted twice every day, A week will be able to see the effect.

suggest that you use skin care products, to pay attention to see their skin is not created dependency example? , good skin care products, once you do, all that day the skin will make you very uncomfortable, then this product should not be used again. good product is not even one day, occasionally, the skin is still able to maintain very good, and that is a good thing!

If your job is mental Yongnaoguodu, it is inevitable than the eyebrows and forehead, the following part to Black, the real is no way.

after white is to prevent fine lines. approach is to enhance moisture moisture moisture! moisture can not be overstated how to ! others will say, Mask of oil can do, do to enhance maintenance. neutral and oil can be used every night a little yogurt drink left. mask to do more frequent, and the natural appearance of fine lines to LEAVE 啦!

Here a square, which is joined in the yogurt yeast, fermentation, attaining to use it the next day, his face rough small bumps disappear immediately, and brighten the skin to turn white. ;

oily skin, but also to enhance moisture, add water, or rough skin faster.

< br>
moisture is an important part of toner, be sure to use with the pads! after washing face, do not rub with a towel to dry with a cotton pad and then stick a cotton pad blisters get wet cool skin water use.

massage is playing both sides of the forehead to the middle circle, the skin under the eyes are pulled from the corner to the temple, the nose from top-down, before we talked about the cheek, mouth to mouth from the middle of the following is a move up.

Toner, have to apply, do not fear of waste, deposited more than a few times. moisturizing well, do not be afraid to fine lines.

many people have oral odor problems, but some people are short, some long-term.

good friend of mine is a long-term bad breath, brush your teeth while she was still bleeding symptoms later because of bleeding has been as long as brushing his teeth, then went to dental hospital, a plaque, but there are a lot of gum stones, as well as a large cavities, and later extraction, scaling, surgery except stone, to go back to the hospital toss several times, dental health, and bad breath is gone. What a windfall. long-term symptoms of constipation, not resolved, the body of harmful substances from the body can not be timely, easily, and abdominal distension, easy to get angry in your mouth smell, loss of appetite, and so the phenomenon. This is mainly because, usually eat more, and eat whole grains too small, busy work, psychological stress, mental too excited or depressed, time is not the law, it will constipation. ;

constipation, and must eat oatmeal for breakfast, drink plenty of water during the day, bananas and apples have to eat, stay relaxed mood ease, according to the methods discussed before massage, the problem is solved.

tea and yogurt, including celery, lemonade can help exhaust the body of toxins. a large number of vitamin supplements at the same time, inhibit bacterial growth environment, of course, take vitamin pills, then if, instead of inside the additives can cause digestive disorders.

on that bad breath is stomach medicine reasons, a virtual fire, and gastrointestinal function well, mainly due to psychological factors, it is not recommended to eat something Reduce Pathogenic Fire, but psychologically adjusted, so that normal gastrointestinal disorders. at the same time improve the body immunity, Strengthen the kidney. Spleen's performance, loss of appetite, Shen Juan fatigue, severe cases will visceral ptosis, rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, the spleen is a three-year-old men and women each of us is very important before the organ, which is related to food digestion and absorption, so do not eat a mess of drugs, harm it. lung deficiency of performance, the less gas lazy words, easy to sweating, kidney qi deficiency are backache, the three together is called Qi.

Qi cheek to droop, the more powerful virtual hangs until the internal organs are sagging facial features, were also ugly. Qi Xu Zheng in all, the most likely to add physical energy. less talk, less heavy lifting, more attention to restful sleep, can add strength. because the gas can produce blood, so the qi can be blood. yam is a very good thing, a body is not good friends to the Chinese , is said to where the most famous, came back with a bunch of Chinese medicine in addition to outside, he brought this recipe: yam stew sugar drink. the value of four hundred prescriptions. yam spleen and stomach qi, Yifei Yin, kidney Solid fine, the spleen, lung and kidney were completed, and really worth the money! Yin loss people tend to cough, you can use it to soup for water, consumptive cough illnesses can be cured. yam because Yifei, while It damp evil yin at the same time help, so after I finished it will definitely eat dampness of the East, such as barley, Poria. I do not add sugar directly boiled yam, the yam labeled thick paste, then cooked open to when the water to drink, do not drink, after drinking, then drink plenty of water I add barley flour.

rice is qi, surprised you? woman must eat rice every day, the spleen and stomach health depends on it too! meters are spleen, but the grains in the spleen and the effect it is the best, the gas shortage, fatigue will eat it, like the stomach Deficiency, upset thirsty to drink rice gruel to Come. Chinese book says, .

good thing, and jujube, honey. are spleen, the benefits of wasting, is a good color.

anti-aging (a)

posted if you see more than 35 years of age, this is specifically for you written.

is likely to more than 30 year-old woman, there will be traditional Chinese medicine has been known as eye socket, bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, rough skin and so on Aging. including a complete body deformation and so on. In short, is now you have basically the transition to a neutral person, the woman gradually away from your taste in away. you basically can not remember even their own or a woman. only buy clothes, to the barber shop when the release of hysterical desperation to save. see the word, is very suitable here, in particular, more than 28 years old, his face is all written in your heart. heart envy others, attention than the interests of all, bullying on the ignorant, the more all of these psychological, must be the world's fastest aging changes your ugly! and low self-esteem, passive, lazy, but also accelerate the aging of the fathers. Maggie Cheung said she was keeping the secret of youth is the , put something heavy, we recommend you do what. my boyfriend for the time delay to the entire kitchen to the ground from the roof and scrub clean. You think of myself as a man makes, but also want a woman? this and not a good society, and my heart with sand, the ability of women to develop the sand pearl, most of it to be released. excessive patience will also accelerate the aging, more terrible psychological aging, but also for the maintenance of a happy family no good. you can be confident that your complaints are all out, if he does not even offer this to you, then his role? must be between two people can not save you money to give him flowers, or to both to save, or to you to take his province, he spent if your province, your very questions he basically.

< br> Anti-aging (b)

expression of facial wrinkles rich first, because usually, or often Satisfy her face so bad actions, and second, because the mind heavy mood did not improve long time to wrinkles, the third is acidic, which is not very good physique; Fourth, there is no time to give the skin enough moisture.

massage is very important to ah! their massage to be patient, remove wrinkles with the way described before, his face everywhere carefully massage, gently, to every day by, As long as we are sure to eliminate wrinkles. massage after completing sure to enhance moisture, use more moisturizer, moisturizing mask, everything is very moisturizing. Recommended Niu Er Rose Hydrating Night sleep film, 50 bucks and moisturizing effect is like! and durable, do not know what a bottle of when to run. but also the natural formula, I admire the cattle teacher! fly in the ointment is that he has a defect that down. not to mention not to mention, no one is perfect.

eye bags and dark circles are introduced before the method is very effective. freckle method before also, however slow, is not worried. nasolabial folds, also introduced before the method, get rid of the effect is obvious. cheeks certainly be sagging or loose or depression, eating rice to bed early, be sure to blood.

eyes were tired, to liver or kidney, to rest, walk around the circle more than the eye, hair dry and rough, it would do more hair care, black sesame seeds and seaweed to eat, do not perm hair, the hair is not so old fashioned.

face yellow, if the non-physical factors, on the water attaining with green tea; skin pimple to use before the introduction of the yogurt yeast Mask; the body's skin is definitely more crude, persist in using white vinegar plus moisturizing glycerin, the body smooth and soft white; to this age, the product is sure to seriously use. general facial skin will become thin, but the more and more rigid, so feel the vicissitudes of life. from physical changes, the skin will become soft, as long as the skin tender, it will significantly younger. and this is the product can do. in fact, before all the face of aging, apart from the moisture , the product can not be resolved. anti-aging (c)

check, your life to meet the following conditions? early hours each day, the best nine point to lie; sooner or later have to eat fruit every day; time to seriously eat three meals a day, will eat cooked rice; feel peace; next exercise; an hour lunch break every day at noon. In fact, most people can not guarantee these basic.

aging body deformation of the body organs, blood, aging, toxic accumulation of a signal. healthy body, should have a beautiful appearance. acidity of the body does not necessarily correspond to a perfect appearance. liver kidney care were introduced before, the spleen and stomach of nursing lies in the heart, internal organs are key parts of our operation, putting on part on the loose, re-tighten, and the machine just fine. the blood thick , the machine will turn no more, but also damage the machine. toxin too much, the machine easily deformed.

as long as from now on, you seriously treat your facial skin, take the time to take care of her, a regular life, attention to your sleep and mood, healthy diet, care of your body organs, your status will be better. qi and blood is The two complement each other tonic steps. simply not qi and blood, just like stove burned very busy, put an empty pot, put the blood is delicious in the pan. qi talked about food before, I still have to highlight the most important rice, the other should pay attention to eat more potatoes, sweet potatoes / sweet potatoes, dates and honey. mushrooms although very good, but a skin disease should pay attention to eating, not eating fasting.

blood to eat some donkey-hide gelatin, ah, no reason! my mom insisted to eat for so many years, made by my dad, plus enough love in it! previous gelatin powder has not played to say, are My dad used to trace the things pounded garlic pieces, and then Chaohei sesame seeds, fried a rolling pin and then rolled into the end, then Zaichao walnuts, chopped, procedures complicated than it is now! toss several nights to do a good job. ;

winter to eat the best. blood while nourishing the yin, remove heat, lungs empty, contains a lot of collagen, because it is the thing sentient flesh and blood, nourishing more effective. face does not look good, it is necessary depends on it. However, the recommended addition to the above two things taste more than not to, at most, enough to add flavor longan. you add so much good stuff in there, in that case directly to eat ten Forget all Dabu pills, but also Ejiao doing? who assisted the Lord who is to make it clear.

the best way of eating is soaked in rice wine, rice wine warm the stomach , and A sticky resin, absorption of the two just help solve the problem. the blood also recommended to eat more sugar cane, carrots, spinach, dried longan and soy milk are iron supplementation of food. not recommended brown sugar, too sweet injured spleen, spleen were looking black .

to correct the notion that food alone can not make up the body by a blind, catering to a comprehensive, such as you now know, the blood and the qi of the food, and that These two should eat, the effects are not obvious eat alone, this is certain.

Introducing the two should always eat the good stuff! fungus and black fungus, are the ancient royal nutrition. black and white fungus in nutrient-rich, similar in composition, are rich in collagen. colloid is very important for a woman!

< br> black fungus the same protein content and meat, fish, iron content is 70 times that of spinach 20 times 7 times the liver, so the black fungus is an important blood blindly food Oh! both of them are singled out for special say, because it has too many white fungus things on a good woman. Now the women enjoy eating out, and taste are very heavy, cholesterol, high fat content easily, and the blood of harmful once the high fat content, skin and physical condition will not be good, something else of aging, wrinkles and more the quality of the blood is too important for the beauty!

black fungus can prevent the harmful fat in the stay in the blood, its biggest advantage is that from the beginning to eat into the body, starting from the trachea, from top to bottom, including lung, stomach, intestine, blood, body dust, soot used, bad foreign , environmental pollutants, can bring out the whole body. the body which can take a bath.

black fungus has a strong anti-cancer function and can enhance liver detoxification.

Tremella do not buy the yellow and white, the effect of moisture class! dryness, lungs, and blood, Yin Huo-wang body will expect it! lung health of the , the skin naturally delicate.

yin tonic food in addition to pears, sugar cane, black sesame, soy milk, white fungus, lily, these partial pigment, the meat dish recommended duck Not only Ziyinqingre, and benefits of water features, summer eating it can prevent the occurrence of gynecological inflammation. too many diseases because of water running around the body, so much did not eat bad Italian Ren.

Yang to intake of meat, although the vegetables are recommended before, but did not say to a vegetarian, meat must eat, completely vegetarian diet is very harmful to the body. beef and mutton is a certain eat, the two meat intake, no moisture, low fat content, energy and iron levels are high enough.

winter must Eat more lamb, men and women should eat more. lamb to pirated wasting, replenishing vital energy, to treat kidney yang, warming warm-up, to treat stomach Deficiency, that physical treatment should eat more, strong stomach and spleen, of the spleen and kidney are very good. consumptive thin lamb eat can make a strong constitution.

is the same dog to eat, replenishing effort , make up the spleen and stomach, warm the kidney, gluten bone health, but should not be taken together and almonds. There cuisine blindly yang, Zuixia is taking live shrimp with wine soaked, cold extremities can be treated, spleen and kidney yang. ;

addition to the above four flavor meat, the walnut treatment of kidney lower back pain, tinnitus, nourishing the liver kidney, to treat lung Deficiency, improve the intestinal constipation, moisture five internal organs. take a long time, skin smooth, shiny black hair, anti-aging.

addition to beef and mutton, the other virtual food Wenbu Yang, Yin Fire Wang physical person must eat less.

a sister's LG kidney inflammation, and a sister visceral ptosis serious, here referred to the various symptoms and spleen method of maintenance is very important to them, for good health, the spleen once the weak, the body nine veins are blocked. For each woman to become the United States, spleen guide the blood of our beautiful basic.

the spleen and stomach meridians are associated through the spleen and stomach function of good people, and the skin must be moist, plump. Conversely, if a person is skinny, skin not shiny, the stomach is not good, so the body of qi and blood deficiencies. spleen health conditions can also look at the color of the lips, if it is dark red, is the heat, if it is light red, is the Deficiency, if the skin is very dry lips, is the lack of body fluid. because the spleen to blood through the digestion of food, so and women also related to the menstrual cycle. It is a woman of the Gospel, if you have mastered the method of maintenance of the spleen, you can not do Huanglian Po life, even to the fifties, too, his face is not brown. because of poor maintenance and spleen after the loss of function of the blood system, the skin will be dry and yellow, while the natural skin color is yellow, where yellow means coke. First, spleen deficiency, and then developed into the spleen does not control blood. the body's vital energy and spleen digestion of food produced with the blood, the first is to ensure healthy eating.

If you face yellow, and had to be used to eat taro. purple taro the best of the spleen and stomach, blood, the Blood effect, to plump the skin and muscle moist. There a tonic side seasons insist on eating, very effective, that is, water chestnuts, potatoes, red beans, yam, Mainz fact, lotus seeds, red dates and rice cooked together, these meals are all complement the spleen, to blood, and gradually improve the complexion. sallow face evolved from a deficiency, in addition to mood, fatigue factors, do not eat rice is the main reason. So, in order to have a good face, eat at least two bowls of rice a day.