Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Events in the Diaoyu Islands, American and Japanese secret behind the stones singing contest

 Chairman Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square self-declared Taiwan and Taiwan due to external forces involved have not yet been unified, the South China Sea disputes continue. the most memorable Chinese people, I am afraid modern history of China is the biggest damage is still trying to occupy the Diaoyu Islands in Japan. Diaoyu Islands, an island is not isolated, but a total area of about 7 square kilometers of islands. Diaoyu Islands, our Japanese is called oil resources, the outside world has been that this is the intensification of the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands is an important factor.
conditions from the above point of view, the Diaoyu Islands enough to attract so much attention. world is not the lack of territorial disputes. including the Chinese, concerned about the Diaoyu Islands, the Diaoyu Islands by simply reserves a lot of oil? The answer of course is no. Diaoyu Islands to the world's attention not because they were more attracted to oil resources. Diaoyu Islands to attract people's attention, no doubt because of its geo-East Asia The role of the political barometer.
Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu Islands dispute. China and Japan are two major powers in East Asia is also an important influence on the world's countries. bound to affect the dispute between them and then act on the situation in East Asia the whole world. Diaoyu Islands dispute also involves the United States. In fact, it is the Americans for the manufacture of the Diaoyu Islands dispute. Diaoyu Islands issue to today's situation, and then moves the United States playing a direct link. Diaoyu Islands after the end of the first is in accordance with the Sino Treaty of Shimonoseki Subsequently, the United States has said that the agreement does not affect the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands issue. In other words, the problem is actually a former KMT regime in Taiwan and the United States and, later, the local government's ambiguous relationship with the United States caused by the legacy. When Beijing began to have the ability to take over this issue, the situation is quite unsatisfactory. Therefore, we stand far enough and need to look at macro-historical perspective, but can not be separated the History of the guilt of all the blame today. < br> In the United States in the planning, the Diaoyu Islands between China and Japan has become the embodiment of contradictions. Americans are in the world balance of power politics, one of the best execution. He laid in East Asia this foreshadowing is quite substantial. historical conflict between China and Japan is already very serious. modern history, Japan had strong in Asia alone. Therefore, the Japanese essence, there is a sense of superiority for the Asians. Japanese, the Chinese people called A contempt of mind. and after the Meiji Restoration in Japan through a series of expansion of the war survived by colonization. Japan is under pressure in the West survive. one long withstand the pressure, once Huanguo Lai is very likely some physiological or psychological problems. Japan has not escaped the fate of the other. the Japanese people as reflected in the abnormal psychology of worship and for Wei Europe Asia contempt. When China firmly on its own and the Renaissance, when Japan felt abnormal psychological self-esteem is about to be broken. Chinese people, the feeling is not the end of World War II, Japan has also reached even wish to bring the fruits of aggression. Therefore, the Chinese people for Japan on the Diaoyu Islands are particularly sensitive to the direction of the little tricks.
Because the Japanese government has long pursued a strong policy direction on the Diaoyu Islands, making their own room for maneuver has been significantly compressed. Diaoyu Islands are stolen territory, Beijing has not given up. can be considered, the direction of the Japanese every time a strong action on the Diaoyu Islands Diaoyu Islands issue will increase the peaceful settlement more difficult. the two countries as a result of the Diaoyu Islands issue of rising nationalist sentiment to the Diaoyu Islands issue almost lost the possibility of a peaceful settlement. Japan has clearly seen this, but did not loose any of the positions. We can this kinds of attitude as the Diaoyu Islands is Japan's problem of lack of sincerity in the peace settlement.
the attitude of the Japanese side, in the short term the problem through peaceful means to resolve the possibility of the Diaoyu Islands have been almost lost. the long run, there is the possibility of peaceful settlement of the Diaoyu Islands issue sex. that is overwhelming national strength of China ahead of Japan, and geopolitical isolation from Japan, the Japanese people that abnormal psychological self-esteem before the harsh reality when it is destroyed, the Diaoyu Islands issue was the possibility exists for the peaceful solution. However, Whether I personally or the Chinese people can not tolerate this track by dragging the Diaoyu Islands issue, China's national strategy also allowed the emergence of this phenomenon. Therefore, the Chinese government should do the Diaoyu Islands issue be resolved by war preparations. China pursuing peaceful coexistence does not mean that the territorial issue should be delayed indefinitely. Diaoyu Islands issue of waiting, has affected the credibility of the Government, thus affecting the country's long-term stability. interests should be the measure of the Diaoyu Islands issue has dragged on to play The only criterion. 

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