Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Buddhist experience

 My knowledge of Buddhism through
Buddhism and the Buddhist question by
2003   5 three months, the Beijing SARS most severe cases, the number of people per day died in the hospital more than 100, and continues to remain high for some time . At that time units have been arranged at home, work, units of people stay at home, every day sooner or later notified by mail about their health. If you have immediate family members own what happens during this condition, also need to report to the unit. one day forgot to report their physical condition unit and soon had calls about the one. can not contact a few days, you will not doubt this man is not mixed on the ground. This feels very strange, I understand intuitively the power of impermanence. At that time the streets are empty, no matters that it would not go out, the body and the vehicle are also ready a mask, if you need to first meet people wear a mask, we do not know who all of a sudden who had.
was at that time, I started reading a book has been bought for a long time but has not read the book, it is the former president of the Buddhist Association of China, Mr. Zhao Puchu, Dean of the Chinese Buddhism with the See where he appeared on television, feeling his humble kind. Reading his book is somewhat directed at trust in him. later learned that trust in Buddhism there is a basis for learning, so that people are good mentor, usually translated into is a genuine talent for the evaluation of scholarship. the book is not very complex structure, not going to find someone to preface, Mr. Zhao Puchu himself had a preface, a total of less than 1,000 words, mainly about his contacts with the three, One of Mao Zedong, one is Fan Wen-lan, one is Qian, three of them agreed on the evaluation of Buddhism, said that Buddhism is the culture. Fan Wenlan and even commented that, do not understand Chinese culture and Buddhism do not know. This is some of my unexpected, because in the eyes of many, Buddhism is superstition, or indifference. sequence is also mentioned on this understanding, Mao's secretary Li Yinqiao also say that, only to correct Mao said, famous thesis on Buddhism.
Zhao ink
I opened the book, the directory is also small, less than a page, without any modification, that is, first chapter about the creation of the Buddha and Buddhism, Buddhism stresses Chapter the basic content and Buddhist scriptures; Chapter Sangha and the Buddha's disciples speak; chapter about the development of Buddhism in India, bad off, rehabilitation; chapter about the spread of Buddhism in China, the development and evolution.
book the beginning of the three questions put attracted me first to ask is: What is Buddhism? and then immediately asked: Each book a peaceful setting the language of real style impressed me. Zhao located just every question that I want to ask the question, indicating that Zhao is with the believers are dealing with a lot of people, he is too confused to know everyone, including the misunderstood.
he did not give a proof of the meaning of Buddhism, but with the knowledge to answer the question, in some places than esoteric interpretation of the concept and I think Sartre's . the feeling after reading the whole of Buddhism is a philosophy.
this book so as to read my bits and pieces of important books, because it is Q & body, ready to be picked up look at a problem, ready to go, and very convenient. Later know, convenient and wisdom are the means and purpose of Buddhism, or the very idea of Tibetan Buddhism.
but I read books on Buddhism, is still running around the outer ring, there is no direct read any Buddhist, saying that is not in accordance with professional Yoshitsune can not read, just by looking at other people's explanations to understand one thing, as now many people do not read, April, my daughter was born. the birth of a very wonderful to me the psychological change, above all, do not write novels for many years I began to write novels, but also because the novel began to explore the mysterious fate of the subject, and began reading a book has been listening to said, but not seen , spiral leak interpreted realm of life. through this great classics, the first real literary talent and the Buddhist scriptures to be impressed by the thought.
then gradually read the The Publishing House of Chinese society through a set of books, was dubbed as the Xuan Zang-word translation.
to come to an end by reading this, I feel for the basic Buddhist thought and style of writing, logic, methods have some understanding.
body of Buddhist scriptures are quotations from the dialogue, is the founder of Buddhism Buddha and his disciples dialogue or for the year to teach his disciples precept. because the Indians passing is word of mouth, can not stand the text, so these are all Buddhist disciples of the Buddha with the memory, after the Buddha passed away after a few collective chanting sorted out.
read three classics, then back over to see Zhao's to an origin theory, that all phenomena by the cause the sky. simple understanding is that all things or phenomena arises, are the relative relationship of mutual survival and conditions, leaving the relations and conditions, you can not play any of the things students and phenomena. The first argument reminds me of Newtonian classical mechanics, or all the theories of modern science. Modern science has a lot of things, the origin of the problem, including the development of all things to die for a reason, that I can understand. Origin of Buddhism's basic point of view. and then Mr. Zhao Puchu went on to explain the origin of Buddhism ten in a sense, a sense summarized the ten four meanings: 1. no Creator; 2. without me; 3. impermanence; 4. causal phase continued. Creator and awareness, but awareness of the body and is composed of many a cause harmony, and in every seconds are changing, there is no existence of a separate me. This Shengbi life, he destroyed this off each other is the relationship of mutual survival, there is a between the discipline of the law, a trace of chaos. This is a simple cause and effect with continued explanation.
several of these theories to explain the physical world is established, the origin of the universe, including Hawking, Einstein theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, description of a movement are the law of the universe, there is sufficient and necessary conditions of interdependence, and development of things do not live forever. of course, belong to the Buddhist teachings explain the qualitative interpretation of the world, did not produce quantitative formula. Western scientific principles are quantitative formula is to be able to explain natural phenomena, but also was behind the test proved that our education is like this, more difficult to understand Some Buddhist point of view. the Buddhist doctrine of the final four points and can be reduced to two point, without me, and impermanence. because there is no God where I am included in the no, the principle of cause and effect with continued existence in the impermanent. So Zhao explained that Buddhism and all things summed up as
to deepen the understanding of these eight words, I study Buddhism, again by three, it should be a direct reading of Buddhist scriptures say, is difficult to directly obtain this concise, summary of sublimation. but there are several intuitive feelings, read The non-A, is the name of a. Mao Zhao also take this sentence with a joke, saying that Buddhism is not a formula: Zhao, that is, non Zhao, is the name Zhao. Mao asked: Why is the first positive and then negative? Zhao said : It is not the first positive, then negative, while simultaneously positive and negative.
mist in a dream, such as dew electricity, should be the same. From the perspective of the other without me and impermanence.
gradually under analogous. this part of the first experience is not deep, but for people who reach a certain Buddhist foundation, I felt to be more than interesting philosophical concept nutty. It's like a football fan watch others play football and his football between gap.
like dialogue novel, plot much, but highly philosophical. Zen infiltrated many Chinese Taoism, Confucianism and other ideas, pay attention to see the heart out, referring to straight people, insight Buddha.
but after I read a lot of Zen koan, I began to not like Zen, because the thread of her conversation for reference, work phone, all day lip thing, I think the public is of little value, it is nothing more than the literati of entertainment, but too many forms of entertainment literati , and this paper some cleverness clever word machine. like the emperor Ji Xiaolan turn around all day, with the emperor happy to discuss the wisdom of very high indeed, a sad life. literati get it a coincidence. But the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng also have the responsibility, because when he received the mantle of Wuzu behavior of organic clever, people Shenxiu said something: the body is the bodhi tree, the heart like a mirror sets, always wipe ground, MO the dust alight. to give his own views into the results of Hui Neng: There is no Bodhi tree, no mirror sets, had not a thing, where can the dust alight. to the work I did ten years experience writing, in fact, the original is the most difficult in Gai above words is not difficult, people often work as an editor of articles in other good articles on the Gai out to, but the heart of the originators of secretly admire. Shishi later on Shenxiu Zen propagation ratio in the north force powerful Southern Neng Ying Xiang, Wu then saw him in person. Huineng and Shenxiu different fate, in fact, change is opportunity. Shenxiu but very impressed that he is not heavy mantle of the Queen who is the dubbing, live phase, efforts are still preaching in the north, and openly admitted Huineng higher than themselves, such people had been higher on the life of a realm. history and to stay clear name who, with success Kou losers. In the Buddhist tradition there still exists, in fact, sometimes higher than the actual adoption of children repair results, this is just my personal humble opinion. Huineng vain word finally spread the The Ministry should be said that the idea of Buddhism and the original understanding of both the root of the problem, the study itself is not a problem.

later become attached to the book for various reasons, there are always opportunities to the temple, so that often received become attached to the book, the book is the so-called time soon receive a free book on Buddhism, have a certain feeling of the people, the book walks into play when you are tempted to give you convenience when read from the role, because it completely eliminating the need the obstacles you spend money on books. In the book, recalled encountered Daigakuji more. like Daigakuji for two reasons, first, there are not two of the main hall renovation of ancient buildings, red paint completely off, exposing weathered face of the original pillars. In addition there is the house of Emperor Qianlong in the theme of the two plaques, very nutty, a plaque books feeling that life is only a thorough understanding of these two plaques of eight characters, is very rare, worry how Zhanshen?
every fall or spring, will go to a tanzhesi, but very few books tanzhesi time soon. tanzhesi is very good operating temples, because the quiet, less time, so people are not necessarily sentiment. Badachu occasionally go to the Linh Quang, which has the Liao Dynasty pagoda, tower phase is very good. The above are the origin of Verse: All phenomena cause raw, the margin of Shefa ceases, my method a large Salmonella, often says to do. This is the five disciples of the Buddha A study shows that the gatha, a gatha two apprentices to help master collection - - Brahmin scholar Sariputra and Mahamaudgalyayana heard allegiance. Japanese monk like Linh Quang, they often come here to exchange, even went to a break, like a person carrying a large black hats. Linh Quang in the Big words carved in the wall, very spectacular, rare in the general temples. temple become attached to many kinds of books.
a mushroom feast Chen Po restaurant, all eating mushrooms, they become attached to book up to the most whole.
often recalled how many books are Li Po Chao , Philosophical, and strong, these books are more difficult for me to read. not not read, but in the diction, the ideological, intellectual and other areas than the three to still have been a great distance, does not meet the pleasure of reading .
These are the classics or books is more about doing good, or an ardent believer in the Buddha to Buddha and how much fruit, repair the one hand, the classic will get one of the blessings. For example, this life is guaranteed and the Goddess of Mercy of peace and Songzi effect, in the traditional, the Goddess of Mercy is to save eight difficult capacity; Medicine Buddha to protect health; Jizo is Paul's own ancestors were relatives of an early out of hell, do not interfere yang people's lives, but also to bless the world long life and family prosperity. so these tend to have a large number of Buddha or Buddhism believers. sometimes go to the temple will find a strange phenomenon, Main Hall, dedicated to the Buddha hand, are not particularly sought after by everyone, while the Main Hall of the house behind the monastery dedicated to the Buddha but in particular by the respected welcome. In fact, Buddhism in different parts of the sought-after objects are often there are differences, such as Pure Land Buddhist temple more than a limitless life, Tibetan Buddhist temples and more Jampa (Maitreya) and the Goddess of Mercy, in the Tibetan Buddhist view, the whole Tibetan is the Goddess of Mercy The lotus seat, the Dalai Lama is the incarnation of Goddess of Mercy.
son Yuantian Qi wrote a book about his life experience and experience to do good. Yuan a child who lost his father when his mother told him to study medicine, one can rely on to give medical treatment to support their families, are also available the respect of society.
Yuan a day where the hole in the Ciyunsi old man met a family name, the old man who looked to as the Yuan had said after you are a reader's life, how not to study? Yuan a Van put the old man home to his mother to see that this old man who figured out what to Yuan was a bit of his past and found it efficacious, including some very small things count on fingers out. Yuan to strongly believe that this old man and went to school, take the examination of the way. it really the same as the old man figured out what has passed several tests, and finally a tribute Health, Imperial College in Beijing's university.
year in Beijing, he was always a person sit overnight, nor reading, with a total daze. He returned to Imperial College in Nanjing, or trance, one day in the Cloud Valley Temple and Zen Qixia sitting down to three days. Cloud Valley Master said that the person you sat with me for three days, that thoughts are not actually your practice deep. Yuan a Zen master who told Cloud Valley, a hole in his early encounter an old man, give him a diagram calculations, very accurate, since things have come to pass. and go home at the age of 53, he counted passed away, knees no son. Yuan has any say, my life has been clear, and also where there is any idea to it. Cloud Valley Zen master told him, only for a set number of ordinary person, you seem to be ordinary man. I see you are not such a person, the pursuit of fame and acting as if you are very promising, but the first line of three thousand good deeds swear the original sins are redeemed. and give him a book, if you did a good deed to remember, if you did something evil, the two-phase offset. So where Yuan has begun to do by Jackson, and three thousand good thing to do for a decade, he became 53 years old magistrate. and then later make a wish three thousand charity Child-giving, the results of a late age son. and then later when the magistrate Shihai wish ten thousand good things, and find in the Scholars. in the magistrate's position, because the tax cuts, a the equivalent of ten thousand good deeds.
Yuan a final 74 who lived, died peacefully at home. In, Wonderful reported cases, and stressed that should be dedicated to do good to do, rather than hypocrisy. for the last respected the character of humility, that humility is simply reward a lot of people.
a classic textbook case of the secular law of causality, has become a Buddhist classic.
What the hell is wrong will be listed under the definition, decomposition is very good, according to the law of causality, it is very strict correspondence.
by Buddhism is my third book of learning through books to get an impression of Buddhism. temple to me is another impression of the Buddhist life picture of secular people. each a difference, but also complementary.
should be said that these books in many ways become attached to the motion, and some of my distinction between the purpose of studying Buddhism. < br> First, I treat the Buddhist state of mind first is nothing. If not me, of course, nothing. not for grabbing power and money, do not want to get a windfall, so I do not think that the good life is to seek the . according to the Buddhist law of cause and effect reasoning, a person should be the reward of his industry has created, and a person do good, more giving, well reported, not necessarily have to cram. Of course industry caused by the Shenkou Yi, if can also have business ideas, then Buddha is useful to seek happiness.
Buddha in the temple, sometimes next to a monk to help knock chime, but also kept saying let go let go, and I very much agree with what he said Do not cling.
I do not pray to Buddha as a way of worldly interests. But I can understand this may be a Buddhist guide, by giving the public a number of psychological suggestion, to attract the public to become attached to deep forests and the Buddha, the root machine good to have access to the real Buddhism, and made great vows, repair Bodhisattva Road, benefit more sentient beings. so think I can see all the pilgrims used to and accepted behavior. In fact, most things in this world are the same, many of them curious, very few people get started, and have success. on the study and practice of Buddhism can be obtained from the spirit of moisture, a career or a very few people.
Buddhism has always been very generous in their way to accommodate all, or even be able to accommodate the distortion of his believers. because everything is uncertain in the absence of the law in my flow of migration, if the chance yet to come, in fact, have no any effect of any force, it will only be disgusted. under the sun the most vivid example of the earnest than the parents to teach their children, every approach is good for children, the last and the enemy takes a child-like too much at their cases. giving and receiving between the need to time the world saw a lot of things , will find this law is universal.
after a very long period of adaptation and habit, I have become attached to a new understanding of the book. On the whole, become attached to the book, there are many simple ideas, these simple ideas actually a part of the history of information transfer, in a few centuries or even thousands of years ago, much of what the world can not give the time to explain Buddhism with a very intuitive way, to give people a simple belief: do good things there good result. This is a convenient method of believers, for many people with low educational level, the . an inappropriate analogy, my university is a computer professional, I remember that time is all bookstores sell to professionals to see the computer books, I see the deep DOS programming in assembler is the language of people and machines, most people looks like hieroglyphics. Later, more complex computer systems, but more and more simple, has a lot to the general user to read the a wide audience. One thing is certain, any kind of audience, the dissemination of knowledge are subject to conditions, used only for identification and knowledge of the audience will be widely circulated. Buddhism can experience thousands of years and is still flourishing, probably with the relevant . In the Buddhist believers in a large community, there are also differences in the amount of knowledge to master, but according to Buddhist teachings, this does not affect their Buddha as compassion, doing good does not need very advanced theory.
back to look at, if the Buddhist Dharma test the authenticity of printed out to compare the three methods, you will understand these ideas are relatively simple and straightforward meaning of Buddhism become attached to the book. three methods to test the Indian equivalent of all the law is true or false Buddhist Dharma verification law, one is all phenomena without me, the other is impermanence, its third is Nirvana silence. These three modifications to go if not to the mass media, looking to become a real philosophical maxims, and not Too many people can understand, remember. The purpose of Buddhism is to Purdue beings, not just with a few intellectuals who did play as Wei and Jin Dynasties Gathering.
in any dynasty, relatively speaking, intellectual life doing well, many people, to become the scholars of Buddhism and the information about mysterious.
Mr. Zhao Puchu the Buddhist teachings about the four basic points: no God, no I, impermanence, cause and effect with continued. In these four points, only the fourth point easier to understand the public and accepted, so full of worldly people burn incense and pray the letter of causality. as I understand, a cause and effect with continued, in fact, cover all the front three went in, everything will be bad, everything will flow according to cause and effect. because of stricter enforcement of the law of causality with, so it must not cause and effect does not exist a Creator domination, there was no one I am beyond cause and effect, of course, there is no permanent thing. such a view, secular Buddhist believers across a number of Buddhist understanding, and direct links across the door, sexually explicit, to worship the practice.

doubt and suspect identified on the side of honor on one side of the law of causality confused. giving, doing good deeds I have admired the ancient Chinese gentleman standards: do good things without asking. So the faithful giving and good deeds in order to return the values that are not recognized. way by the law of causality get their own reward thing is contrary to Buddhism it? simple way of viewing the earth's resources are limited, the greatest resource is hidden take away the resources of others, no matter what method is used intermediate links. In a large population, full competition today, find that rich is contrary to the Buddhist spirit of compassion and equality of all beings? there if the control is not that rich, may therefore hurt the vigor of life.
Once I told a friend in the cause of this issue for a long time, because I have faith in the utility said they did not understand. But the friend said something to me insight, he said: I believe the cause is not what we do, but we do not do. This is certainly from the perspective of the evil cause, once let me have a new understanding of causality. If we can because the people in the world I believe the law of causality and not evil, the world would naturally into a common ground.
However, there are many causality I am a better understanding of the place to be.
there is a question worth exploring: a Buddhist is to from suffering Sidel it? Oliver Buddhism life is made, you need to misery, so to believe in Buddhism, from the illness and death, the afterlife is not six reincarnation. This view has its historical background, the original Buddha was a prince before a monk, he nineteen to twenty-year-old, to enjoy all the worldly people dream of things that are experiencing a lot of insights on life, he is beyond the average person's desire, why it was so completely detached, and that he told him to persuade people to learn reason is also very thorough, it can be understood.
personal view that life itself is a birth and death process, the process has suffered a music, this is no escape, and need to escape. I treat the basic concepts of life, there is reference to Buddhism a view is into the ectopic pregnancy on the wrong. the human body is the crystallization of the countless factors that harmony, if we are lucky enough to obtain such a gift, must not we should be so, but that thankfully. who after forming, the brain's development, the increase in intelligence, personality formation, is really too difficult, too amazing, since science does not explain, a person of a character, no two the same as the world's people. so people have no right to freely dispose of their own life, nor can other impose a life they do not like. life's difficulties to be brave and deal with sophisticated; treat people who become attached to the side, parents, brothers, spouses, children, friends, should have never betray the heart. If you spend a lot of energy to on how to avoid illness and death, wisdom in itself is not the Buddha. Health brave heart, the world is not as Oliver in Oliver is also the largest music in the sea, it would be more honest about everything.
I realized the greatest suffering, not the illness and death, but fear and dreams upside down, which in the appropriate anxiety, this anxiety is not appropriate or appears to be amplified. things certainly will not live long. As the two geographical sections, because the structure is unstable, the energy accumulated to a certain time will certainly be released, released a huge change, this change is sometimes impossible to control, it will have injurious .
Another big puzzle is why the Buddhist theory to explain the unknown by unknown on. such as III about cause and effect, past lives, this life, the future world. Buddhism is still unknown in hell and the blessings set two retribution.
on of the average person is unknown, based on the conclusions of the unknown takes great effort to convince that, in particular, many people through higher education is basically an atheist, on the theory that more often than not been higher educated more difficult to spread. Buddhism is not theistic have been, or mysterious force commentators. Buddha Shakyamuni is only a consciousness of the people. From the level of consciousness to understand the people most likely to correspond to the Buddhist life is difficult. In reality, There are many enlightened people worry less than others, more magnanimous when difficulties and wisdom. generally are believed higher education to verify the theory through experiments, and these theories can be applied in practice. Therefore, from Newton's classical mechanics to quantum mechanics, to the Cytology, Chemistry, from macro to micro, we think the world is not unknown things, everything under control, which gives a great practical difficulties of Buddhism. With the growing scientific subdivision and improvement of the greater Buddhist dilemma.
modern science is to explain the material world, in essence, is the law of causality, including Newtonian mechanics, including all science is the law of causality, there is a what conditions will What happens. these scientific and quantitative, through the formula explained by the fact the world. But the spirit of modern science in explaining the issue of levels and little results. including Newton himself is also the last resort in the spiritual theology of attribution. So is the importance of modern science materialistic world, there is no satisfactory answer to the world of spiritualism.
the doctrine of Buddhism on the one hand can be used to explain all of the world, including the material and spiritual, but personally feel that the role of Buddhism in the psychological level are great, but must take the matter come into the world to some far-fetched.
So far, the human spirit to the interpretation on the great uncertainty still exists, whether Freud or Jung, psychological science is always in the less percentage hundreds of prayers. Buddhism is the law of causality, but more is to use in explaining the fate and things can not be directly observed the link between the material world with the description of the different areas of modern science is science. Now some Buddhist masters will also be the Buddha many of the precept to rely on modern science, I think tentatively have in common, but not by as well, but not by the.
Confucianism is to guide the relationship between man and man, Taoism is a nature guide and the relationship between Buddhism is to guide themselves and their relationships. Many people worry about is themselves and they can not live in peace.
depicted six Buddhist reincarnation of the world, is beyond the scope of the general experience of the world. Buddhism a specified time and space scale, and life expectancy compared to the distance and the Milky Way are all on the planet, like the distance between the two cities, the gap is very large. It also makes many people think that reality has nothing to do with their own large-scale, for example, what the Milky Way the presence and absence, with many people not related. The pleasures of this world for people just to the teachings of little significance.
guidance of Buddhism as a philosophy and psychology of happiness in life is also very successful. For example, our self- center, irrational desire, ignore the laws of life, all contribute to the origin of worry is not happy. Buddhism, big time, large spatial scale, and without me, and impermanence of the world, allowing people to look at the issue to a more broad view, there is the dialectical perspective. and continued with the origin and cause and effect, one thing in particular is very important to the law. a person because of what happened, tempted from the study, and what steps to take, what kind of results, this is the thing development of logic, the results although not necessarily be able to do so, but the origin and cause and effect is the counterpart. Buddhism is very good to the origin and cause and effect do good and evil in the division, and the proposed amendments have good fruit method, in addition to discipline, there are six degrees, four camera, this is my most respected law with practical guidance value, if we go to action taken under four degrees, it will make more and more wisdom himself.
; Paramita is the meaning of words giving the public called called , all other doctrine must be subject to this article. The third is tolerated, it is the interests of sentient beings, suffer damage curse strikes, and hunger and cold so bitter, so-called

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