Thursday, February 10, 2011

Section 43 of the high degree of attitude

 Section 43: Attitude of highly
: Wen Quan Jie
006 attitude determines altitude
West Point had a famous saying is: You have the attitude, things have not started doing, you think it can not succeed, then it certainly will not be successful, or when you are doing something not serious, then it will not have good results. no wrong, everything comes down to attitude and how much you pay for things, you do what kind of attitude, there will be what kind of results.
three workers erect a wall. There came a nosy person Q: people, said: Another site in the walls; second person sitting in the office drawing paper, he became engineers; third it became a real estate company's president, a former owner of two people.
attitude determines altitude , only ten years, the fate of three distinct changes took place, is what causes such a result? is attitude!
a person what kind of mentality, there will be what kind of pursuit and goal . has a positive, optimistic attitude of the people, and its lofty goals in life inevitable; have lofty goals, certainly worked for. There must be a return to. The first workers are always complaining about the unfairness of life, the mood is depressed, and think are some things to make himself unpleasant to answer questions others are full belly full of grievances. The second worker mentality better than the first one of the workers, though also in the walls, but he has this as a building wall to build, and thought is how to build better buildings. The third best state of mind of workers, working so hard, so he focused so much confidence. the most valuable is the workers in small things such as the walls of a great cause to look at, ten years from now the boss is not surprising.
look around us, how many people can really take their work done? impetuous , complained, this mountain that looks high, resulting in some people a lifetime mediocrity, nothing. and those in the industry, the field who have made outstanding contributions, and both are conscientious, meticulous, upbeat.
mentality influence people's view of things. such as the face of the two half glass of water on the thirsty, pessimistic people who will say: Well, there are half a glass of water! so. a person's attitude determines whether this job, this thing done better, more perfect. It also determines whether a person can go higher office.
a business owner to Another manager sent an electronic invitation, several bursts have been returned. Secretary of the manager to ask themselves how it was. Secretary of reasons not to investigate, but speculate that may be the reason the mailbox is full . can be one week later, manager of the enterprise is still not received an invitation. managers asked secretaries, secretary, or even the mailbox is full of answers! companies lose business with the preparations for the long cooperation projects. manager angrily, dismissed the Secretary of the .
the contrary, there is a secretary, after she graduated Self candidates to a foreign trade company. She is the manager of the intention of the Secretary. But the company has arranged for her to do office clerks, the specific task is responsible for sending and receiving faxes, photocopying file. Although she hesitated, but eventually positive attitude to go into work because she felt that the opportunity to not come easily, and she is also a Self undergraduate students. She was a very serious and colleagues accountable things, she can accurately and timely completion, never complain. On one occasion, the manager took her copy of a contract, the manager said to call her urgently quickly, carefully, she habitually quick browse over the contract. When the manager impatient urging her, she pointed to a newly discovered error to the manager to see. Manager, after reading, suffered a scare, turned out to be behind a number of more than a zero. She corrected a few million for the company to avoid the loss of dollars, and soon she was promoted to manager, secretary.
is also secretary, dismissed the former, the latter was promoted, why? is clear that the question of attitude. former Secretary of even a week is not as clear-mail , what is this attitude? this attitude, who can not stand the boss. The latter, by contrast, whether the work is satisfactory, she can be taken seriously, for their job well is the case, the work of the exceptionally minutiae can be noted that, for enterprises to restore a large loss. It is this sense of responsibility, this, their work attitude, before deciding she can stand a certain height, to a higher position.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart, the old saying has long taught us. do anything have to be determined, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, as long as you do it seriously, things will always be results. may not be successful effort , but if you do not work hard will certainly not succeed. There is no bad thing to do, only bad attitude person. to do anything, we must have a good attitude. With a good attitude towards work, others , will show their enthusiasm, passion and vitality; have a good working attitude, you are not afraid of failure, even if the setbacks are not discouraged, but full of courage to face life, so that people will certainly be more easily made career and life better results than others, more likely than others to success. As the saying goes, decided the fate, good character is a bit of training by a good attitude made.
how your heart how high you'll fly high if you think you can do you on the line, if you do not think so then you can not, success is often in an idea. The success of a person to see his attitude towards the cause. successful people and The difference between those who failed is this: successful people always use the most positive thinking, the most optimistic and the most glorious experience of the spirit of domination and control over their own lives. loser is quite the opposite of life is affected by past failures and concerns of the various guidance and dominated. one who is not happy to see his attitude towards life, happy people always to hope, to the light line, and not always complain about people being inferior to others. good attitude should be efforts to pay, to the pursuit, as the results do not insist, after all, there are many factors that restrict the results. has this mentality of people is often easy to obtain happiness.
section 44:
of disadvantage is a blessing : Wen Quan Jie
007 kind that disadvantage is a blessing
what kind? kind is honest, tolerant, generous, kind-hearted humility courteous, honest and trustworthy. how to be a kind person? kind of people generosity of others, heart to heart, has a good popularity, colleagues, friends, relatives have to trust him. is a man of this kind, smart and is of getting things done. and kind man, smart work, neither do mediocre mediocrity, but also cunning treacherous villains do, but abide Mean to be a gentleman, so you can duck to water in interpersonal communication, both ways.
in business management, a kind of manager is often able to get all employees the same love and support, managers can consider the vital interests of employees, introduced a number of favorable policies and measures to employees, people are bound to see in the eyes, keep in mind. staff will work hard to reward companies for companies to create more profit and value. and those who staff the manager is extremely harsh on the contrary, the efficiency of enterprises will become increasingly worse because employees lack of enthusiasm for such enterprises their lives.
Yin Mingshan, chairman of Chongqing Lifan Group. car market.
Yin Mingshan is always the interests of the people for the staff, he understood the suffering of employees and staff of the tired, and he believes that companies have development potential, the most important is to protect the fundamental interests of employees. Yin Akiyoshi, said: . , and strive to business prosperity in order to avoid staff layoffs caused by unemployment. On the other hand actively participate in social insurance, the insured should be kind on this matter, increased insurance rates as much as possible. He said: support, and kind heart of why the security boss. . He also believes that the expectations workers have its uses, the requirements of motivated learning, leisure desire, the boss should be taken seriously, these are kind of important content owners.
enterprise is to pursue profits. Why boss to be kind? First look at the wealth is what is coming from. Yin Mingshan said: Since it is the wealth created by workers, business owners should use this wealth to keep their employees their jobs. , peer praise, corporate harmony, and to creating wealth. inevitably do not care about business or labor, there does not contribute to the phenomenon. more serious cases, may cause labor disputes, corporate internal cohesion and external competitiveness will be empty talk. boss kind, the staff will care for their own business, business to resolve the internal contradictions in order to have harmonious relations. We may not be as much wealth as Yin Mingshan grasp, but we have to deal with other people, in dealing with all kinds of relations, from the reality, as much as possible for others sake, leave room for each other. someone made a mistake, do not vicious ridicule, not to insult to injury, should persuade them, to give the next step.
Some might say that he is kind to his own hurt, who so stupid to do such a thing? have this idea of people only see one side of things, do not see the other side of things, only to see the immediate benefits, do not see long-term interests, I feel at this moment to his own hurt, and but did not think the future because of your kind may be greater returns. Care, people are the meat long, people are born naturally good, good deed goes unpunished, after all, very few people, for making your own, help others you do have difficulties in others do you really stand? Therefore, among the living and working, we get a small loss is not a bad thing, but our good fortune. kind that disadvantage is a blessing, kind-hearted people will be rewarded.
strict demands on themselves, tolerant of others, always give way first, for the sake of others, can not care about the do not care about, to fulfill the will finish the work, to help the best to help, this is the kind. kind of people friends more easy to get people kind of people support those who work more smoothly kind, generous to the environment in which people would be more harmonious, the future of the broader kind of people.
Section 45: Take I can have
of: Wen Quan Jie
008 to get affordable, fit, adhere to traditional values
not necessarily tell us the victory, do not ever give up, persistence pays off. this right, but there is a premise, We are insisting that we should adhere to, and not have to insist on anything. get affordable, fit, sometimes giving up is a wise choice.
that adhere to adhere to, to give up the abandoned . life is a choice, choose the right and wrong in life will determine your success or failure. Many times we have to learn to re-select, even though doing now is important for us, but we still have to give up, give also a choices.
persevering. This seems to have become a timeless wisdom. Yes, but insisted that victory on the premise that you adhere to the direction is correct, your path is right for you Otherwise, not only will not win, but farther away from the target.
an American youth and discovered that the water can change a gasoline advertising.
the American youth like to do research in my brain there are fantastic ideas, his desire to one day become a world-renowned inventor, the whole world to enjoy his invention.
So when he saw the water that gasoline ad, immediately bought information, locked himself in the house, not stopping guests reception, telephone lines cut off, phone off, in short, all contact with the outside world were cut off him. He needs absolute quiet, requires absolute concentration, until this great successful invention.
of youth day and night, to the extent of the sleepless nights. every meal, when all through the crack, the mother into the rice, he allowed his mother came to disturb him. He is often two meals Synthesis of meal to eat, often regarded as the dawn of the night. good mother saw her son become increasingly thin, and finally could not resist, when the toilet while his son, slipped into his bedroom, saw his research information. the mother of his son thought how great the original is to study how water into gasoline, it is simply impossible.
mother did not want to watch his son can not get into a quagmire of ridiculous, so to persuade his son said, : The. day. but his heart is very full, keep on fighting, defeated.
day, long lost friends to see him, he accidentally saw the research program, said in astonishment: You! decades ago, I was bored posted a fake ad waters, gasoline. Later a man called to my mail-order information, the original that person is you! immediately crazy, and finally admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
persist in the end because there are too many stories, so we always thought that insist that good, and give up that is negative thinking. in fact adhere to represent a tenacious determination, it As cars continue to the forward momentum of the engine. However, progress also requires a certain degree of skill, sometimes if in the wrong direction, it will only further and further away, this time, only the first to give up, and other efforts to identify the direction of re- is a wise move. This is the tragedy of the waters, gasoline Inspiration.
takes courage to insist, however, takes more courage to give up, when we find ourselves taking the wrong path, it should be decisively abandoned. But some of us often do not have the courage, they say, has come this far, and has not looked back, and had no choice, only to go all the way out; or that it is God do so to their own This is meant to be. what great difficulties. there is such a concern is understandable, but you have to understand that you've been in difficulties which, if you do not come inside you will never in trouble, but once you take the first step, you will be more a choice, this is better than only one choice to be right. In the final analysis, or theoretical question, because there is no escape from the habit of thinking out of them.
prodigal son basil, 放下屠刀立地成佛, which told us the old saying, life can have a second choice, only the total error will have to give up before the start of the new right. to give up is not cowardice, on the contrary is a kind of courage, a victory over self, the courage to go beyond self. You give up an unattainable ideal, but for the birth of a new life. You seem to be abandoned, in fact, it is also a persistence. We should learn to adhere to the give up, persist in giving up. Remember, to get affordable, fit, give up is also an option.
Section 46:
of life to learn to work around: Wen Quan Jie
009 adaptable, everyone should learn to work
seeds grow into trees fell on the earth, they had better not be easily move, a move difficult to survive. but man is different, people in the head and having the flexibility to deal with the problem, they do not succeed with this method for a method, there is always a way to be right. doing things to learn to work and can not too rigid, to analyze specific issues, is already in front of a cliff, do not you have to jump it? experience not to be bound by the mind, habits of thinking to be out of confinement, commitment is important, but blind dedication is not desirable . we first look at a fable:
the Warring States Period, Qin personal name is Sun Yang, master of horses, no matter what kind of horse, he could tell a good or bad. He was often asked to identify horses the election horse, horses that people have called him.
One day, Sun Yang to go out hunting, a salt truck towing horse suddenly came to him, in front of him stopped, barking at him . Sun Yang touched the horse, determined that the horse was just a little too old. old horse looked intently Sun Yang, eyes full of expectation and frustration. Sun Yang Tai Weiqu think that the horse, and it is this is BMW can run the horse on the battlefield, but now unknown because there is no experience pulling horses and salt trucks, and slowly consumed its elan and strength, it is a pity! thought of this, sad that he shed tears. < br> Sun Yang emotionally after the incident, he thought, this world has been mediocre in the end, how many are buried Maxima? To let more people learn how to horse, Sun Yang Horses accumulated over the years and wrote a book of knowledge, coupled with a variety of horse morphological chart, entitled to spread the world.
Sun Yang's son saw his father's he took the book to find that a good horse. his book drawn by the graphics look, was not found. and look at the characteristics of the book written, and finally found a toad in the wild, and his father wrote in the book very much like the characteristics of Maxima, it excited the toad home, his father said: so stupid, sadly sighed and said: is a metaphor following up a clue to find things, and second, ironically to those who book worship, according to the old method of mechanical things, without being flexible.
Professor Wake has done an interesting experiment: the number of bees and flies at the same time put the bottle in a flat, so that the light at the bottom front, facing the dark bottle. The results, those bees desperately struggling toward the light at the end of pneumatic failure and died of flies actually scurry have slipped out to escape small population bottleneck. This experiment tells us: in the uncertain environment, sometimes we do not need a dedicated effort toward the established direction, but in the resourcefulness to find the way to survive; not the rule followed, but the breakthrough rule. We can not deny the persistent role in promoting human life, but it should be noted that in a constantly changing world, flexibility of action is much better than the orderly decline.
only know that bees clinging to the death of flies that work has survived. persistence and flexibility are the two attitude towards life which can not simply say that good which is not good. pure and simple modifications dedication, both are not perfect . Only the two complement each other to achieve ultimate success, we must learn a combination of both persistent and flexible.
adaptable and flexible is a kind of wisdom, people benefit from this wisdom.
ancient China Sun Bin the famous military strategist, his talented.
time, the king called Zhong Chen, Sun Bin's resourcefulness face test.
the king sat on the throne, the Sun Bin said: seeking out
Pang Juan said: there is no way to get the king down. However, if the king is in the following, I have a way to get the king to sit on. seats go down, . this time, Sun Bin was a laugh and said: praise.
king also impressive Sun Bin, Sun Bin reuse soon be king.
in dealing with problems, we always customary to think in accordance with conventional thinking, if we can do as Sun Bin, Institute of flexible, then you will find important factor is the flexibility and therefore with a subordinate at his side, we must understand the flexibility rule. the so-called flexible and flexible in character and do things with the slick is not the same no principles. whenever necessary, and in particular of a particular within the environment to meet demand, to design the best possible options, which is the so-called flexibility. clearly has changed the channel, that being the case, also happens to be business as usual when the sure way to drive in the past, this is not adhering to principles, but foolhardy.
leadership willing to work like all things, will adapt. Because he not only worry about the people affected by the external environment and emotional change, leading to decline in the quality of work, but also can rely on him to meet some of the critical period unexpected events, the establishment of outstanding service.
Section 47: Do not be too honest
of: Wen Quan Jie
010 man should not be too honest, and people skills leave a little effort
significant rule tells us that life To be honest law-abiding, not to cause trouble. honest and true, and everyone want others to be honest, and honest people like to get along with contacts, and honest people to get along because of relatively safe, honest people do not want other people would prefer to suffer a disadvantage, honest people who never calculated. Enlai not hesitate to praise .
However, there is a degree of anything, once after a fire, things go the opposite. honest can, but will be too incredibly honest. too honest is a stiff, a conservative, a stubborn, too honest people do not know how to score, do not know to plan their own life, people only know too honest life step by step, there is no innovation without a breakthrough, never do not want to take the initiative, only know what someone else told to do, do not even know What he can not do. such a person, life can have much success? too honest people are in a passive life, also will be doomed to mediocre life is not without opportunity to favor him, but an opportunity came to him that he could not see not seen, let alone take the initiative to create opportunities for the.
God to tell an honest man, he will have the opportunity to get great wealth, and won a prominent position in society, but also to marry a beautiful wife.
honest people believed her, and gave up all efforts to start waiting for god to his promise.
but the honest people do not wait until the end of his life to achieve this commitment, he has nothing.
when the person died, to to question God: , a respected social status and a beautiful wife, but as you wait, you let these opportunities slip away from you. do not know, have to be someone to tell him: . especially when others repeated his opinion, more honest people could not refuse. So many people have chosen too honest a way is not his own, can be imagined, in this way how far he can go ?
frustrating. we can see in the workplace, too honest people are always coming and handle other staff handle the past, what Leihuo dirty work, or a thankless job too honest man is always called to do, others then sit back and enjoy; if things screw up, put all the responsibility to the people who are too honest. And people are generally timid and too honest, law-abiding, Duirenduishi cautious, never casually offend others, even if others had offended his , it will not bear grudges in mind, not to retaliate. As a result, too often honest people honest people who do not bully, but even if he had admitted at a disadvantage, it will not reflect the boss.
Conversely, too honest person a little favor for others, but bear in mind the mind, and always thinking of looking for opportunities for reward, even those who favor giving people already forgotten this matter. It is evident, too honest workplace where people are He was also dismissed because he was too honest, do not want.
company has its own kitchen, work lunch the company yourself. kitchen on the first floor, second floor of the employees lunch hour to run down the stairs should come and collect their own personal that one. Huang out of kindness, always ten minutes before dinner on the second floor of the meal to be brought all the staff. the first time, my colleagues are very grateful. more times, and my colleagues used to that, subconsciously thought This is the Huang should be doing. So not only do not thank, sometimes crying: Huang put his bowl on the table, to go with Huang. Huang did not think, anyway, we also have to go more than a few bowls with no big deal.
this day, my colleagues eat After usual habit of rice bowl to Huang. in accordance with the past, like to play about Huang nap after dinner, and then sent down the bowl. can not know how to engage today, did not care overslept. precisely Huang sleep, a co-CEOs and other business owners to inspect the work, see the table with bowls and chopsticks Huang, co-business owners frowned, thinking, this company is so bad quality of the staff, presumably the company not much better. so rejected and the company. put the gas company executives who all scattered Huang, Huang a mouth Nanbian, finally, quit the company to Huang.
was chilling to Huang is that Huang is not even good word for a colleague.
This is too honest in the end. basically honest people are not taken seriously in the group's position, no real influence, it is difficult to excel as a leader. This honest with itself with the living conditions of some basic characteristics are inseparable.
First of all, not good honest people to express themselves, though they should not get to fight, will feel embarrassed, their the advantages and capabilities are often not known, give the impression is common, and often forgotten there is such a person exists, unable to draw the attention of others.
Second, honest people do not know the plan for their future and plans, the idea is to make do with their live, no big ideals, do not know what they can do, and his confused, and perhaps occasionally have their own ideas, but no opportunity to express, once they have the opportunity to express no confidence in so even say what I think will not get the attention of others. It can be said, too honest person is not right to speak.
again, people do not know too honest communication, the use of social resources is not always independent singles bucket, in dealing with the principles of relations is more than lack of tact, it is difficult to establish their own credibility. too honest comparison of personality are often withdrawn and not take the initiative and contact other people, not take the initiative and contact with others, has always been a very common people do not take the initiative, but also expect others to take the initiative to make it? This is impossible, so the honest people too often do not have many friends, not a popular person.
Finally, the honest people not to join any of the interest groups I only know to live their lives, nor the ability to benefit others, while others do not come with any benefits of the entire interest in the chain will be in a position of not being valued.
Therefore, Do not be too honest, and must have some brains. As the saying goes, part of strategy, good planning and effort people are there who do not think there is to be calculated effort to others, more time, effort for their own survival. effort is the outpouring of wisdom, but also a symbol of self-protection, no brains The people will be from outside the different types of damage. human well-being, inconstancy of human relationships, society, things complicated, do not leave the world the face of such efforts, how is it the local safeguarding their own interests?
Section 48 : interaction with others of the left gap
: Wen Quan Jie
011 interaction with others, leaving gaps
have such a fable:
have an elephant walk in the woods, because the light is dim, accidentally step on the hedgehog's nest is broken. elephants am ashamed to apologize to the hedgehog, but the hedgehog has this to heart and refused to forgive the elephant.
day, the hedgehog saw the elephant lying on the ground to sleep and thought: turn a few laps, think, ah want to finally come up with a good way to find the elephant's nose hedgehog is an offensive point. So, the elephant got into the hedgehog carried away ...

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