Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Memorize these words , you can to the next level , not only in literature

A: Ten sentence summary of Chinese history
1, the world matters, the division and alternate, long period of division together, together for a long time to divide:

dominate the summer, and ours of Commerce, the Spring and Autumn chaos; Qin unification, following the Han Dynasty of the Three Kingdoms Wei chaos; Sui unification, Tang followed the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Song, Liao and Jin chaos; element unification, Ming and Qing dynasties followed, the Republic of chaos.

2, the roots of troubles, Empress Dowager:

death in the sister-hi summer; business is overrun by Daji; death in the Western Zhou Dynasty concubine; Wu died in beauty; Qin Lu and easy to win, Zhao Ji of the power; Jin cattle following the horse of the power of light Ji; Tang decline in the Yang Yuhuan; the Ming Dynasty to Chen Yuanyuan; Qing Empress Dowager Ci Xi defeated.

3, history, numerous options, choose someone hands:

Qin Li Si, do evil, Burning of the Books; Han Wang Mang, the student running the country, a complete mess; Tang Lushan , Rebellion, from the gloom and doom; Song Wang and political reform, the governance of chaos; Ming Wu Sangui, selfish, asking for trouble; clear of Yuan Shikai, their friends Qiurong and capricious.

4, internal troubles villain interference in domestic affairs, wife's family, eunuchs, harem; in fear of official corruption, anti-government force the inevitable public; external worries ethnic conflicts, mixed lining:

the demise of dynasties , all three from this.

5, winner of the nobility losers thieves, history is: the winner praises, losers false statements adding insult to injury:

victory is Liu Bang, Xiang Yu defeated that is; wins that is Li Shimin, defeat is Dou Jiande; wins that is the emperor, that is, defeat Zhang Shicheng; win the king of a country, lost a Liuzei bandits.

6, righting a wrong always been positive, in fact, going too far:

Qin Shang French and Chinese that is still Confucianism; Tang Wu light weight paper, heavy paper or light weapons Song; Song is still poetry, which is still the Ming and Qing stereotyped.

7, the more divided, political chaos, ideological and more brilliant; more Unity, political stability, the more stagnant thinking:

former, such as the Spring and Autumn of contending, Wei The three religions co-financing; the latter, such as Burning of the Books of Qin, Han Only Confucianism, stereotyped Ming and Qing literary inquisition.

8, about the fate of regional environment:

east China since ancient times, the Pacific Ocean, north deserted Siberia, Northwest is the Taklimakan Desert, southwest of the Himalayas, in such a closed environment the survival of people develop a reserved style, conservative moderate, negative patient farming character. Therefore, the Government dynasties were Restraining Commerce, heavy ethical literary grace, light and practical technology; such as the summer regime in Shaanxi, Henan, commercial regime; Western Zhou government in Shaanxi, Henan, Zhou regime; Qin, Western Han Dynasty in Shaanxi, Henan Han regime; Sui, Tang government in Shaanxi, Henan, Northern Song regime. Five thousand years of civilization, four thousand years of history are the most developed in the Central Plains farming staged, we can see, China has been dominated by farming yellow civilization. Central Plains of Mongolia until the alien, its capital Beijing, the Ming and Qing regime was subsequently located here, China's agricultural position gradually whom shaken.

when the regime when the East-West confrontation, the West strong and weak East; North-South confrontation, the North strong and weak South. Reasons is that much closer to the West and North nomads, a blend of two cultures, Southeast pure natural farming culture than some more powerful. However, according to * every alien invasion force, but also will be the rapid assimilation of Han culture.

9, dynasties at the beginning, Jun Qiang Chen Qiang; dynasty among the Chen Jun strong weak, the end of dynasties, weak monarchs:

such as the beginning of the Tang, Jun has Taizong , Chen has room, DU; Tang among a reign Jun, Chen was Li Linfu, Guozhong flow; Tang monarch is also insignificant, but for the tigers Robinson Robinson, such as Zhu Wen bidding. Dynasties, has been true, Hath he indeed!

10, a single rule by force, just and easy to break; alone, sandwiches, a sign of weakness; civil and military combination of rigid-flexible and economic, can only long-term stability:

such as Qin, Yuan invincible, but rapid Huifeiyanmie, Song cultural peak, but have been repeatedly bullied by aliens. However, Han and Tang heavy military strategy, stretching three or four hundred square set, called Spirit, exercises had been no longer carry on.

1, I know who I am heart sick that I do not know who I am, that I want anything else. (Book of Songs from the King of wind millet)

2, people without instruments, what immortality. (Book of the wind relative to mouse)

3, the speaker of innocence, their fates warning. (Big Book of Order)

4, stone hills, can learn. (Book Xiaoya Heming)

5, vote for me to peach, quoted by Li. (Book Daya suppression)

6, days of sin, still be illegal, human actions, not live. (Book)

7, full of hurts, modesty. (Book of Yu-mo)

8, such as from a good board, such as the collapse from the evil. (Mandarin)

9, is unjust is doomed to destruction. (Tso)

10, prepared and thought is well prepared, prepared. (Tso)

11, were non-err is human too? Never too late to mend. (Tso)

12, Appreciating a wise, knowing those out. (I)

13, the letter made not beautiful, kind words do not believe. (I)

14, the Forest of Misfortune Fu, Fu Xi misfortune underlies. (I)

15, encircle the wood, was born in Haomo; nine of the units, from the tired soil; a thousand miles begins with one step. (I)

16, sensitive and eager to learn, help in the field. (The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang)

17, had behaved, do not impose on others. (Analects, XII)

18, we must first of its profits. (Analects Duke Ling of Wei)

19, gentleman is open and pessimistic. (VII,)

20, of Winter, and then after a withered pine is also known. (Analects Zi Han)

21, Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous. (Analects)

22, were perplexed to know, the virtuous from anxiety, fear the brave. (Analects Zi Han)

23, one who has not been? Never too late to mend. (The Analects of Confucius)

24, know know it, I do not know as I do not know, that is knowledge. (Analects)

25, and those who know better than the good, good of the person not the music. (The Analects of Confucius Yong)

26, the body is not made of; its body is not correct, although that is not from. (Analects, XIII)

27, three rows, must be my teacher: choosing the good from it, instead of their bad. (VII,)

28, road trip, Things for the People. (Book of Rites)

29, forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste. (Book of Doctrine of the Mean)

30, learn and then know enough to teach and know the difficulties. (Book of Rites Record of Learning)

31, Jade is not cut, not a device; people do not learn, do not know. (Book of Rites Record of Learning)

32, road is long Come, happiness of the search up and down. (Qu Yuan's Li Sao)

33, has a short foot, inch a director. (Chu Buju)

34, do believe the book is better than no book. (Mencius under)

35, was born of hardship for the worst. (Mencius, under)

36, moral support from many, scant support. (Mencius Gongsun Chou)

37, people are expensive, boat followed, the king of light. (Mencius, Vila)

38, the poor are spared to reach and the world economy. (Mencius, Vila)

39, days as location, location not as good as people. (Mencius Gongsun Chou)

40, can not be obscene wealth, and rank can not be moved, incorruptible. (Mencius, Teng Wengong)

41, persistence wears away the stone. (Zi Quan Xue)

42, My life is limited, while knowledge is infinite. (Zhuangzi Ch.)

43, civil use, the villain is as sweet as sweet wine. (Zhuangzi)

44, learned of, interrogation of, the deliberative, discernment, Atsuyuki it. (Mean)

45, Pro Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs. (Huainanzi said Lin training)

46, winds blow Xi Yi Shuihan, a warrior to Come Nevermore. (Warring Emperor and the Assassin)

47, peaches and plums without saying, has taught. (Records of the Historian General Li Chuan)

48, sparrow know that the swan zai. (Historical Records Chenshe family)

49, devised strategies, winning thousands of miles away. (Records of emperor of the century)

50, lost than won easily, good medicine tastes bitter. (Historical Records Liuhou family)

51, were inherent in a death, or weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. (Historical Records reported Ren Shaoqing book)

52, wise man, there must be a loss; fool thousands into account, there must be counsel. (Records of the Historian Huaiyin Hou Biography)

53, wire sawing off, dropping water. (Han Mei Cheng Chuan)

54, to people I do not know, is done by night. (Han Mei Sheng petition remonstrance king)

55, young idler, an old beggar. (Han Dynasty Long Song)

56, of the wind Supergrass, cold of winter, see below withered. (Later Han hegemony Chuan)

57, Losing Gains. (Later Han Feng Yi Chuan)

58, Faith will move mountains. (Later Han Guang Ling Wang Jing Chuan thinking)

59, know not forget the poor and lowly, no less than Zaokangzhiqi Church. (Spreading the Later Han Song)

60, the Patriots do not drink the water thief, who is not inexpensive handout. (Later Han)

61, Laojifuli high aspirations; martyrs old age, Zhuangxinbuyi. (Three Cao Cao, although turtle life)

62, tire of the high mountains, deep sea tire; Duke spit-feeding, the world's hearts. (Three Cao Cao Duan Gexing)

63, did not learn without the broad, non-chi no to school. (Geliang Commandment child book)

64, no non-indifferent to Ming-chih, non-quiet no to Zhiyuan. (Three sub-Liang Commandment book)

65, small and whom not to be evil, do good deeds, but not as small. (Three Liu Bei)

66, the country serving the people is business. (Western Jin Chenshou of the Three Kingdoms)

67, the prime of life is not heavy, the day can no longer morning. (Jin Tao Miscellaneous Poems)

68, is not empty sack can not stand upright. (Jin Tao Drifting)

69, the spring and your day is the morning. (Southern Xiao Duo)

70, better to die than a whole tile. (An Jing Chuan Qi Shu-yuan)

71, father, like son. (New Tang Yuan Chong Chuan line)

72, of the wind Supergrass, board finishes know Cheng Chen. (Xiao Yu Emperor gifts)

73, bosom friend, everyone your neighbor. (Tang and Wang Bo to send any of the House of Du Shu Chuan)

74, want to become integrated. (Tang Wang Zhihuan Deng Guanquelou)

75, sand battle-wear shining armor, not the end of Loulan not yet broken. (Wang Changling Joining the Army)

76, Natural beauty carving. (Li Bai of Tang poetry)

77, Dapeng with the wind, moved nine miles. (On Li Bai Li Yong Tang)

78, Yi Xing Zhuang think all pregnant fly, want to embrace the moon on the sky. (Tang Li Baixuan state school books farewell thank Uncle cloud)

79, his back to go out laughing, my generation of people How can it be basil. (Tang Li Bai Nanling other children into Beijing)

80, I'm Born with, daughter cleared up again. (Tang Li Bai cursive)

81, winds and waves there, Ji Yun-Fan economic sea. (Tang Li Bai difficulties in traveling)

82, Wu Yue Hing intoxicated put pen to paper roll, and poetry into a windy sea Ling. (Tang Yin Li Baijiang on)

83, elite security Nengcui eyebrows bow down things that I not happy Yan. (Tang Yin Tian Mu Bai sleepwalking do to stay)

84, school break rolls, getting a god. (Tandoori Fu Feng Yun presented Wei Zuo Cheng twenty-two)

85, would be extremely Ling, list of small hills. (Tandoori Fu Wang Yue)

86, pen off the wind and rain scared, and poetry into ZZZZZZZZZ. (Tandoori just send the second white twenty)

87, the new song Henbu thousand feet high, and the evil should be cut million bamboo pole. (Tandoori Fu)

88, Ercao body and were all destroyed, do not waste eternal flow of rivers. (Tandoori just play Quatrain)

89, hope to do tonight Ming month, I do not know which family feeling of anxiety. (Tang Wang fifth night of full moon)

90, who is the inch of grass, reported in the apartments. (Tangmeng Country Song of a Wanderer)

91, Generally, no matter their level is Ming. (Tang and Han Yu Meng Higashino send sequence)

92, 蚍蜉撼大树 ridiculously overrate their own strength. (Adjusted Zhang Ji Han Yu Tang)

93, founded on diligence and neglected in play, with the line into YU Si and destroyed. (Tang and Han Yu Jin School Solutions)

94, clear sky Yihe row of the cloud, they lead to the Bi Xiao poetry. (Tang Liu Yuxi Qiu words)

95, thousands of junks sunk boat sails into the trees ahead of million trees in spring. (Tang and Liu Yuxi paid early every Lotte Yangzhou)

96, although thousands of Amoy million Luk hard Chuijin Until this beginning to the gold. (Tang Liu Yuxi Langtaosha)

97, Hill is not high, but the immortal name; water is not deep, Zeling. (Lou Shi Ming Tang Liu Yuxi)

98, talk and laugh with ru, demand no Ding Bai. (Lou Shi Ming Tang Liu Yuxi)

99, the same world people meet, why have known each other. (Tang Bai Pipa)

100, would like to make pair of lovebirds in the day, in the way trees with branches. (Tang Bai Everlasting Regret)

101, forever and sometimes do, sorrow was everlasting period. (Tang Bai Everlasting Regret)

102, try to burn three days full of jade, wood is subject to the seven-identified. (Tang Bai boasted)

103, sailed the seven seas make life difficult for the water Gorges cloud. (Tang Yuan Zhen from thinking)

104, One year spent similar, are different from year to year. (Tang Liu Xi Yi)

105, Jun Mo battle Zuiwo laugh a few people since ancient times fought back! (Tang Wanghan Liangzhou words)

106, black hair and do not know Diligence early, the first white square regret later reading. (Tang Yen Chen-ching)

107, picked flowers into honey, the sweet for whom for whom hard work. (Tangluo hidden bee)

108, ten years of sword, frost edge did not try. (Tanggu Island swordsman)

109, who knows the chopping block 粒粒皆辛苦. (Benjamin Tang Li Shen Agriculture)

110, why not with a man named Wu hook, receive Guanshan fifty states. (Tang Li Henan States)

111, silkworms to make silk square die, wax dry before the torch ashes tears. (Tang Poems without title)

112, the body no phoenix Flying wing minds think alike. (Tang Poems without title)

113, is difficult when you meet Bie Yinan, Dongfeng flowers residual weakness. (Tang Poems without title)

114, Zhuang Shengxiao fans dream of butterflies, Emperor Wang heart care cuckoo in spring. (Tang yin Zither)

115, Li Kam former country and family, as the thrift failure by the extravagance. (Tang yin)

116, Blossom Hill Road, Dan Miles, young and old Fung Fung Ching in sound. (Tang yin)

117, wide sea diving, the days of the birds to fly. (Monk cloud sheet)

118, cut, and chaotic, is sadness, do not be a different feeling in their hearts. (Five Li Yu Wu Yeti)

119, withered Bishu west last night, the tower alone, overlooked the endless distance. (Five Yan Dielianhua)

120, the first and worry about the world, after the world to enjoy. (Song Fan Zhongyan Yueyang Tower)

121, worse than orange snow sticks pressure, cold shock Shoot For budding mine. (A Song Yuan Zhen Xiu play)

122, worries workers can rejuvenate, Yi Yu to death itself. (Ouyang Xiu Song biography of the actors sequence)

123, often the scourge of the neglected micro-plot, and Zhi-Yong and more trapped in the female. (Ouyang Xiu Song biography of the actors sequence)

124, the first month on the Liu Shao, Renyuehuanghun later. (Song Shuzhen Health check sub)

125, belt she does not regret becoming wide-end, to eliminate the Iraqi people were emaciated. (Songliu Yong Feng Xiwu)

126, and is a wise letter of the dark side. (Song Sima Guang Mirror)

127, by the extravagance and easy, from extravagance to economy. (Song Kang said Sima Guang Jian Xun)

128, Kam past lives of the rise and fall, consider the pros and cons of today. (Song Sima Guang Mirror)

129, sequential and progressive, familiar with the fine thinking. (Song book of Zhu Xi to)

130, asked him what so clear, as there is water flowing. (View the book Song Xi felt)

131, fear clouds block our sight, just because at the highest level. (Song Wangan Dan Dengfei to peak)

132, seems unusual is the most strange, as hard as it is easy. (Song Wang)

133, rain cover charge engine is no longer possible, even worse Aoshuang Chi Ju residues. (Su Song Frost)

134, do not know the truth, just because in this mountain. Song of Sushi West Wall)

135, hundred back tire of reading books, knowing children familiar with food for thought. (Sung Su Shi)

136, Bo Concept, and about to take, thick and thin of plot. (Sung Su Shi)

137, Nung, Trinidad new moon. (Sung Su Thinking of You)

138, people have sorrow and joy, month also wanes. (Sung Su Thinking of You)

139, Health as a greater odds, death is also a ghost hero. (Summer Song Qingzhao quatrains)

140, have changed everything off, the first tears flow like language. (Song Qingzhao Wuling Spring)

141, Murdoch is not ecstasy, curtain westerly, thinner than yellow. (Song Qingzhao Zuihua Yin)

142, Huazipiaoling artesian water, an Acacia, Xianchou. (Like a Dream Song Qingzhao)

143, a long long time if the two conditions, a blessing in the day and night. (Song Guan Magpie Fairies)

144, Mountain darkly, vista. (Song Lu Yu Shanxi Village)

145, lying on Gucun not from sorrow, still thinking Shu round table for the country. (Song Lu November 4 big wind and rain)

146, dared the country, things still need to be given whole family coffin. (Song Lu pregnant patients from the book)

147, paper come Zhongjue, knowledge from this practice is essential. (Song Lu Yu-winter study shows children)

148, ancient knowledge exhaustive force, beginning as young and old kung fu. (Song Lu)

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