Sunday, February 27, 2011

The ultimate mystery of Bermuda answers - Hutchison Effect

 Unsolved mystery of the Bermuda
20 centuries so far have occurred since the various singular events, probably the most puzzling in the Bermuda Triangle will count the series of aircraft and ships of the disappearance of the. The so-called Bermuda Triangle, refers to the north Bermuda, the West to Miami, Florida, a triangular area south of Puerto Rico. From 1945, hundreds of planes and ships have mysteriously disappeared here. Now, the Bermuda Triangle has become a mysterious, non- understanding of the various disappearances synonymous.
Bermuda Triangle mystery since there different opinions since some of the Bermuda Triangle adventure travelers return after each reported their experience on the electromagnetic eccentric: they take the ship or aircraft will be engulfed by a strange vapor, and later all the instruments are defective, disordered, and inexplicable mist rising from the sea in the whole, while the natural weather was unlikely to produce fog, there is no reason to explain the magnetic disorder situation.
This anomaly was later all sorts of speculation, the reasons attributed to the certainly those warlocks boring supernatural in promoting their ideas. may be a fact that people do not seem too concerned about: the experience of these incidents were all experienced pilots, captains, players and even the Coast Guard.
the formation of these unusual phenomenon has long puzzled the scientific community, the most reasonable explanation, the interpretation is made by the Canadian physical enthusiasts Hutchinson. In him the electromagnetic aspects of the many experiments, some bizarre accidental phenomenon, and the Bermuda Triangle of these strange phenomena reported appeared phenomenon has striking similarities. Therefore, Hutchinson believes that the mystery of Bermuda and the electromagnetic relevant.
Who objects flying?
Hutchison is a Canadian amateur physics enthusiast, he likes to tinker with some strange scientific experiment, and his home filled with experimental items. He may be a lot of sci-fi movie characters similar to the whimsy, the only difference is, he is not the fictional character, his experiments no. < br> 1979 One day in Hutchinson is studying Tesla longitudinal waves (Nicholas? Tesla, the father of radio.) limited the experimental site, electromagnetic field and wave to those used to launch the device, such as the Tesla coil , high-frequency generator, etc., can barely squeezed into a small room. Hutchinson all machines are open, and then quietly wait for his results.
Thus began the story: Hutchison suddenly felt something fall on a shoulder, he looked askance, a block of metal films, he did not care how, put the piece of metal thrown back, but it flew over, hit him! when Hatch Johnson then observed movement inside the other mm He could not believe my eyes: a big iron bar on the ground even flying in the air suspension for a second, then onto the ground!
what happened?
to find out the truth, Hutchinson again and again to repeat his experiments, but also astounding phenomenon. For example: the object continued to float up, like wood, plastic , foam, copper, zinc, they will hover in the air, back and forth to form a vortex and continues to rise, and even some objects will be automatically thrown out at an alarming rate, hitting the person.
but such a magical effect not always occur, and sometimes need to wait several days of quiet time to see one, and in most of the time, no abnormality occurs. Later, through the constantly changing location of the instrument, such as spectrum analyzer , magnetometer, Geiger counter (Geiger counter is a radiation detector can be used to measure the charged particles invisible to the naked eye) and other instruments, Hutchinson finally figured out the magical effect of the can quickly create a magical effect.
further novel phenomenon was also found that: by the cement and stone piled up around the house suddenly caught fire; mirror their own fragmentation, debris can fly 100 meters away! metals curling, cracking, and even broke into the powder-like bread crumbs; different metals can be fused at room temperature, some metals can be turned into the state of jelly or mud, when the instrument was produced by the field withdrawal, they will re-harden; skyline beam, followed by numerous show ring at the same time, the container of water began to swirl hh
really unheard of, unthinkable things! many people struggle rushing to see Hutchinson's experiments. Hutchison also numerous experiments to show that the sample mm left those hh
coins out of these strange phenomenon known as the interference, resulting in some kind of strange energy, the energy overlap in some particular areas, in these regions, the object will float up, a variety of materials will be deformed, the object will somehow disappear, but so weak hh
Why can generate electromagnetic force so powerful? the traditional knowledge and experience, it was thought that little power and will not produce any noteworthy results. Therefore, some scientists have speculated that Hutchison is inadvertently the lowest total energy, which is the motion of matter and energy fields all the best initial state, so that changes in the state has unlimited potential. zero-point energy is the quantum vacuum particles and anti-particles produced by emerging and annihilation. According to speculated that the quantum vacuum, the energy density per cubic centimeter contains a 1013 joules, enough to dry out in an instant all the ocean water on Earth! given that they have so much energy, we can imagine all sorts of strange Hutchison effect in the phenomenon. By contrast, br> the verge of through certain methods are applied to the same frequency electronics, the material itself can be changed in the process.
So, in the Hutchinson effect, the zero-point energy is the electromagnetic field due to space were intertwined and impact excited out. If an object exposed to various electromagnetic fields are intertwined is in fact equivalent to as much as possible damage to objects in the electronic orbit. If one of the frequency of the electromagnetic field in the object the same electromagnetic frequency of certain electronic to form a resonance, so the minimum quantum vacuum zero point energy can be inspired by, have a strong destructive power.
in Hutchison's experiments, electromagnetic energy transfer when he was bigger, produce more resonance, the outer electron orbitals of metal keys will be damaged by resonance, leading to metal atoms kept oscillating as a result, the natural framework of the atoms began to falter, the metal will form a soft, trembling
In fact, Hutchinson has developed a new form of electrochemical, that is, by changing the electronic orbital resonance frequency, to change the chemical properties. Tongguo Geiger explained farmers, we can imagine the magic Hutchison Effect and complex means of implementation into a simple explanation mm line with the interpretation of classical physics.
use of these resonant frequencies, and you can operate the instrument Hutchinson used to learn the art of the following interesting: you objects in the bond can become stronger, increasing the material strength and endurance, or vice versa, you can make chemical bonds become weaker and may let a piece of iron at room temperature into a pile of powder.
Anything else does: by properly adjusting the frequency, you can make a material behave as another substance, or may show the nature we have so far never seen: the adoption never existed in nature of atoms, elements and compounds. If a piece of steel to imitate a piece of feather, it can fly up to no surprise that.

electromagnetic energy filled space in the Hutchinson effect, we know that a well-known ; experiment mm1943 in Philadelphia experiment. It is said that seems to disappear completely in another dimension of space, before re-emerging after a while children warships.
Philadelphia Experiment is based on Einstein's theory of unified field theory, the theory that gravity and electromagnetism is linked, shared, just as mass and energy through the mass-energy formula linked to the same. prove Einstein's unified field theory is the desire to end his life, although he is not a final settlement from the unified field theory, but the results of the Philadelphia experiment made us seem to see what.
If Einstein is right, then time, space, and matter are interrelated. and we know things are common to the entire universe mm electromagnetic energy.
when you look at a bagel when thing you see is bread and the outer ring, or in the middle of the hole? This is a psychological problem, but also from a new perspective can help us understand the Hutchinson effect. According to our current knowledge of physics, Hutchinson incredible effects, which may because we are always focused its attention on the outer ring of bread, ignoring the ubiquitous nature of the experiment strange people to the various sights on the interpretation of the event to all the equipment he uses only the top products of the transformation to the electromagnetic mm.
The reason is simple: everywhere, everywhere in space is actually filled with electromagnetic energy, we previously concerned about the frequency, to a particular value, we can make millions of volts of high voltage through our bodies without harm, since 1952 the trial was successfully tried a lot of people.
This is not to scare you bad? but indeed, it is not difficult to achieve, to do is change the frequency. For example, if all the atoms in the body wall of all the atomic frequency and the frequency of the same, people will be able to freely pass through walls; if the body The frequency of all the atoms be uniform, people will suddenly disappear. Philadelphia Experiment aboard the destroyer is perhaps in this case disappeared.
People always think these things can only be made in the laboratory occur in extreme conditions, is not the case, just as electromagnetism expert Paddon said: just use the old coil wire and some routine operations. But it is with this simple equipment, he found a lot of potential exists in nature the most convincing evidence. electricity generated, and the potential hidden in the atmosphere compared to almost negligible. The simplest example is the phenomenon occurs in a number of lightning, and strong enough to disturb the radio waves and a current of several hundred kilometers away, other equipment, large enough to damage trees and houses, enough to melt sand into glass.
it possible, Hutchinson effect is only natural ; will not create another form of strange things in our space and time lead to an object, something wrong?
we naturally think of the Bermuda Triangle mystery, in fact, Hutchinson effect is all the blame Bermuda perfect reproduction of the phenomenon. Hutchinson agreed that many seem to simulate the effect of various reports of the phenomenon of the Bermuda mm eccentric vortex clouds and bright, green and phosphor, electromagnetic anomalies. In some experiments, Hutchinson, objects will be covered in a layer of gray fog, flying in the room, turn, drift, which can take pictures down. Bermuda Triangle there may happen to have the appropriate temperature and weather, but also in the key areas of electromagnetic, and Kazakhstan that had Dodgson effect exactly the same phenomenon?
but can result in electromagnetic aircraft and ships disappear? Hutchinson said: This is most likely, the nature of these fields can be formed spontaneously, and then create some kind of appropriate, making the vessels and Aircraft completely broken, or disappear to another dimension to the field.
Hutchison effect upon communication, global sensation, those of various even suddenly. a little comparison of various experiments and natural phenomena, we can see that these long-standing phenomenon of people confused, some effects of Hutchinson a phenomenon, but rather on different occasions A similar effect occurs Hutchinson We do not know the secret, the electromagnetic nature is likely to lead to the door to more alarming phenomenon, its potential is unlimited.
in the continuous development of our science and technology today, in the past scientists, philosophers, dream, and now are slowly becoming a reality. We should be more deeply to understand the nature of the potential energy and strength, whether this potential for us there is no direct benefit, we should all be paying attention to it. from that point, contribution is also in Hutchinson, he found that the effect of showing the world around us everywhere in the enormous potential.
Note: 1943 Philadelphia Plan
to interfere with and evade the enemy torpedo attack, and later extended to the strong magnetic field generated in the surrounding air, so that the enemy's radar detection than their own existence. nature, the , each power of 75 kilowatts of two large magnetic field generator is installed in the former location of the turret. they produce magnetic mounted on the deck of the 4 groups are allocated a huge coils. In addition, there are three RF transmit ship device (2 megawatts each amplitude wave radar), 3000 6L6-based power amplifier tubes (used to drive 2 sets of magnetic field generator coils), a special synchronization and modulation circuit and a large number of special electronic equipment. these devices together, through appropriate control and regulation, you can ship is light and radio waves around the bend, to the effect of stealth.
1943 年 7 月 22 日 9 hours, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, ; Ireland Aldridge Verde Ridge U.S. Navy to radar time. And, after so long, then the personnel participating in the experiment in the ship, often in the streets, bars, restaurants and other places who suddenly disappeared to reproduce.
, of course, the U.S. military deny this experiment, but all reports seem to show an experiment that did exist.
Some people think that this experiment should 21,22 century, when science is more advanced again, because now the 20th century, although the ability to create strong human artificial magnetic field experiments, but no ability to predict results or deal with the next.
, of course, many people will material leads to another room.

Although the Philadelphia Plan, dead, or know of other witnesses who also refused to testify, at least one other researcher to commit suicide. while in the Navy designation issue was not clear, if there is designation, researchers still can query the basic documents, and of course as long as the file is still kept highly confidential or not listed on the line. However, the m addition to the adverse effects of all the staff of the ship outside.
Philadelphia program is used by the U.S. Navy destroyer No. D-173 Philadelphia Experiment and the Bermuda Triangle of the association, causes an artificial magnetic field on a destroyer and frigates reports on the temporary loss of staff. Navy for the experiment is to focus on the war vessels have camouflage capability. but it's importance in science there are more far-reaching significance: human and equipment can be temporarily put into another dimension. < br> Dr. Ji Suopu friend and colleague, but also on the outstanding astronomers and physicists, Dr. Valencia Pavilion, in which the experiment has been started, involved in the practice of the Office of Naval Research. He briefly describing some of the more Philadelphia Experiment amazing things, he is through with the conversation and communication, Dr. Ji Suopu to recall these things.
Jisuo Pu said, the Philadelphia experiment's aim is to test a strong magnetic field influence on a manned vessel. It must depend on producing magnetic machine (that is, and ships to defend against the magnetic field around the mine's equipment) to complete. The staff must be operated and non-fluctuating magnetic pulse machine, so that vessels moored at the pier around the vessel to generate a huge magnetic field. this experiment results are very shocking and very important, although all the staff on board suffered the unfortunate consequences therefore.
the beginning of the experiment, first, a dim green light appears, while, the whole ship is covered with such a dim green light, the personnel on board the ship and began to disappear from the deck until the ship's water line visible only so far. According to reports, the ship was constantly destroyer Norfolk, Virginia appear, disappear, Perhaps there is a place for the ship disappeared, which is a phenomenon of space-time conversion.
No. U.S. Navy is responsible for hanging the Philadelphia Plan An experimental observations reported to the sea this very successful experiment caused an invisible ellipse shaped magnetic field, magneto-optical range of each Yu hundred yards away, the water into a vessel so the image, but not the image of the ship itself. When the magnetic enhancement, some of the sailors began to disappear, you must be aware of them touch existence, to enable them to betray oneself, must be death, while others are mental disorders.
supernatural ability of these people seems to have become acute, and some people left who still experimental responses, whether at home, in the street, in bars or restaurants, would suddenly disappear and return, and so horrified onlookers.
addition, when the end of the experiment, the ship is docked, the gong needle plate suddenly exploded, leaving the person carrying it ashore was a calamity. Jisuo Pu that conducted experiments indeed awful, but experiments which have happened as a general description. He believes the crew's misfortune may be ill-prepared or caused by the review.
aboard the destroyer escort mission from disappeared, then appeared at the Norfolk terminal, and then returned to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. During this period several experiments obviously conducted at least once in the terminal side, and rather dramatic that one in the sea. < br> Ji Suopu indulge in these experiments was worried, he told the Valencia kiosks, said the Navy asked him to serve as a consultant to another similar experiment, but he refused. He believes the Navy in October 1943, due to the creation of A magnetic cloud can camouflage the vessel, and the potential of magnetic clouds opened, and if a strong enough magnetic cloud, then not only will exist forever, and will rearrange the molecular structure of human and material, and make it into another dimensional space, the human will thus have the ability to predict the future and the infinite self-moving force.
concept of this experiment is meaningful, Einstein's the magnetic field, gravity field, and integrated with other sub-atomic phenomena.
this theory is applied in the Philadelphia experiment and the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, we find that the attraction between molecules force field can be changed temporarily, but will material leads to another dimension, or so-called look at the Einstein's theory, did have a theory appears to be more incredible at the time, but from 1945 has changed the concept of human life and physical, so we feel that we live in is how secure the territory, which the body also makes us more understanding of the universe.
There is a saying, we can believe that human beings are standing at the entrance of the universe, human beings of the universe has a certain experimental progress, but in order to accelerate the development of weapons of mass destruction, States Moquancazhang, no further work to explore the universe. playing to continue to explore our Milky Way Galaxy and others, will wait for the development of new ideas is to material inputs mm another dimension, and across the concept of the actual space.

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