Monday, February 28, 2011

Wuliangye reported seven seven grain bread liquid liquid near the famous company said that they are wronged

 Food Industry Network HC This Festival has not dissipated, Beijing Yin L Po Wine Co. has met a Zaoxin thing: Internet rumors, Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. for infringement of registered trademark rights on the grounds of Po Wine Co., Ltd. and the Beijing Public margin corporate sales and marketing professional cooperatives fruits and vegetables together in court.

response, Beijing Yin L Po Wine Co. shareholders, chief engineer of seven high-grain brewing liquid, general manager, following Peng showed a look of helplessness: I participate in the industry in Hainan, a conference, a friend from what I have learned this thing, I know this news, then rushed back to Beijing. Yin L Wine Co., Ltd. is located in Pinggu Po District, Wang Xin Zhuang Town Park Road, No. 8, instead of talking about online music Pinggu District Township, apricot West Village Chief. Site covers an area of 170 acres, expected to produce 150 tons, the project invested 500 million yuan. Zhengzhou original factory for the first seven old Wuliangye Wine Shop, 2009, officially moved to Beijing.

It is reported that Wuliangye Yibin Co., Ltd. that the defendant will treasure Beijing Yin L prominently, is a typical registered trademark rights, serious damage to the market economic order of fair competition, to the company caused enormous damage.

Wuliangye Co. also alleged that Beijing Yin Kenneth Bowes asked to immediately stop production and sale of liquor involved, unconditional recovery of the market involved in the flow of liquor, removal and destruction of the Wuliangye company also asked the two companies as well as high of a defendant published a statement in the press to clarify the facts, an apology, compensation for economic loss of 50 million together.

reporter interviewed matters then call Wuliangye Group Party Propaganda Department, a person who answered the phone told reporters, Committee.

wineries producing wine. wrong of, hit the wrong target to the object thing. We will actively responding to the lawsuit, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of our company. Fang Min told reporters. Following Peng high

, said: In addition, we located in the middle and low market, the most expensive to buy more than 180 yuan a bottle, if you have to compare the two, then, Wuliangye is the 'lady', we are the 'little wife', there is no comparable sex. Song Yu Shi Gaoxi monitoring (high following the Four fathers) had secret instructions from the decree was given charge of brewing, with a special feast for the Royal. Seven food solution '.

from market positioning, packaging and price are very different, then why should sue seven grain Wuliangye liquid it? In this regard, high following friends baffled. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The ultimate mystery of Bermuda answers - Hutchison Effect

 Unsolved mystery of the Bermuda
20 centuries so far have occurred since the various singular events, probably the most puzzling in the Bermuda Triangle will count the series of aircraft and ships of the disappearance of the. The so-called Bermuda Triangle, refers to the north Bermuda, the West to Miami, Florida, a triangular area south of Puerto Rico. From 1945, hundreds of planes and ships have mysteriously disappeared here. Now, the Bermuda Triangle has become a mysterious, non- understanding of the various disappearances synonymous.
Bermuda Triangle mystery since there different opinions since some of the Bermuda Triangle adventure travelers return after each reported their experience on the electromagnetic eccentric: they take the ship or aircraft will be engulfed by a strange vapor, and later all the instruments are defective, disordered, and inexplicable mist rising from the sea in the whole, while the natural weather was unlikely to produce fog, there is no reason to explain the magnetic disorder situation.
This anomaly was later all sorts of speculation, the reasons attributed to the certainly those warlocks boring supernatural in promoting their ideas. may be a fact that people do not seem too concerned about: the experience of these incidents were all experienced pilots, captains, players and even the Coast Guard.
the formation of these unusual phenomenon has long puzzled the scientific community, the most reasonable explanation, the interpretation is made by the Canadian physical enthusiasts Hutchinson. In him the electromagnetic aspects of the many experiments, some bizarre accidental phenomenon, and the Bermuda Triangle of these strange phenomena reported appeared phenomenon has striking similarities. Therefore, Hutchinson believes that the mystery of Bermuda and the electromagnetic relevant.
Who objects flying?
Hutchison is a Canadian amateur physics enthusiast, he likes to tinker with some strange scientific experiment, and his home filled with experimental items. He may be a lot of sci-fi movie characters similar to the whimsy, the only difference is, he is not the fictional character, his experiments no. < br> 1979 One day in Hutchinson is studying Tesla longitudinal waves (Nicholas? Tesla, the father of radio.) limited the experimental site, electromagnetic field and wave to those used to launch the device, such as the Tesla coil , high-frequency generator, etc., can barely squeezed into a small room. Hutchinson all machines are open, and then quietly wait for his results.
Thus began the story: Hutchison suddenly felt something fall on a shoulder, he looked askance, a block of metal films, he did not care how, put the piece of metal thrown back, but it flew over, hit him! when Hatch Johnson then observed movement inside the other mm He could not believe my eyes: a big iron bar on the ground even flying in the air suspension for a second, then onto the ground!
what happened?
to find out the truth, Hutchinson again and again to repeat his experiments, but also astounding phenomenon. For example: the object continued to float up, like wood, plastic , foam, copper, zinc, they will hover in the air, back and forth to form a vortex and continues to rise, and even some objects will be automatically thrown out at an alarming rate, hitting the person.
but such a magical effect not always occur, and sometimes need to wait several days of quiet time to see one, and in most of the time, no abnormality occurs. Later, through the constantly changing location of the instrument, such as spectrum analyzer , magnetometer, Geiger counter (Geiger counter is a radiation detector can be used to measure the charged particles invisible to the naked eye) and other instruments, Hutchinson finally figured out the magical effect of the can quickly create a magical effect.
further novel phenomenon was also found that: by the cement and stone piled up around the house suddenly caught fire; mirror their own fragmentation, debris can fly 100 meters away! metals curling, cracking, and even broke into the powder-like bread crumbs; different metals can be fused at room temperature, some metals can be turned into the state of jelly or mud, when the instrument was produced by the field withdrawal, they will re-harden; skyline beam, followed by numerous show ring at the same time, the container of water began to swirl hh
really unheard of, unthinkable things! many people struggle rushing to see Hutchinson's experiments. Hutchison also numerous experiments to show that the sample mm left those hh
coins out of these strange phenomenon known as the interference, resulting in some kind of strange energy, the energy overlap in some particular areas, in these regions, the object will float up, a variety of materials will be deformed, the object will somehow disappear, but so weak hh
Why can generate electromagnetic force so powerful? the traditional knowledge and experience, it was thought that little power and will not produce any noteworthy results. Therefore, some scientists have speculated that Hutchison is inadvertently the lowest total energy, which is the motion of matter and energy fields all the best initial state, so that changes in the state has unlimited potential. zero-point energy is the quantum vacuum particles and anti-particles produced by emerging and annihilation. According to speculated that the quantum vacuum, the energy density per cubic centimeter contains a 1013 joules, enough to dry out in an instant all the ocean water on Earth! given that they have so much energy, we can imagine all sorts of strange Hutchison effect in the phenomenon. By contrast, br> the verge of through certain methods are applied to the same frequency electronics, the material itself can be changed in the process.
So, in the Hutchinson effect, the zero-point energy is the electromagnetic field due to space were intertwined and impact excited out. If an object exposed to various electromagnetic fields are intertwined is in fact equivalent to as much as possible damage to objects in the electronic orbit. If one of the frequency of the electromagnetic field in the object the same electromagnetic frequency of certain electronic to form a resonance, so the minimum quantum vacuum zero point energy can be inspired by, have a strong destructive power.
in Hutchison's experiments, electromagnetic energy transfer when he was bigger, produce more resonance, the outer electron orbitals of metal keys will be damaged by resonance, leading to metal atoms kept oscillating as a result, the natural framework of the atoms began to falter, the metal will form a soft, trembling
In fact, Hutchinson has developed a new form of electrochemical, that is, by changing the electronic orbital resonance frequency, to change the chemical properties. Tongguo Geiger explained farmers, we can imagine the magic Hutchison Effect and complex means of implementation into a simple explanation mm line with the interpretation of classical physics.
use of these resonant frequencies, and you can operate the instrument Hutchinson used to learn the art of the following interesting: you objects in the bond can become stronger, increasing the material strength and endurance, or vice versa, you can make chemical bonds become weaker and may let a piece of iron at room temperature into a pile of powder.
Anything else does: by properly adjusting the frequency, you can make a material behave as another substance, or may show the nature we have so far never seen: the adoption never existed in nature of atoms, elements and compounds. If a piece of steel to imitate a piece of feather, it can fly up to no surprise that.

electromagnetic energy filled space in the Hutchinson effect, we know that a well-known ; experiment mm1943 in Philadelphia experiment. It is said that seems to disappear completely in another dimension of space, before re-emerging after a while children warships.
Philadelphia Experiment is based on Einstein's theory of unified field theory, the theory that gravity and electromagnetism is linked, shared, just as mass and energy through the mass-energy formula linked to the same. prove Einstein's unified field theory is the desire to end his life, although he is not a final settlement from the unified field theory, but the results of the Philadelphia experiment made us seem to see what.
If Einstein is right, then time, space, and matter are interrelated. and we know things are common to the entire universe mm electromagnetic energy.
when you look at a bagel when thing you see is bread and the outer ring, or in the middle of the hole? This is a psychological problem, but also from a new perspective can help us understand the Hutchinson effect. According to our current knowledge of physics, Hutchinson incredible effects, which may because we are always focused its attention on the outer ring of bread, ignoring the ubiquitous nature of the experiment strange people to the various sights on the interpretation of the event to all the equipment he uses only the top products of the transformation to the electromagnetic mm.
The reason is simple: everywhere, everywhere in space is actually filled with electromagnetic energy, we previously concerned about the frequency, to a particular value, we can make millions of volts of high voltage through our bodies without harm, since 1952 the trial was successfully tried a lot of people.
This is not to scare you bad? but indeed, it is not difficult to achieve, to do is change the frequency. For example, if all the atoms in the body wall of all the atomic frequency and the frequency of the same, people will be able to freely pass through walls; if the body The frequency of all the atoms be uniform, people will suddenly disappear. Philadelphia Experiment aboard the destroyer is perhaps in this case disappeared.
People always think these things can only be made in the laboratory occur in extreme conditions, is not the case, just as electromagnetism expert Paddon said: just use the old coil wire and some routine operations. But it is with this simple equipment, he found a lot of potential exists in nature the most convincing evidence. electricity generated, and the potential hidden in the atmosphere compared to almost negligible. The simplest example is the phenomenon occurs in a number of lightning, and strong enough to disturb the radio waves and a current of several hundred kilometers away, other equipment, large enough to damage trees and houses, enough to melt sand into glass.
it possible, Hutchinson effect is only natural ; will not create another form of strange things in our space and time lead to an object, something wrong?
we naturally think of the Bermuda Triangle mystery, in fact, Hutchinson effect is all the blame Bermuda perfect reproduction of the phenomenon. Hutchinson agreed that many seem to simulate the effect of various reports of the phenomenon of the Bermuda mm eccentric vortex clouds and bright, green and phosphor, electromagnetic anomalies. In some experiments, Hutchinson, objects will be covered in a layer of gray fog, flying in the room, turn, drift, which can take pictures down. Bermuda Triangle there may happen to have the appropriate temperature and weather, but also in the key areas of electromagnetic, and Kazakhstan that had Dodgson effect exactly the same phenomenon?
but can result in electromagnetic aircraft and ships disappear? Hutchinson said: This is most likely, the nature of these fields can be formed spontaneously, and then create some kind of appropriate, making the vessels and Aircraft completely broken, or disappear to another dimension to the field.
Hutchison effect upon communication, global sensation, those of various even suddenly. a little comparison of various experiments and natural phenomena, we can see that these long-standing phenomenon of people confused, some effects of Hutchinson a phenomenon, but rather on different occasions A similar effect occurs Hutchinson We do not know the secret, the electromagnetic nature is likely to lead to the door to more alarming phenomenon, its potential is unlimited.
in the continuous development of our science and technology today, in the past scientists, philosophers, dream, and now are slowly becoming a reality. We should be more deeply to understand the nature of the potential energy and strength, whether this potential for us there is no direct benefit, we should all be paying attention to it. from that point, contribution is also in Hutchinson, he found that the effect of showing the world around us everywhere in the enormous potential.
Note: 1943 Philadelphia Plan
to interfere with and evade the enemy torpedo attack, and later extended to the strong magnetic field generated in the surrounding air, so that the enemy's radar detection than their own existence. nature, the , each power of 75 kilowatts of two large magnetic field generator is installed in the former location of the turret. they produce magnetic mounted on the deck of the 4 groups are allocated a huge coils. In addition, there are three RF transmit ship device (2 megawatts each amplitude wave radar), 3000 6L6-based power amplifier tubes (used to drive 2 sets of magnetic field generator coils), a special synchronization and modulation circuit and a large number of special electronic equipment. these devices together, through appropriate control and regulation, you can ship is light and radio waves around the bend, to the effect of stealth.
1943 年 7 月 22 日 9 hours, the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, ; Ireland Aldridge Verde Ridge U.S. Navy to radar time. And, after so long, then the personnel participating in the experiment in the ship, often in the streets, bars, restaurants and other places who suddenly disappeared to reproduce.
, of course, the U.S. military deny this experiment, but all reports seem to show an experiment that did exist.
Some people think that this experiment should 21,22 century, when science is more advanced again, because now the 20th century, although the ability to create strong human artificial magnetic field experiments, but no ability to predict results or deal with the next.
, of course, many people will material leads to another room.

Although the Philadelphia Plan, dead, or know of other witnesses who also refused to testify, at least one other researcher to commit suicide. while in the Navy designation issue was not clear, if there is designation, researchers still can query the basic documents, and of course as long as the file is still kept highly confidential or not listed on the line. However, the m addition to the adverse effects of all the staff of the ship outside.
Philadelphia program is used by the U.S. Navy destroyer No. D-173 Philadelphia Experiment and the Bermuda Triangle of the association, causes an artificial magnetic field on a destroyer and frigates reports on the temporary loss of staff. Navy for the experiment is to focus on the war vessels have camouflage capability. but it's importance in science there are more far-reaching significance: human and equipment can be temporarily put into another dimension. < br> Dr. Ji Suopu friend and colleague, but also on the outstanding astronomers and physicists, Dr. Valencia Pavilion, in which the experiment has been started, involved in the practice of the Office of Naval Research. He briefly describing some of the more Philadelphia Experiment amazing things, he is through with the conversation and communication, Dr. Ji Suopu to recall these things.
Jisuo Pu said, the Philadelphia experiment's aim is to test a strong magnetic field influence on a manned vessel. It must depend on producing magnetic machine (that is, and ships to defend against the magnetic field around the mine's equipment) to complete. The staff must be operated and non-fluctuating magnetic pulse machine, so that vessels moored at the pier around the vessel to generate a huge magnetic field. this experiment results are very shocking and very important, although all the staff on board suffered the unfortunate consequences therefore.
the beginning of the experiment, first, a dim green light appears, while, the whole ship is covered with such a dim green light, the personnel on board the ship and began to disappear from the deck until the ship's water line visible only so far. According to reports, the ship was constantly destroyer Norfolk, Virginia appear, disappear, Perhaps there is a place for the ship disappeared, which is a phenomenon of space-time conversion.
No. U.S. Navy is responsible for hanging the Philadelphia Plan An experimental observations reported to the sea this very successful experiment caused an invisible ellipse shaped magnetic field, magneto-optical range of each Yu hundred yards away, the water into a vessel so the image, but not the image of the ship itself. When the magnetic enhancement, some of the sailors began to disappear, you must be aware of them touch existence, to enable them to betray oneself, must be death, while others are mental disorders.
supernatural ability of these people seems to have become acute, and some people left who still experimental responses, whether at home, in the street, in bars or restaurants, would suddenly disappear and return, and so horrified onlookers.
addition, when the end of the experiment, the ship is docked, the gong needle plate suddenly exploded, leaving the person carrying it ashore was a calamity. Jisuo Pu that conducted experiments indeed awful, but experiments which have happened as a general description. He believes the crew's misfortune may be ill-prepared or caused by the review.
aboard the destroyer escort mission from disappeared, then appeared at the Norfolk terminal, and then returned to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. During this period several experiments obviously conducted at least once in the terminal side, and rather dramatic that one in the sea. < br> Ji Suopu indulge in these experiments was worried, he told the Valencia kiosks, said the Navy asked him to serve as a consultant to another similar experiment, but he refused. He believes the Navy in October 1943, due to the creation of A magnetic cloud can camouflage the vessel, and the potential of magnetic clouds opened, and if a strong enough magnetic cloud, then not only will exist forever, and will rearrange the molecular structure of human and material, and make it into another dimensional space, the human will thus have the ability to predict the future and the infinite self-moving force.
concept of this experiment is meaningful, Einstein's the magnetic field, gravity field, and integrated with other sub-atomic phenomena.
this theory is applied in the Philadelphia experiment and the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, we find that the attraction between molecules force field can be changed temporarily, but will material leads to another dimension, or so-called look at the Einstein's theory, did have a theory appears to be more incredible at the time, but from 1945 has changed the concept of human life and physical, so we feel that we live in is how secure the territory, which the body also makes us more understanding of the universe.
There is a saying, we can believe that human beings are standing at the entrance of the universe, human beings of the universe has a certain experimental progress, but in order to accelerate the development of weapons of mass destruction, States Moquancazhang, no further work to explore the universe. playing to continue to explore our Milky Way Galaxy and others, will wait for the development of new ideas is to material inputs mm another dimension, and across the concept of the actual space.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

China's 2G mobile phone chip market will usher in the Battle of Red Cliff

 China's 2G mobile phone chip market will usher in the excellent opportunity, through the early post-war ushered in China's 2G mobile phone chip market, a temporary calm, decided to 2G mobile phone chip market, China's top three pattern of War unexpectedly exciting field. Learn the latest trends in electronic technology and applications, please Subscribe to the the enemy can win. We are across the company to make good use of this opportunity Maozuliaojin. all have turned Spreadtrum platform, familiar with the market Spreadtrum platform developers pay high prices debug the PA, Spreadtrum's customers reflect the tension and not technical support staff in place, the software interface to be improved details, and said after the event's technical staff and partners contact details for further communication to be platform switch, the switching process in MTK's technology and product positioning strategy of continuous errors, leading to the end of 2009 a large number of customers to shift from MTK Spreadtrum Spreadtrum and MStar mm at the mobile phone chip program matured after years of efforts, especially the development of inquiry SC6600 platform for quality and cost-effective, downstream customers a new choice, no longer willing to pay for the mistakes MTK.
with Spreadtrum's rise and burst on the scene MStar heads and feet, 2010, China's mobile phone chip market from a monopoly MTK toward the MTK, Spreadtrum and MStar Triwizard era. While 2G mobile phone chip market in China, MTK still holds the major market share, but shipments of Spreadtrum has reached 600 to 800 million / month or so, expected in 2010 In the second half will exceed 1,000 million / month, and has achieved a wide range of customers, and shipments of MStar estimates are close to 100 million / month, and successfully enter the association, Sky and smell Thailand and other large customers.
As MTK, Spreadtrum, and MStar have each have their own problems to solve, so this year will be the MTK, Spreadtrum and MStar the preparation period, the current market structure will not be much change in mm of the market is expected to MTK the steady decline, Spreadtrum steady rise, while the larger uncertainties MStar .2011 outbreak three years is likely to market share and a price war, and probably is initiated as a latecomer in the MStar.
the pattern of hegemony will make China more exciting mobile phone chip market, the downstream system machine manufacturers will have more choices.
effect loss of Jingzhou: MTK switching platform in order to reduce costs and errors
improve product performance, 2009 In the second half, MTK MT6225 introduced to replace the single-chip packaging platform MT6253, 6253 integrates baseband, RF, SIM card switching and power management chips, lower cost, multimedia performance was slightly better than 6225 mm at Daiwa Securities Analysis Master Zheng Mingzong in a report that 6253 single-chip costs only $ 1.5, while the 6225 chip set costs 2.5 dollars. This will undoubtedly enhance the competitive advantage of MTK and MTK's gross margin pressures easing.
Table: Daiwa Securities MTK6225 and 6253 on the cost of 2009/07
Although 6253 was a very competitive product, but the MTK has had two mistakes. First, technical error, as a pillar of MTK's products, changes in 6253 too much, not only the introduction of SMT factory downstream require a higher level of technology aQFN package, resulting in many small SMT plant yield is very low, and the 6253 sale and it is difficult to repair the motherboard, and there is the possibility of burning the main chip; In addition, the 6253 supports more special admux flash, due to miscommunication, MTK, when the shortage of production capacity of several flash memory manufacturers did not get timely support. Second, the pricing strategy errors, MTK has taken on the 6253 and 6225 is almost the same price strategies are about $ 5.
for downstream firms, 6253 without any appeal, first, the platform takes time to mature, while orders from overseas clients in particular need stability; followed by the early 6253's on a lot of negative news, For example, mentioned above, SMT, repair and flash support issues; and 6253 without any appeal to the price, no reason to risk.
more importantly, the end of 2009 China's 2G mobile phone chip market is no longer MTK a monopoly. Thus, in 2009 the price of the second half of 6253 policy came out, many customers have turned to the quality, stability and MStar Platform Spreadtrum Spreadtrum 6600L mm and 6225/6253 was spread over 1 to $ 2. MTK large customers Shenzhen, a major mobile phone design company executives on the that since 6253 the cost of lower than 6225, it should be sold cheaper.
Figure: MTK Nomura Securities on the proportion of each product line shipments forecast 2010 / 7
While many satisfied customers, but the MTK was forced carry out their plans to switch the platform to the market demand in the first half of 2010, 6253 a lot of inventory, 6225, and a large low-end 6223D stock, which in turn led to a number of customers to switch and MStar Spreadtrum Spreadtrum platform or to improve the procurement of the chip the proportion of such old design company Longcheer low-key introduction to Spreadtrum platform, there are many programs the company's new projects are based on Spreadtrum platform.
many solutions company believes that this is MTK 6253 to promote platform and its gross margin lower the mandatory implementation of 6225 and 6223D stock. the MTK large clients that can not completely say that MTK forced out, there may be a variety of factors. to his analysis, MTK production in certain period is certain, so it is estimated MTK prepared for the 6253 a lot of goods, only a few stocking 6225, 6223D have a certain amount of goods, MTK switching platform according to a predetermined plan, due to no one dared to 6253, 6225 prices will be very expensive, so we rush to do 6223D, 6223D result is out of stock.
a mobile phone chip industry commented that, MTK's example shows that a company would like about the whole market, in full accordance with their own ideas is very difficult to control, especially in the opponents gradually enhance the introduction of competitive products and circumstances, br> Chinese mobile phone market, a number of chip suppliers need to appear
, MTK platform for development of telecommunications switching errors and MStar take advantage of, but in 2010 China's 2G mobile phone chip market from a monopoly to the the early embryo, the deeper causes of China's mobile phone market is huge and diverse needs of multiple vendors, a monopoly is not the normal practice, a number of suppliers a competitive situation is the normal state.
shipments a year from 6 to 7 million units, a can handle, so MTK moment out of stock, while technical support is not in place, Gubuguolai. China's mobile phone system has thousands of machine manufacturers, there is a certain size (annual shipments than a million) there are also 100 to 200, any supplier can not make products, supply, technical support and price are in place market is not who is playing who, but certainly the concept of the coexistence of multiple vendors. even if all the products and prices are the same, also have their own living space, because the market is so huge, the number of customers too much > Lin Yongyu also compared the Chinese mobile phone market in particular and TV markets are different. He explained: well, not easy to make mistakes, so there is no MTK attack four years any way up, stressed that: downstream of the agreement. MTK's major clients, said the, choice practice there is no way. MTK platform for some confusion, for example, pushing a six-month 6223D fact not only how supply, and there are some manufacturers to follow MTK tired, insecure, have turned to developing information and MStar. However, Li Sheng MTK digital still full of confidence, in order to get a better price, delivery and technical support to ensure, Li Sheng Digital recently spent a high price as the MTK licensing customers.
Thus, in a sense, downstream customers early in the development of information and MStar look forward to these new suppliers. phone multimedia processors and camera sensor suppliers Si Bike, an executive said recently there are indeed many customers to switch to Spreadtrum platform, because 6600L L a good cost structure, program maturity, Spreadtrum's future product road map is also very attractive; and 6223D stock, we have an excuse to take the opportunity to cut into the show to do a balance inquiry, as a bargaining chip in future negotiations, and MTK.
newly introduced Fair Dragon Communications Platform is a typical representative of the flag, although the dragon flag 200 million shipments a month or so, is MTK's major clients, but not MTK high-quality customers. Long, a research and development manager, said the flag, high-quality customer can get better availability, delivery and price, MTK quality customer standards is in line with the main degree of comparison to see who is obedient, and as a large design company, the dragon has its own flag Development. Spreadtrum introduced Longcheer platform, not only because Spreadtrum 6600L has been accepted by the market, it is more important is that MTK has been very dissatisfied with the dragon flag mmMTK because I heard the dragon flag and Spreadtrum contact, in June the originally assigned to the dragon flag 6223D reduce the number of chips a lot.
determine the pattern of the top three , Spreadtrum has been in China for many years, and MStar the execution is good, but in the mobile phone industry, it is a newcomer But he then changed the subject, laughs, want to make the National Games, Asian Games and the Olympic Games and only then , they are very low-key, it seems all hope is more concerned about the other side MTK rather than their own, want to watch the other two sparring own, such as their opponents have exaggerated surprisingly shipments data, while shipments of its own data are either very conservative or vague. can be expected, the three the problems brought before a firm development effort, while its average selling price increase (ASP) and gross margin of the new generation of 3G and smart phone platforms to be able to launch first half of 2010. Spreadtrum take some time to digest the rapidly expanding Shipments to the challenges of company operations and quickly expand capacity and strengthen the technical support team, the other product lines also need to improve. Finally, as newcomers MStar may also need some time to improve the quality of their own particular protocol stack operating system compatibility and to ensure that once the shipments did not worry about upgrading later.
therefore, will be the second half of 2010 MTK, Spreadtrum and MStar the preparation period, the market structure continues the trend of the first half. MTK platform switch as the biggest beneficiaries of mistakes, Spreadtrum has a good customer base, market experience and competitive products, coupled with first half of 2010 many new projects to Spreadtrum, and its steady shipments continue to rise. in 2G and 3G product key conversion of the MTK, to balance market share and gross margin, and as a market leader MTK need to try to maintain the market price system and the stability of the strategy is unlikely to take drastic, wanted stability remains critical, so the market share and gross margin will be stable and may decrease slightly. and MStar shipments will steadily rising, but whether in the short period of time from the hundreds of thousands of shipments per month to millions of rapid increase is still a doubt, the relative uncertainty larger.
MTK: market share or gross profit margin to be? This is a problem despite the 6253 conversion
encountered a problem, but in high pressure and MTK both hardware and software inventory, the lower platform, many customers have turned to 6253 m On the one hand, the efforts of the MTK, 6253 的 SMT, maintenance and supporting the supply of flash memory largely resolved, although some issues, if careful testing, good results can still be obtained; the other hand, MTK supply by limiting the 6223D the price of commitment and follow-up 6253, forcing customers to switch to 6253.
the Li Sheng digital source said: also expensive. MTK technical support and the lack of a general level of small and medium factories yield 95 ~ 97% mm of this level of design company or not accept, because the current board of the Maori only 5 ~ 10%.
executives said the MTK, MTK's current share of product shipments in 6223 accounted for about 30 to 40%, about 20 ~ 30% of 6253, 6225 and 6235/35 more than 10% each. MTK hope that 6253 will replace the 6225 first, then slowly replace the 6223 end of 2010, total shipments in 6253 will account for more than 50%, while the 6223 is about 30%, a slight increase in 6235/38 steady. He did not directly answer whether the 6223 will limit supply, but stressed that want customers to 6253 rpm. can be expected is that gross margin pressure on listed companies MTK have to make some sacrifice market share.
table: MTK Nomura right product road map and the proportion of shipments in 2010/07
However, 6253 To become mainstream, the price may be an important issue. MTK will be in March 6253 dropped slightly to $ 4.7 after July further raised to 3.6 to 4.0 dollars, while the current price of Spreadtrum 6600L 3.1 to 3.5 U.S. dollars. not few customers said that the current price of 6253 is not reduced to bits, because the price is not enough decisive and thorough MTK, Spreadtrum has led to a lot of market share growth, the market has been taken away Spreadtrum, prices need to be able to Genghen win back. The large customers MTK to 0.5 U.S. dollars, is now $ 1 lower and lower is not effective, and there is no price advantage of 6600L to drop too Genghen. MTK estimated before the end of 2010 is also likely to put 6253 down to $ 3, which is everyone's expectations.
RDA phone chip suppliers outside an executive also said the market now in the hands of Spreadtrum, MTK to strive and work hard, if MTK's price strategy can not effectively prevent the development of information and its market share will plummet, as can snatch away the market, but also the successor to MTK. He explained that Spreadtrum 6600L has been gradually recognized by customers, but the MTK 6253 has not been recognized by customers, many customers Q2 of this year's exhibition of new information on the project will be in Q3 / Q4 production, it is certainly Spreadtrum unstoppable in Q3/Q4. He stressed: to prevent the development of telecommunications, MTK first half of 2011 will continue to decline, it is estimated that MTK will not be weak 07
In fact, it involves people jealous of the gross profit margin of MTK problem mMTK current 60% gross margin, and Spreadtrum maintained at 40%, which makes a lot of customer dissatisfaction. particularly at a lower design and integration margin thin, the former board each earn an average of $ 0.5, which is only $ 1 or so. Tianyu, an executive said privately that the 6600L and MTK Spreadtrum of 6253 did not differ, MTK's gross margins have dropped to 40% was reasonable. This represents a lot of people think.
this, executives do not want to respond positively to the MTK. his mobile phone chips, as well as CD-ROM and other product lines, compared to cell phones, drive higher margin chips, but only a mobile phone chip Spreadtrum; followed by the 2009 foundry foundry costs are cheap, so tight production capacity this year to get good price is not easy, this year's gross profit margin will not be so high. margin is determined by the market, it is difficult that is high or low. He also suggested that MTK will not cut prices recently, Do you want to drop depends on the market price, because price cuts early this point in time may be dissatisfied customers, unless the amount since 6253 after the price cuts by way of rebate. Now price is not only damaged its gross profit margin, but also fail to take away the purpose of developing telecommunications market and is currently Spreadtrum capacity is limited. the big customers, said MTK:
MTK operation of the company is now in the classic dilemma is to give up the pursuit of market share in high margin, or keep their market share and give up the high profit margins. The choice is difficult, especially in MTK this for many years in the market so smooth still occupy the leading mmMTK 2G mobile phone chip market in China about 80%, if the price war, injured most of the self, if you do not fight, rivals grew up. MTK executives of the : MTK's operating and management costs are dramatically reduced.
Therefore, it is shipped depends MTK 6253 and 6223 cases, MTK unlikely the price war in the main product line, especially unlikely active price competition. By 2011, MTK more competitive in the high-end launch of the 3G and smart phone platform, and the launch of 6223 SoC low-end single-chip solution, the pricing strategy may be more active and greater flexibility. the MTK The executive stressed: qualitative change in the future to the infinite, the biggest enemy of rapid increase in
For information on the exhibition, in addition to market share, the most pressing need is to quickly expand production capacity and strengthen the technical support team to address the large volume Spreadtrum mm is expected to increase the capacity problem in the third quarter will be a great relief, but the volume of the expanded operations to bring pressure to take some time to digest. Also the development of telecommunications product line is relatively simple, the follow-up products line also takes time to perfect. Therefore, the issue is resolved, Spreadtrum for the time being is unlikely to take drastic mm Spreadtrum pricing strategy is not easily increased in April after the authorized customers, also illustrates the operation of Spreadtrum is very strong, but experienced a stock price Spreadtrum more than $ 0.6 will not be afraid of a price war.
Figure: Spreadtrum 2G roadmap
Although MTK Spreadtrum platform switch to bring the opportunity, but the chances are ready to leave only the people, Spreadtrum rise in 2010, more experienced in the market is low and management turnover Spreadtrum hardships and penance in the past few years, the result of internal strength. Spreadtrum Yang IV, said in recent years show QA and testing of telecommunications companies the status of the two sectors increased significantly, from chip design to software development and field side, have done meticulous to ensure delivery of products to prevent problems to the customer.
2008 Exhibition News in the doldrums When an early introduction in TCL mobile phone MTK platform design company executives said on the author, Spreadtrum is make their own dead, it's better than the absolute level of technology and even some aspects of poor MTK stronger than MTK, but its The problem is instant success, and the internal management of confusion, such as single-chip dual card dual standby technology was first made out of Spreadtrum, this is an excellent chance to counterattack, but why do not know how the competition will soon become the magic weapon MTK. writer in 2009 Visit the company Spreadtrum also very surprised when the hall was established in 2001, Spreadtrum Communications in 2007 listed on the Nasdaq, but until 2008 to obtain ISO9000 quality management system certification. Spreadtrum, a top executive at explained that although the pioneering generation of Spreadtrum strong technical strength, but the R & D management is very extensive, in late 2007 acquisition of RF chip maker Spreadtrum Quorum discuss cooperation after and Samsung phones and found that he was not done with ISO9000.
addition to R & D and quality management, the development of telecommunications in customer service has improved more this past year show information from customer growth and a sharp increase in the volume of the effect can be seen. few people, weak, always passively waiting for customer issues, and still can not solve the problem, The only code of conduct, employee service awareness has greatly improved, from passive to active, from the transfer problem to solve the problem, customer service has been greatly improved, red in the first-line support personnel and training a lot of added Jishu strongman home agents support resources to make the expansion of services and reserve personnel. Yang four pairs of services, such as helping customers to promote their own brand of products to overseas sources, the real one-stop service SC6600L2, SC6600L3 and SC6600L6, Spreadtrum said to be in the third quarter in a very competitive side platform 6800H. 6600L series is successful if MTK card like that between the 6223 and 6225/6253, 6800H the card in the MTK between the 6225/6253 and 6235, 6600L repeat the success expected to form between MTK Spreadtrum and competition across the board. Yang IV, said: terms of points and weak points of the strongest competitors is the key to success will be repeated positioning .6800 H SC6600L impact on the market, it will completely disrupt the existing market structure reincarnation , Spreadtrum is whether the formation of a strong enough execution. If you can do in the future development of the future of unlimited information.
MStar: those who launched the market changes?
MTK and Spreadtrum relative to the temporary Qiuwen, most likely to launch a price war is a relatively small volume, more hungry MStar.MStar the Linyong Yu did not disclose the current shipments, but that certainly is more than 50 million / month mm legend of the industry's data is MStar shipments of 200 million / month, plans to achieve 500 million by the end / month, according to the author of the Thai press, Sky and high Will major customers such as MStar tracking shipments, estimated that 50-100 million / month room. Linyong Yu on
He hinted that, $ 3 less, must be forced, it may be us up. because the cell phone chip business is not accounted for the proportion of revenue, gross margin was less affected. but Linyong Yu has repeatedly stressed that the price is only one aspect of the customer need not only to accept lower prices, in addition to price factors, service, supply, contacts and confidence may lead to customer switching platform, no company can take-all market.
However, there are people in the industry said that although MStar have a good reputation and chips in China's TV track record of success, many customers have high expectations, but complex mobile phone market, it takes time and streamline their sound mm such as its high-end product positioning, brand large customers, but there is no threshold for small and medium customers. hundreds of thousands of shipments per month can not fully prove himself, which requires a process MStar mm problem is not much time left, one MTK is vigorously attacking the backyard MStar m TV chip business to harass MStar, the second is the 2G mobile phone running out of space and time . MStar market this year, there seems to take advantage of its TV chip business at the top and 2G mobile phone chip market, there are stories to tell the suspect cash quickly.
Figure: MStar the 2G product roadmap
for these statements, has been very low-key and respectful Linyong Yu made some clarifications. He points are different. For example, the low-end GSM Spreadtrum up from playing, MStar beat down from the high-end EDGE. MStar play from top to bottom there are some difficulties, a longer cycle, the advantage is 2G and 3G software platform that can be shared to facilitate future customers to develop a full range of products, and competitors, the open software platform and stability of the future may be challenges. As there are many small customers, it is a historical legacy, because the previous play is not into the brand manufacturers, so MStar development many medium and small customers, small and medium customers in order not to fight the initiative, now support these small and medium customers by the agents. For MStar internal argument does not straighten out, he said puzzled, because Taiwan and the mainland's mobile phone chip business were he was responsible for may be this statement from the .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You just do not understand everything

 Why do you not understand that so much ~ ~ I just want you to give my word I wait for you ~ ~ ~ ~ I will wait for you ~ ~ but you told me you can not give me happy ~ ~
and your is my greatest happiness together ~ ~ ~ ~
you do not understand what is happiness?
my happiness is not to find a people who love me give me a good life ~
I want happiness and my loved ones ~ ~
lost without you I'm really happy ~ ~
disguise myself as now ~
to make yourself happy ~
waiting for is waiting for you ~ ~
kind of happiness ~ ~
Why do not you give me the opportunity to let me enjoy this happy

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When love has become the ultimate Zhang past

 I think I and most people is the opposite, when Chang first met through her work is not, but the ups and downs but her legendary life experiences. Is that her life experiences, I was never became interested in her work.
, and nothing else to say, only slightly for asking: l Oh, you are here? r end and all love of life ...
between movement and stillness, between the edge of the polymer and scattered. If love is the endless stream of words, the margin is put into the water and the ripples Dangqi stones; If love is an enviable mix of landscape, edge is wandering travelers. nice ring from will find that those who missed any of his thousands of Baidu search can only meet in a dream.
Eileen Chang is the U.S. Her dedication to love. generation of talented women, but why the whole country fell in love with Hulan Cheng are accused of traitor. but she did not care. I did not know whether she was in the , we see her to the beloved man, regardless of the world's reviled, ignoring the moral condemnation, not far, far, one person alone to find her lover. you walked, and the city of Wenzhou on board could see, and think of you in the there, which is like the city of Wenzhou in the shine with Sarah. fire of love. low, and she to him, could shame a room with another woman to get along and live in peace. during the day at his side, but at night only night stay, she knew the man she loves to go find another woman. a woman heart only filled with a man, and this man has had several women in mind, how can she not sad?
she finally decided to leave, but she's not mean enough to go. her life her greatest impact on men, not only took her heart, take away her youth, also took her unique talent, her heart is not only dead, she is also falling into the pen from the abyss. she did not own personality, her text is no longer unique personality, no different, she was filled with the sad tears and surrounded them, and in this sad and bitter struggle in more than a year, in which she was still dreaming of his return to the screen with a good, not at I wonder if this is in the water, Flower in the Mirror. At last one morning, when Hu Lancheng bent to kiss her, she hugged him tightly tears, choked called his last cry: What kind of knot? This is what kind of pain? when love thing of the past, when we re-open the memory album gathering dust in mind when we think of that period once had love, whether it is in your ripples mind? You will not silly music, the bitter laugh?
Zhang later settled the United States, with an American married Alice Lai, and she once again have love, but the elderly and sick of Laiya Cheng Zhang spirit to the burden of life, and greatly influenced her writing. Poverty has been Zhang's later life as partners, she lived a day of no fixed abode. Her novels are not recognized by American society, and China For various reasons no longer publish her works. In order to earn her living expenses, and Megan Lai, who despite his body of work overload, bleeding eyes, legs due to prolonged sitting activities edema, but the face of these difficulties when she said: loss of identity, screaming. She was like a sunflower under the sun, never bow to the face of difficulties, she dared to struggle for their own happiness, even if they know that the outcome could make their own pieces. She is like a beautiful peony flowers, stood quietly in the corner, not heard, ignore the world, for their own interests blooming blooming. She was like Guerlain perfume, you can not see can not touch, but in the sense of aromatic instant access to your body, through time and space of eternity, retained memories of the classic ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Foreign Legal History (II)

 Cuneiform law - (the former 3000 - before 100) Ancient Mesopotamia and adjacent large areas of West Asia has the rise of the slavery laws of the State to use the general term for engraved cuneiform. br> cuneiform law development: Micro legal textbook, > ③ the law of the lack of general principles of abstraction and legislation, is used to record.
into the preamble, the paper and the conclusion of three parts. preamble declared that Hammurabi was an agent of God; the body can be divided into the court, property and marriage and other parts; conclusion part of the achievements listed Hammurabi, to console him later execution established law, people do not want to comply with the curse. code written in simple, explained the concept of fine, the law of slavery in the ancient Southwest Asia plays an important role in development, contains the essence of Mesopotamia Sumerian codes, set two rivers Great Basin ancient laws, the laws of some countries was the East had a certain impact.
② private relations to adapt, adjust for a variety of new relationships;
③ ease the internal contradictions of freemen, stable social order, strengthen the rule of slave-owning class.
Code, unequal status and rights within; (A Weilu, Mushenkainu)
④ contains a large number of handicraft and commercial specifications adjustment;
⑤ save the remnants of a number of primitive communal system.
ancient India Legal - (former 1000-700)
manifestation of Brahman teachings: the Vedas, Law and Economics and the Codex.
source of law Buddhism: Tripitaka (Vinaya, the Tibetan, of Tibetan), Code,
③ openly promote social inequality, to form a complete set of the caste system;
④ convergence of law, ethics and philosophy as a whole, the Code is essentially a mixture of the three;
⑤ Code by religious people monks and Brahmin aristocracy compiled.
despot sacred right with God to maintain the rule of slave-owning class.
caste system: is a kind of caste system in ancient India. initially Dasa Aryan caste and caste divided, the four original castes emerged during slavery, that is Brahman (particular portfolio of divine right, presided over the ritual), Kshatriya (hold important government official, in charge of military and administrative power), Vaishya (mostly farmers, herders, craftsmen and merchants), Sudras (the vanquished, bankrupt and loss of land and its people.) later in the Sudras and the middle and Vaishya castes and hybrids derived from many Asian last name, last name in the status of hybrids as the lowest generation of each other, never change; caste endogamous; inter-caste and do not mix, different castes in the legal status, rights and obligations and other aspects of inequality; in religious and social aspects of life there are strict distinction.
ancient India religious law, in what aspects?
renewable and non-renewable one person (the Sudras shall not participate in religious activities and can not get a second chance at life, only the law applicable to the whole territory, long-term separation;
② statute appeared earlier, from the clan into the national process, many city-states had legislation;
③ from neighboring Egypt and West Asia to draw the experience of the law, they have great influence on Roman law;
④ lack of research on the theory of law, not in theory achieve deep levels;
⑤ be extended to the city for the establishment of colonies in various places.
Athenian democracy established, the development process:
⒈ Solon legislative reform to lay the initial foundation for a democratic system. (before 594)
① to the amount of property management activities as participation in national standards rather than relying on the status and the past identity;
② gradually excluded from the state organs and political elite forces began the democratization of Athens;
③ Parliament and the new jury courts four hundred men, to attract more citizens to participate in Athens, the management of state affairs.
⒉ Chris Turney legislative reforms to consolidate the democratic system tends to. (before 509) complaint system formed earlier slave trade and industry groups;
③ the majority of farmers, artisans for improving their own political status;
④ Athens several times more slaves than freemen, freedmen to ease internal contradictions can enhance the rule of the slave .
Athens duties;
③ citizens through the direct defense of the democratic system of systems, from anti-democratic forces of destruction.
Athens confined to a narrow range;
② citizens to participate in the General Assembly, although the people get benefits, but there are still many difficulties;
③ election by voting officials must meet certain conditions and to go through special review; < br> ④ ruling class, people take various measures to limit the role of the General Assembly.
Roman law - (WANG Zheng Period - Republic of the period - the Empire period) refers to all the legal slavery of Rome, Rome, slavery exists in the entire country historical period. both generated from Rome to the Western Roman Empire State, including seven centuries ago, the laws of the Eastern Roman Empire.
the origin of Roman Law: Common Law 1 (second table method), 2 people in the General Assembly (① nobility Council meeting of the corporation ③ ② hundred civilians in the meeting) the laws, the Senate passed a resolution 3, 4 Executive's notice to answer jurists 5, 6 King's Royal Decree (Chile encyclical, Chile Conference, Albrecht A., Albrecht said), 7 codification. Wang Zheng period 1, Republic of the period 1-5, Empire 1-7.
two schools of ancient Rome (普罗库路士, Shabinushi) five scientists (Gaiyou Si, ur more than On Mao Te Siding)
Civil Law and Executive Law (Magistrates Act).
Roman subjects of rights: natural persons, legal persons
; personality by such > Law matter (Rui) concept and classification (to transfer material and a little style-type transfer of property, there was no physical things and physical things, movable and immovable property)
property concepts, classifications (for property and human rights , since the property and his property), type (ownership, easement land rights, Permanent Tenancy, security interest )
Roman Jurists summed up the legal ownership of the three characteristics: absolute, exclusive, sustainability.
content and form of ownership: public ownership of law, the magistrate law ownership, ownership of the law of nations, unified unrestricted ownership.
Law Peel relatives; (with the husband the status of marriage, the spouses and children in the same)
② lineal ascendants and brothers and sisters;
③ whole or half brothers and sisters;
④ other side Department of blood;
⑤ spouse. (This refers to the husband the right to marriage without the spouse)
concept and characteristics of debt: Tennyson Code wrongful act (Private guilty of) the relationship between debt
occurred on contract classification of Roman law: ① to property; ② oral; ③ instruments; ④ contract agreement.
the Roman law of quasi contract, including: None for management, monitoring, a total of, bequest, etc..
br> Roman scientists will be divided into prosecution and private action litigation.
private action in the form of Roman law: the legal proceedings, programs, litigation, particularly litigation.
Roman influence:
Three Modern Western Law Great sources: Roman law, Germanic law, canon law
Germanic law - refers to the 5-9 century AD During the feudal system of Europe for the early Germanic law. The nature of the feudal period of the formation and consolidation of the law.
Xuan who legal; ④ focus on form, focus on the external performance of legal acts; ⑤ secular law.
Germanic law of legal development in Western Europe: ① the influence of Western European feudal law; ② of the law of modern capitalism.
Germanic law, the different ownership and Roman law:
Germanic law during the land ownership (real estate ownership) exist: ① Free Farmers (Marc commune members) land ownership; ② teach secular noble large land ownership.
publicly intention; ② symbolic delivery.
Germanic law claims characteristics: ⒈ credit system developed; (① few types of contract; ② heavy contract is entered into the form of ); ⒉ strictly protected the interests of creditors.
Germanic marriage, family system characteristics:
① generally monogamous, but polygamy nobles and kings; ② snatch the implementation of trade and marriage marriage ; ③ patriarchal practice.
Germanic inheritance system of law: legal successor will be implemented.
Germanic law distinction between crimes and violations:
① violation of the private interests of an infringement, violation constitutes a crime, the public interest; ② infringement arising from acts of private revenge, crime, the punishment by the public authority.
Germanic main features of the criminal law:
① types of crimes from less to more; ② penalty from simple to complex; ③ harm as long as the conduct and harm results to form crime, regardless of subjective intent, there is no distinction between intentional and negligent.
tort consequences: blood revenge -> Atonement Golden
judicial development:
Germanic characteristics of litigation:
① practice the principle of private prosecution but later emerged the inquisitorial of litigation; ② Evidence and privileges of the original. usually is sworn evidence, the referee and fight the gods.
the kingdom of France France - typical in Western Europe (it is in the Middle Ages the center of the feudal system in Western Europe, in its development are evident in every stage of feudalism in Western Europe and development of the basic characteristics of the law the general rule)
9-13 century legal characteristics:
⒈ Territoriality is replaced individualism; ⒉ mainly unwritten customary law practice; ⒊ law is fragmented and highly non-uniform, but was divided into northern and southern parts.
13-16 century legal changes:
⒈ customary law into the culture and the dispersion gradually reduce;
13 century private book, used to compile, rehabilitation and development of commercial law.
16-18 century changes in the law during the monarchy:
⒈ law legislation to further united by the royal family and the dispersion of customary law, there remains a serious sexual disorder;
⒉ royal legislation as a major source of law, the status of the peak;
⒊ still an important role canon law.
feudal hierarchy: the Duke, Count, Archbishop - period - ownership form (independently, lands, en to)
marriage and family and inheritance law (under the age of 30/25 30/25 full respect for the request system, the implementation of the patriarchal family, and real estate practice primogeniture)
Criminal Law (12 century ban on direct revenge but to pay redemption payments, the 14th century redemption payments should be clearly not used by the trial sentence)
justice system:
① Court Organization: Royal Court, the Lord courts, ecclesiastical courts, city courts.
② proceedings: complaints to the inquisitorial style into
③ evidence: written and oral testimony (by oath), the defendant confessions, judicial duel (13th century Prohibition).
④ found evidence on the prevalence of formalism Theory: noble testimony is evidence of improvement.
English Kingdom Law -
the concept and the formation of the common law.
common law works:
① Granville On statutes enacted by the legislature is called, including: (① King's legislation, ② congressional legislation)
statutes enacted in Medieval England: Edward I - and complementary to explain the role of case law;
② point of view in the Middle Ages from the effect of statutory law is superior to established case law principles;
③ statute applies only in the trial practice, ; before entering the British law system.
the meaning of English law of property: ① ownership of objects as ① material property; ② the property.
land ownership and characteristics of the UK: the medieval form of land tenure: ① free lease; ② not free lease (rent).
held land under the Medieval period the United Kingdom and rights of the size of the length of the formation of three kinds of property rights:
① freehold land ownership; ② limited land rights of inheritance; ③ unconditional right to inherit land.
system concept and the formation of the Trust:
UK feudal contract form: ① formal contract; ② informal contracts, or simplified contract.
in the feudal period tort law: ① famous lawsuit against the establishment of conditions for the establishment of the proceedings against unknown ② conditions < br> During the feudal family and inheritance law: the implementation of matrimonial property between Crime in the form: the 14th century to the formation of a treason, felony, misdemeanor criminal system.
litigation system evolution: complaint-type (adversarial) proceedings - British jury system reform
the size of the establishment and creation of the jury system of justice of the peace
Roman Law in Medieval Western Europe, urban and commercial law -
Medieval Europe Cause: The fundamental reason is the objective of socio-economic relations needs. direct cause for the discovery start, note the formation and role of law school; (ina left - and its contribution;
③ Roman promote the development of jurisprudence for the growth of capitalist economy provides a ready-made legal form;
③ for the emerging bourgeois struggle against feudalism provides an ideological weapon.
the formation of City Law in Medieval Western Europe and its manifestations (Legal Origin):
① charter; ② City Council; ③ guild charter; ④ customary and case law
the Middle Ages in Western Europe the basic content of the city (why that city law, related to all areas of public and private law? )
① citizen; ② the organization of the city authorities; ③ guild; ④ terms of ownership and debt.
the formation of the Commercial Law in Medieval Western Europe:
the Middle Ages in Western Europe the development of commercial law: ① common commercial period (10 - 16th century); ② national commercial law period (17-18 century).
church law - also known as (the temple law, cases of regulatory law) refers to the Roman Catholic church law general, Orthodox, other Christian denominations (Protestant Saint trade unions) of the various laws and regulations in the narrow sense refers specifically to play an important role in the Middle Ages the Roman Catholic laws.
canon law origins:
① codification;
② papal decree sets;
12 century Glasgow Chretien made the formation and evolution of the law:
① formation stage (4-9 century); ② climax stage (10-14 century); ③ decline phase (15 century).
canon law system in order to teach and their rights, obligations: the pope, archbishops, bishops, priests, monks, nuns
canon law of the idolatry; ③ not misuse the name of God; ④ shall keep the Sabbath holy; ⑤ must obey their parents; ⑥ shalt not kill; ⑦ Do not commit adultery; ⑧ not steal; ⑨ false testimony against your neighbor for no; ⑩ not covet your neighbor others wife and property. < br> canon law in the land contract system:
canon law of marriage and inheritance in the family system:
① monogamy; ② marriage agreement for the establishment of conditions for the two sides; ③ against divorce; ④ marry outside the family system; ⑤ the principle of inequality between husband and wife.
inheritance by intestate succession and intestacy two systems, but more popular intestate succession.
church law in the criminal law, litigation system: complaint-style suit - inquisitorial proceedings, the written proceedings, the Inquisition
role and influence of canon law.
Islamic law - also translated formed and developed countries on Muslim religious, moral and social life of the guidelines to be followed by the sum of the religious law of Islam, not suitable for non-Muslim residents.
generation of Islamic Law:
Islamic method development stages: ① the formation period; ② heyday; ③ twilight.
Islamic law: the four Sunni schools of teaching ① ② Marek Kazakhstan still not sent sent sent ③ ④ Shafi rare instrument Barry sent
sources of Islamic law:
① Qur'an; ② Hadith; ③ Education Law (analog, public discussion); ④ Others (Caliph of administrative law, customary law, foreign law).
Islamic law The basic features:
① close contact with Islam;
② unique path of development, teaching scientists played a major role in which;
③ strict principle and practice flexibility;
④ dispersion, messy and eclectic nature.
belief in Islamic law and rituals (Muslim obligation): Five power (read, prayer, fasting, North Korea, class), jihad, the Islamic debt
quit drinking Method characteristics: ① sale and purchase agreement is a standard contract form prevailing ② ③ performance of the contract should be strictly prohibited interest.
characteristics of Islamic family law: ① ② conditionally allow polygamous marital relations, patriarchal ③ permitted divorce. < br> features of the Islamic law of succession: ① early to give women inheritance rights; ② earlier onset of intestate succession; ③ statutory succession, inheritance by the ratio of distribution of the number of people to determine the legal successor.
features of the Islamic Penal Code:
① no general concept of the formation of a crime, no crime to tort a clear division of responsibility and open;
② the crimes classified as
③ penalty is cruel.
modern British law -
English bourgeois revolution on the inheritance and development of the feudal law:
① home 17-18 century judges, and law to explain the spirit of the ancient common law principle, to fit the requirements of capitalism;
② absorbed through the trial in case the form required for the legal system of capitalism, the common law principles of the capitalist;
③ developed a series of new laws and regulations , as supplemented and amended the old law, to make up for lack of the old law.
industrial revolution in the modern British legal system after the reform and development:
① rectify and reform the old stereotypes cumbersome proceedings;
② to streamline and reform the old court of overlapping decentralized organization;
③ developed a large number of statutory law, get rid of the remnants of feudal law and the creation of a new legal system.
basic features of English law:
① Case law is the main source of law;
② stare decisis and jurisprudence is important;
③ law judges and lawyers play an important role in the development;
④ different from the Roman Law of civil law.
12-17 century Swaffield (British Lockerbie Case Collection written constitution; ② origin of the British Constitution, the diversity and dispersion; ③ the British constitution King is the hereditary head of state; ② Parliament is the only legislature; ③ cabinet is the core leadership of the Government; ④ independent judiciary, a judge only obey the law.
⒉ provides for the basic rights and obligations of subjects.
Britain's property law: ① land legislation during the revolutionary period; ② after the revolution and land reform, the old law the establishment of an unlimited private ownership.
British contract law and contractual conditions established:
① the parties must have the capacity to conclude contracts ; ② agreement must be voluntary by both parties; ③ must have a valuable consideration; ④ content of the contract must be legal; ⑤ contract still must comply with certain legal forms.
the UK the establishment of tort law and tort conditions: < br> ① violation of the rights of others; ② unlawful act or omission; ③ should exist acts intentionally or negligently.
British family law and inheritance law:
19 century development of the UK What are the major changes in criminal law : ① crime; ② penalty.
19 century British court system and litigation organization through which the reform:
① established adversarial proceedings; ② continue to implement the jury system; ③ defense system implementation.
Modern Britain France -
trend of modern English law:
① statute and role of the proportion of the rise and becoming more systematic; (Act compilation, codification)
② English law in England, the use of outside narrow;
③ European Community law on the impact of English law.
changes in the modern British constitution:
① real power of certain adjustments, commissioned by the increase in legislation;
③ electoral reform;
④ strengthening of political parties;
⑤ the advancement of the civil service.
property law reform:
① abolished the feudal property classification, the abolition of the Transfer of land and movable property rules; ③ expanded the scope of property ownership.
British restrictions on ownership of property law, (ownership br> Changes of Contract:
① the principle of limited;
③ honesty trust principles and the effectiveness of the force majeure clause into the general principles of contract, play guide and supplement the function of contract fulfillment.
British development of tort law:
⒈ there are some The new violations; (similar to strict liability)
⒉ tort changes in conditions; (emphasis subjective malicious)
⒊ changes in the principles of tort liability.
① expanded liability without fault scope of application of the principle; ② a ; replaced by the principle of divorce in the past of the the ability of any property.
inheritance laws change:
⒈ changes in testamentary succession; (① provides that women have full testamentary capacity ② absolute freedom of the will is limited)
⒉ intestate succession changes;
⒊ illegitimate children to obtain equal inheritance rights as legitimate children.
different from the Roman Germanic Law Commercial Law Commercial Law Department of the characteristics:
① UK there is no uniform Commercial Code, and thus it with other departments boundaries of the law is not very clear;
② Sources of Commercial Law in the practice of an important role.
the development of British intellectual property law: ⒈ industrial property rights; (① ② industrial designs, patents ③ trademark) ⒉ copyright.
the development of the British Law:
① nationalization decree by the direct control of the national important industrial and public utilities;
② countries through financial and other measures to control and influence the country's industrial development process;
③ countries through the maintenance of restrictive trade legislation, and the monopoly and merger controls;
④ state law by protecting the interests of consumers to manage the retail business.
changes in English criminal law:
⒈ crime: < br> ① abolished on the classification of felony and misdemeanor crimes prosecutions should be replaced, both summary trial and the prosecution of the crime must also be three types of summary offenses Summary Trial;
② a large number of separate criminal laws enacted in the past on the legal requirements of certain crimes were some of the changes and additions.
⒉ penalties:
① abolished corporal punishment, criminal detention, and forced labor; ② never abolish the death penalty announced.
Modern American Law -
American legal system, the formation and development:
① colonial laws; (the colonies their preparation of the the independent development of the law.
U.S. law and English law relationship:
① United States used the British general, equity and development of traditional forms of law, inherited many of the concepts and principles;
② U.S. law and British law relationship exists between the origin.
1787 Constitution before the constitutional document released: ① the Declaration of Independence; ② Articles of Confederation.
developed on the Continental Congress, drafted by the Jefferson. is a bourgeois revolution in 17-18 century one of the most progressive document, Marx called , principles; ② declared a file a total of 13. to determine the United States is a sovereign independent state consisting of 13 loose with the consultative nature of the National League.
is a retain their sovereignty, freedom and independence, and subject to the powers granted to Congress all the powers outside;
④ highest authority of the provisions of the confederation is a unicameral parliament, there is no permanent administrative and judicial organs, only the inter-Congress set up a federal, and establish a strong central government, is everywhere the case of constitutional monarchy to retain the most advanced at the time that the republican form of government to have a great impact. But compared with the Declaration of Independence is a big step backwards the fundamental rights of the people trying to evade, but also keep the slave system. This fully shows the U.S. Constitution of 1787 the class nature and limitations.
1787 the basic characteristics of the U.S. Constitution:
① is an implementation of the United States Constitution federal presidential republic;
② the distribution of state power to take Upgrading to the Constitution the way the constitutional amendment.
first ten amendments to the Constitution Bill of Rights that the abolition of slavery Article .13; Article 15 shall not limit or deprive citizens of their race, color, the right to vote; 17 members by the provisions of the Senate direct election of the people of each state. Louisiana ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reserve price auction plant. The balance of all the Sichuan earthquake donations

 Reserve price auction plant. Repay the balance of donated Sichuan earthquake, the balance is not less than two million yuan, or rent a two-year rented furnishings plant one hundred million, two million rental Bai picked up one point two all used a lot of living alone disaster relief. to express my a veteran of 15 years ago, 5 years ago, laid-off workers, and now the entrepreneur, the sincere love for the elderly. look of love and powerful individuals or corporations, governments to help me achieve that desire. to contact me or come to lease purchase plant investment.     rental sell my plant will not be less than two million donations, please contact the Government of all buyers, especially rent supervision and help. I plant in Shandong Province, Qingdao City Industrial Park, Jiaozhou large Zhu Ge. factory wall is surrounded by road. transport facilities to the International Terminal of Qingdao Development Zone, 35 minutes drive to Qingdao Airport and 40 minutes to the Qingdao municipal government does not to 1 hour. surrounded with three high-speed, Jinan-Qingdao, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed exits. water and power supply. factory is 420 meters long 240 meters wide and about 150 acres of land for construction. There are over twenty thousand square meters standard factory building 2200 square meters of office and dormitory. concrete plant with a long of 24 meters 106 meters wide and two rows of eight meters long and 106 meters 8 meters wide and 66 in a row there are 50 meters long 160 meters wide and 12 meters in a row.'s Office and Quarters 50 meters wide and 8 meters long 4 meters long and 50 meters wide and 6 meters 4 meters of the 4 rows, transformer room boiler room. I would have cost ten or rented furnishings Wushi million sold rapidly. balance, or two years rent, donated the Sichuan earthquake disaster area for the relief of living alone. very grateful to help me achieve this desire by individuals and businesses, government.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yard dash Shen Shenshen

 5. Jinse fifty strings
the night for no reason.
I blow out the candles, clothes's clothes.
Was forcefully opened the door in, standing on the bed to breathe heavy.
The body Turn the outside, looked up at him.
; you do not know it? or clearer than I do. will make it clear? It was greeted. He did not start after all, I call the Du Heng, However.
The girl, you really willing. Holland is a pity really, wearing a silk dry servant live, even Kakitsubata no such treatment. to run to the positive study? homogeneous streamer, as I do not ask, how long are you going to keep me in your work is just a so-called a woman to report to you, you still suspect another woman? expression suddenly looks difficult, the mouth and lay down, listen to his man pulled out and asked, br> I sat before the mirror dressing Linghua, incense memo quietly aside.
Feixianguan bun roll up, do the butterfly orchids tin and silver tassels, dyed indigo and rouge, but the satin embroidered system blue clothes.
Xue Qing flexible in waiting, to see me, gentle words Road, , pull me inside.
street holding the book together, in the window long body Yuli, Hsueh forward, table, . head buried in my neck, teasing smile, br> He did not answer, but gently bite my white neck.
many people are. What is your man? sneer, not me. Now I can busy, she did not air traffic control. That servant Road, somersault, two steps backwards, almost falling.
Qi street pick me, There, look there is a trace of panic, the feet are dark brown in a pool of blood.
I looked out Sipa, then massage the lips in the security Yuan, and then whispered, you. Do you say I want to say? Well, I do not say. know that? Well, I remember my body to pay back. already pregnant. makes you so tolerant of people, in addition to your father, afraid of only one hh Yuan is my best cousin, one will talk about that and those things. She fell down, just then, someone gave the drug to her to cover up, they put a drug drink, and sent to add Albizia in the dregs, but she forgot to Sassafras dregs of the net mouth, the blood side traces of oil. his hand, Samsam Road, wake up, Xue Qing soft bed sit, spread fear of poisoning is threatening systolic flow. He went to father, and it may soon come back. She died, also has nothing to do with me. to Sansao a face. He sat on the bed, I lie there, bleak smile. He quickly took out the antidote, Qi stranger hold his hand, ; What is that? Let the eyes look to the street, he was hesitating.
Man Ting Fang, the top ten pro-drug of the two, there are two solution, if ignored, then by the thousands of ants bite the pain of the heart and died, after the death of the body shop unless, durable ghost, named Man Ting Fang.
drug transfer. Qi Du volumes. pro-drug articles street, tied with ribbons of my mouth, then I am thrown into the pool, come on, I could not hold it too long. quilt, put Xie Yi, and then I picked up down the middle, went straight to the pool, carefully put to me. I nodded to him, he loose his hand, I sink water to a dish of boiled fiercely at the shore to hard to speak, feeling awful, like to split the body in general. tight Bile Yan, I just feel hot body, head and has started not sober, hard to suppress the cry of the throat.
not sure how long, I felt inability to paralysis, where I was fishing up, lag a bit, I will be picked up into the room, resting on the tub where.
transpiration heat reclaim my sanity, I took off my wet underwear clothing and apron aside.
someone coming in, I slide down the body more, he whisper in my ear, ? did not know anything. love you, he can do anything for you, in fact you hh for drugs it is to get rid of me, or you Qinge? say, ah, I want to hear the truth. , by the way my brother dragged into the water. No wonder Mahone, Troop look so ugly. Why did you tell him? Liu Yudi. you can go, can say I told you. You think that only younger brother was hh I shoved open his eyes, , Yang Shou is a slap in the face, Ewha rain, take a good, later I no longer have control. Nan, away.
. to be empty talk to absolutely track
toilet completed, I opened the door, there was some letter.
removed the wax, I took out the letter carefully to see, is the writing of Qi Lan.
Hong Luo hospital, it was collusion. reasonable grounds Binbian broken hair, he tried to get up, he was a hold, the mirror is a familiar face goes, with a smile, will remove the hairpins, plug in a pink hibiscus flower.
he had a little anger, Chai in the hands of a smug, to close a smile, , but with a small jade inlay hairpin box open, come inside Yuhuan, Yuhuan on, look for a change, you really are comes out of this. . br> br> Qi Lan Take my hand, sighed, opened his hand, my heart burst of hatred surging.
; Mahone, you up. you do not mean just kneeling His Majesty and the ancestors of the parents it? Why should this woman kneeling? her heart does not toward you, you kneel her to do? hate stare at me, a trace of blood, Enough! enough trouble without you? a pain, but also the dark eyes.
wake up, Xue Qing soft bed, and the look of uncertainty, ? when very angry, saying that when you go to clothes replaced. and meteors fall, has dyed his eyebrows and a touch of pomegranate smoke red, got up, leaving her a lonely person.
his painting, very serious way, I chuckle down the facial features, . buckle the chin with two fingers to force me to rise, as he ran with Sarkozy as sharp as an eagle's eyes stare at me, To learn your father like that confessions it? But you better, at least not from disarray. In the case painting next to the stone platform. and then knelt on my body, legs on my side of the trunk, his hands stuck tight to my shoulder, a red eyes, What should I say? what to say! , the hands of hard to be raw so I ring back, hold the same expectations? You are his brother, why are Kanbu Kai? you hh that and I did not, I have no interest, I want to hear the truth, you say you are not in love with my father was? say! I did not love him, who do not love me, who do not love hhh could not help trembling body in the mind of only one idea is to go back.
clothes I will send him unconscious and threw a piece wildly, he rushed in and saw the mess everywhere, then at the utter prostration me, came over.
I grabbed his hand is a bite, his tight eyebrow, but did not withdraw their hand.
until Xue came in a burst of blood into the mouth of sweet fishy, I loose mouth, he will either woodenly I am coming from the ring next to the ear burst.
Anshen Tom put down it. br> , a little bit of blood, can not help but reach out and stroking.
he caught my hand, ; Qi street hh hold in mouth mouth with a hint of laughter behind him, the woman looked surprised look.
did not see. I saw, it will not let it put out, but will, waves.
night, about midnight.
potential was quietly came in, I probably guess who.
tone she Resentment sounded, especially in this terrible night, still do not. you do not there is good, do not live here how good hh .
lights, she was surprised, soon dropped to the ground dagger bam, the above was stained with blood, is a homogeneous stranger's.
her, and she is not worth ah hh to kill the witness's. How not to blame her? year, Seven said she was invited to play swing, her beauty Chu Chen, had caught my eye, bar. hh Sleep wrapped hurt, I know you tired. , waiting to see people play.
good, then I play it to you.
7. night boat flute Yu Xiaoxiao
eaves, door open, there is a silver-red cape of the woman was maid mix out.
ramp car I went out, just head-on hit.
painted her face pale makeup, who is not a childish mask the taste.
wrong body and over, I heard her whisper a maid,
I just Kingston through the door I heard the porter small Shenghuan Rose comb the hair on the juice, simply tied with ribbon.
off his clothes, with only a white Xie Yi, and in skirt.
then come together, after their own ring my waist, Yan hh you do not know how I miss you.
little wretch actually playing me, see how I punish you hh ; you know? , now Mrs. Sarkozy government six, or four at once is the wife. . your wife, ah, you do not help her father? I picked up down the middle, on the carved bed, eyes blazing, If the angry look at him if the blame.
; streamer, you hh The Kakitsubata, she smiled, collaborators traitors, evidence, read the Colonial toiled, his family exiled three thousand miles an amnesty, and never forgiven back.
Nguyen sensitive phase on the left, for an investigation active, especially encomienda Rui Jun Wang, a descendant of a hereditary title. The product virtuous wife is a wife sealed.
his daughter Jin Ruan screen labeled special Royal Show, quiet sealed as Suk Ping Ruan princess.
the celebrants Division now ready, distribute Qi, Nguyen Fuchu.
After the palace life ���� Shane.
------- Xi and purpose on August ninth day
���� after the Mid-Autumn Festival is not it? him in the end have any plans?
blink of an eye, in the autumn.
I got up early more of the Chinese clothing, Shu Qi Feixianguan bun, do not embroidered and fringed chain xiaojinensis , tick Dai Mei Eichhornia, halo over peach blush, cool party thing.
the Wan Shan Shan Gu enforcement of the glass, I take the thrust, Qi However sedan chair, Lai Yin Ya clenching to watched us.
to the palace, I would bestowing his capture my hand, to smile.
front of the hall, I went to see him loose his hand, then with the chamberlain and house to be declared whereabouts of Kam.
; sister these days? aunt had also done it. ; I salute lower body slightly bent.
She glanced at me, do not know the rules. lines from the haughty, eyes has been Piaoxiang sister, Why not bow to the Palace? to prepare to leave.
sister just shallow smile, s desire to recover, her sister went into her, ;
At this time, the nurse came, holding a small prince.
I slipped from the hands of a pearl, the nurse will relent, and saw, I took the little prince came forward sideways, he was wondering what happened, just laugh DEK Huan.
I gently shake him, and laughed softly, the words sharp, Princess mercy, mercy ah, slaves but a temporary effect, hh > , did not speak to stare at me.
moment she speaker, together, she replied, , Li's calm glance, Division is our life, know that you are under the orders, Mr Lai also way out Why? head, I will certainly be looking at her, ? to miss, not their love. St. upload your past. br> His Majesty sat beside her sister, gentle smile. But He was not looking at her, glanced at a glance, it seems Looking back on what the step down, to the familiar charge of jade pool trance.
When I do, Prince, has wanted to marry you, let you do the next queen. Qijia, but Fu Huang has picked a woman, I do not want you to do side of the Princess, to put it down. So, I missed you , Yan child, you blame me with you? ? to sing
? You finally can not wait.
I closed my eyes no longer see him, the more Lingsong his hand and had to leave.
lift my chin with his hand, and cold, and arrogant tone, Sen Han, Open your eyes, you do not deliberately place the queen is to it? he can not give, I give. chest.
I lay an unknown palace.
propped himself asked her.
then come to my side, Kakitsubata play gooseberry to retire, his mouth grabbing a laugh, promise you. clothes, we like the two silver snakes haunt.
huge temple, leaving only the overwhelming touching and breathing.
8. do not have sadness Anhen Health
next day, he made hurried over toward.
I set the piece regardless of color Baoshan Xia, he picked up down the middle of my house to go out into the Fengyi.
line to the front of the hall, he will I put down, , you are my queen, ranking Fung House, no one can not replace your position. shoulder, affectionately snout of his lips, ; you hh then go to court, he will be running here, half coquetry to call me with his mother.
if he came back, Yu-Fu Huang children will call him sheepishly, and then run away.
At this point, I was surprised to find that I have more than two months without menstruation was.
homogeneous then transfer the physician to back my pulse is hi.
He held my hand and was very happy, our children. and Wan, love a plus.
40 days later, he made me sit beside him, to participate in the full moon They postponed ceremony.
sit up high, I clearly saw a familiar but implied Youhen eyes.
I'm smiling, got invited to the wine.
Xisan, Qi street is still awake, look the same, while Bi and Qi Qi Ming Ding Lan is difficult to make the trip, had sent someone back.
Tonight, Qi Qi Yuan natural break in the house.
I sigh, Yiyewumian.
Why so? Why?
9. clouds break ...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The beauty of solitude

 Lonely lonely beauty, is a beautiful heartache
mind when you hurt, you pay nothing when you need to return
is completely lonely lonely
only one of their own only the lonely feeling
were able to give you only the lonely can be a Si Anning
heal the trauma
alone, not by others
it is born in your heart, long in your heart < br> Until one day, you put down the burden
heal the wounds, will find themselves out of loneliness
how beautiful the world, this world lively
perhaps, when you go I will be happy
not lonely, lonely ...
many people thought very scary, but I think we should enjoy the solitude.
when you're alone, you can grasp the sense of loss since the sad pity share, you can save see themselves, but also recall a lot of things can not help crying when they fell asleep until Mimi ......< br> bitter only music, only Joy and sorrow.
is a lonely and sometimes vent, relax.
felt for a long time not to look at their small house looked a little familiar yet strange feeling.
snow today, finally can look at the world of snow, it is the United States.
the weather these days is not very good, with a bad mood up. young we should not have mention of the depressed, the fact is not so.
sometimes feel like very lonely place where a person remembered in the distant future, the unknown distance, her friends can not feel your well-being, a person seeking their ideal of an uncertainty. In order to target how to do what we can only strive for the .
loneliness really is a beautiful you?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

183 prefecture-level cities nationwide proposed international metropolis accused of the Great Leap Forward

 Rapid urbanization of rural land, the people enjoy the treatment migrant hard

urbanization can not be

Urbanization is an inevitable economic and social development trends and strong power. But if you do not follow the objective law of urban development, not gradual, difficult to healthy development of urbanization, not only damages the interests of farmers, will also have a severe

rapid urbanization

urbanization rate has reached 46.59% in China, only 30 years to catch up with the West 200 years of urbanization process

Statistics show that China's urbanization rate in 2009 reached 46.59%, we only use 30 years to catch up with the West 200 years of urbanization process.

reform and opening up 30 years, with the promotion of economic development and industrialization, urbanization greatly expedited. The rapid development of urbanization, economic development and expand employment space, and promoting economic prosperity and social progress, contributed.

law of China, vice president, said Hou-Yi Chen, from the sense of population, urbanization, the rural population into urban population in the process; from the geographical sense, urbanization, the population of a region is relatively concentrated in urban areas process.

to Chunling Central Party School professor, said the speed of urbanization in China in the 20th century, relatively slow 80's, 90's speed, speed up substantially since the new century. Business School, Renmin University of China Professor Chen Yongjun said that China has entered the urbanization rate from 30% to 70% of the development phase of accelerated urbanization.

faster than the population of urbanized land urbanization

urbanization of the final analysis, people who, instead of the urbanization of land

part of the process of urbanization of rural land into urban land use in the process, but also farmers into the public process. The real signs of urbanization is sufficient migrant employment and full members of the public interest. However, the urbanization process in China have seen a rapid urbanization of land in the human phenomenon of urbanization. Academy of Social Sciences published the

present, China's urbanization rate is 46.59%, while the urban household population proportion of the total population is only about 33%. This means that 13.6% or 128 million people living in the town did not really urbanization. Many migrant and did not become real people, and some farmers take to be urbanization, has become Some scholars of this city known as

statistics of the urban population lives in cities and towns more than half the resident population. Central Rural Work Leading Group, deputy head, said Chen Xiwen, director of the Office, in fact, China's urbanization rate is overvalued, the current statistics of the 600 million urban population, at least 200 million people do not enjoy the rights of the people.

urbanization in some places the impulse comes from financial dependence on land and do everything possible to farmers land into construction land, some farmers have occurred, serious damage to the interests of farmers.

2010, the national land price of 2.7 trillion yuan of total turnover, the proportion of total fiscal revenue reached 32.53%; 5 years, new construction sites nationwide approved more than 3300 mu.

Chongqing Technology and Business University, Associate Professor of Statistics, said Zhong Yi, the First, through compulsory land acquisition and resettlement, compensation for non-market prices, where the landless farmers from the transfer of wealth, urbanization in the urban and rural areas between the initial distribution of the value of wealth, leading to a room even richer, no room were poorer, the formation of secondary distribution of urbanization of the

migrant can not be in the enjoyment of public services and real people, forming the inequitable distribution of public services. Public Administration, Renmin University of China, Professor Liu Xin analysis, due to reasons of institutional mechanisms, many migrant people with the same lack of access to social security benefits, and not really into the city.

urbanization, should be the urban and rural economic and social development of urbanization, is to change the Mr Chen pointed out that domestic farmers are legal property rights, and social security is the provision of public services the government should not say that you want to get my public service, it is necessary to take for your own property. This replacement method is to create new imbalances.

long-term commitment, there is no tendency to pay sufficient attention to the floating population is often excluded by mainstream society, often deprived of their interests. Urbanization in the final analysis of the human community, not buildings and towns of technology. Urbanization is the farmers become citizens, rather than turn them into also worker-peasant, but also the city is also rural, displaced, migratory birds of

city is not only a beautiful appearance

urbanization have meaning, there must be sufficient capacity to absorb employment

product of urbanization, industrialization, urbanization, industrialization process should be accompanied by a step by step, rather than human Destructive Enthusiasm.

expert in rural areas, the Central Party School, said Professor Song industry, urbanization is not only beautiful appearance, but a connotation of urbanization, have sufficient capacity to absorb employment, or just a city of the surface .

the level of industrialization and urbanization process is not matched, in some places a lot of long-term idle land requisitioned a large number of migrant employment are not fully and effectively.

Liu Xin said, the driving force of industrialization, urbanization, industrialization and urbanization, but also to create conditions for the process of urbanization, we must give full consideration to support industrialization on urbanization, industrialization and urbanization into account the requirements and facilities.

stone hills, can learn. Britain and Japan urbanization to take full account of urbanization and industrialization, the close relationship, and social equity focus, better achieved urbanization. Britain's In the housing sector, the British Government in 1868 and 1875, twice issued Japan attaches great importance to the process of urbanization in the interests of farmers, on the one hand provide for the migrant and urban residents in the same social security and public identity, on the other hand strict employment protection for workers enterprises, with almost way into the city to ensure that farmers will not trouble.

economic laws will be punished.

urbanization should be gradual

over 200 prefecture-level cities in China, there are plans to build 183

leap forward in the process of urbanization phenomenon, there are two distinct features, one land, urbanization, rapid urbanization of the population, and second, the impulse to operate beyond the city's economic development law.

has sung industry, urban construction areas are public goods, over-reliance on land transfer there is a huge risk. Data showed that the

present, over-reliance on land transfer risk to repay the local debt accumulation dropped significantly once the land transfer, where the debt is difficult to pay. Auditor General Liu Jiayi Audit Commission recently revealed by the audit survey in 18 provinces, 16 cities and 36 counties in the class, the end of 2009, where the government debt balance of up to 2.79 trillion yuan.

more than the pursuit of practical needs of urbanization and urbanization have been lost on its role in promoting economic and social development, it could mutate into a distortion or over-urbanization.

to Chunling of this One of the manifestations, that is, the development of urban blindly, without regard to resources and environment carrying capacity. The second performance is the re-development of light pollution is a serious environmental price to pay. Performance of the three, is unrealistic, greedy big ocean. August 2010, China announced the selection of the city's international image survey results showed that 655 cities are planning

the core of the city, Chen Hou Yi said that the current urbanization continues to stress the government to China's urbanization not only to the Government to promote market-driven but also reduce the urban development of the non-market costs. This is the process of urbanization in China with particular attention to the problem.

Nanjing University School of Public Management Professor Zhang Hongyan analysis, the next 10-25 years is facing the urban social changes of society as a whole, this period, China will have 500 million -6 million agricultural population into urban population, which will is the largest in human history, social and geographical change one. This change will have the overall development of Chinese economy and society has played an invaluable role in promoting, but urban sustainable development, peasant migration, rational land use, regional integration, social class change, social justice and other issues, will be with the urbanization deepening, showing a small to large, from recessive to dominant, from local to regional development trend, and all levels of government on issues related to research and preparation is not sufficient.

the one hand, the promise of urbanization, the urbanization process on the one hand is the In respect of the laws of the city, the achievement of sustainable development. This is the way forward urbanization.