Monday, January 10, 2011

MySpace Lightning adjust China strategy executive changes in layoff

 CEO Wei Juyou net to ->
SAN Jan. 10 morning news, Myspace adjust its business in China Lightning: According to sources, MySpace China has recently conducted a large-scale layoffs, Juyou Network CEO Wei Lai (microblogging), and vice president of operations Leizhen sword had left.

foreign media last week reported that MySpace will turn off the international business world, most employees will be cut, but the MySpace China earlier hands-on: a month ago, is suddenly the end of November last year, their business the adjustment.

According to sources, MySpace China strategy adjustments very suddenly, the Board made a sudden decision to adjust the direction, and then to inform the management of Wei Lai, Lei Zhen Jian leave, and redundancy. Before the Board of Directors announced the news, MySpace, like any company management team, as business is done on the direction of the new year.

the above sources, MySpace Chinese employees laid off about two-thirds or so, the entire team about the current size of the dozens of people. The Board of Directors to set the direction of MySpace China, is the emphasis on mobile Internet, the next 1-2 months will see the results.

SAN phone call to Wei, he said there is not convenient to comment on the matter.

MySpace PR China, Sina science and technology to the relevant person in charge confirmed that the staff reductions, and Lei Zhen Jian Wei to leave a message, and said no other changes in senior management team. It is reported that MySpace China is currently the Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors Jack Gao, CEO duties temporarily, Jack Gao is the News Corporation's global vice president and Chief Representative in Beijing, MySpace China, News Corporation is one of the shareholders.

number of employees is not good statistics.

adjustment, he said, and MySpace because of the need to do close to the international strategy, global adjustment adjustments are part of MySpace. In the direction of future development, the responsible person will be consistent and, but whether it will favor the

According to foreign media reports, MySpace last year experienced a global massive layoffs, the company retained only under international offices in London, Berlin and Sydney offices. In the strategy, MySpace world has been re-designed the site to highlight its media assets, and the site is defined as music, games and entertainment center.

came last week the closure of international business news, were interpreted as a step to reverse the foreign media's latest business initiatives. . MySpace has not been profitable, News Corp. need for a substantial spending cuts.

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